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[MOD] Cirrus Extended - Support thread
Happy New Year for u Paradix

We wait for your news and we hope you free hours to code for us :-D
Happy new year everybody!

A few questions for the new year Smile

In the zombie osd, how would one achieve the following:


The area with the red arrows is not really needed here, can I get rid of it?
The artist's name, green arrow, is scrolling, the title of the track, blue arrow, is not scrolling, although it is longer than the space it has. This happens to most of my track titles, since they are very long in Irish traditional music. So if I could gain the space left and right, that would be handy. If that's not possible, how do I make the title of the track scroll? Or can I swap the title with the Artist? That would also be a good possibility.

Is there a way to exchange the background pic in the video sub section?
This one here:

And finally:
I would like to change the items in a few sub menus, like this one for movies:

I found a section in the Options that says you can adjust your sub menus, but it doesn't seem to work...If I tell Cirrus not to display e.g. Genre, it is still displayed.

Thanks a lot for your help and great work. Very much appreciated.
(2013-12-31, 20:01)Dingens Wrote: Next:
Is there a way to exchange the background pic in the video sub section?
This one here:

You can exchange the videos.jpg file in the backgrounds directory of the skin. This will have effect on every view that uses the videos.jpg

(2013-12-31, 20:01)Dingens Wrote: And finally:
I would like to change the items in a few sub menus, like this one for movies:

I found a section in the Options that says you can adjust your sub menus, but it doesn't seem to work...If I tell Cirrus not to display e.g. Genre, it is still displayed.

You can not change the items in this sections. This are created by xbmc itself and not dependant on the skin.

What you have found is the option to change the items in the slide out sub-menu on Home.
Anyone else experiencing that the fanart backgrounds dont show on the latest git version in Frodo 12.3? Also the skin installer in XBMC are showing the skin as broken.
See post #296 It's probably the same problem.
I'm still figuring out stuff with passion repo config.
@paradix: thanks! Worked fine for the videos.png. Any thoughts on the first question?
Thanks again
The Gotham Version of the skin has been updated. Probably all needed changes has been already made.
For now I didn't add any new features to the skin, besides those needed to keep the skin functional for Gotham.

As usual downloadable directly from github or ready to install from here

Please report any bugs you notice during usage with the alpha/nightly builds of Gotham. I'll do my best to fix them right on time for the Gotham release.
(2014-01-03, 22:44)paradix Wrote: See post #296 It's probably the same problem.
I'm still figuring out stuff with passion repo config.

It worked perfectly, thank you. Somehow the "Dim the background" option just made the background black.

The last version of the the skin in passion-xbmc has broken textures.
So do not download it or if it already happened just use this Textures.xbt instead.
Another possibility is to rename the media.xbt file in the skin directory into Textures.xbt
hello where are the files located?

to can fix it on my system

Is the new GIT on the way that it be fixed soon?[/quote]
(2014-01-08, 13:55)tb_filedealer Wrote: hello where are the files located?

to can fix it on my system

Is the new GIT on the way that it be fixed soon?

It all depends on what system you use and how you use XBMC.
On Windows 7 it's probably in c:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\skin.cirrus.extended.v3\media\
aim using latest Openelec and there is only a folder skin.confluence/media
(2014-01-08, 15:36)tb_filedealer Wrote: aim using latest Openelec and there is only a folder skin.confluence/media

skin.confluence is another skin. Here is where the files are located on a linux based system:
(2014-01-08, 09:30)paradix Wrote: Hi.

The last version of the the skin in passion-xbmc has broken textures.
So do not download it or if it already happened just use this Texture.xbt instead.
Another possibility is to rename the media.xbt file in the skin directory into Textures.xbt

Many thanks!

[update] under linux, "media.xbt" needs to be renamed "textures.xbt" and not "Texture.xbt" in the /media directory of the skin [/update]
Hey paradix!
Thanks for the great work on this great skin.
One request: Can you please add "substring(ListItem.mpaa, FSK 0)" to the two entries for the "FSK 0" rating in "IncludesCodecFlagging.xml"?
For now I have to do it manually everytime the skin updates on itself in order to properly show the "FSK 0"-Logo.

It'd need to be done for the two columns for ratings and newratings. Since all other entries include the "FSK [Age]"-Scheme I assume it has simply been forgotten.

Thanks in advance!

Greetz, Unr3aL67
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