2014-01-19, 19:33
(2014-01-19, 17:03)pcgirl Wrote: I already added the source for Playon for Netlix in XBMC.
I meant in the config.xml.
(2014-01-19, 17:03)pcgirl Wrote: I already added the source for Playon for Netlix in XBMC.
Author: BradVido88, angrycamel
Support thread is located here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=98210
JSONRPC - JSON-RPC API connectivity is required for this program to work.
XBMCWebServer - The URL of XBMC. You can include the username, password and port in the url if needed.
The XBMC Webserver must be enabled in XBMC settings.
AnnouncementPort - The TCP port that XBMC uses for JSON-RPC announcements. Default is 9090.
IMPORTANT: This requires going to System, Services, Remote Control and
checking "Allow Programs on this/others systems to control XBMC"
<XBMCWebServer>http://tvserver:[email protected]:8000</XBMCWebServer><!--Either name or ip, address of XBMC instance that has PlayOn added as a source. Do not include :port here. -->
<!-- Default is 9090 -->
Dropbox - This is the folder where all the Video's .strm files will be stored.
Inside this folder, subfolders will be created named "TV Shows", "Movies", and "Music Videos"
IMPORTANT: The dropbox must be a new folder used exclusively for this script.
Do not use an existing video source's folder!
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to use a smb share as your dropbox!
streaming - The "Main" dropbox where videos are put by default
On your computer, create a new folder, enter it's location here.
Then create 3 subfolders under it, named "TV Shows", "Movies", and "Music Videos".
Go into XBMC and add each of the 3 subfolders under the Videos, Files, Add Source, setting the content for each folder
Note: Use the same exact path in XBMC as you have here. Don't use a local path here and a UNC (smb://) path in XBMC.
LinuxSamba - If specified, this will be prepended to the local path you specified in <streaming>.
Useful if you use linux xbmc and your sources are on a smb share. Example: smb://COMPUTER_NAME
<streaming>\\\Media Server\Streams</streaming>
<!--For this to work, you must have a source named "Neflix" added to XBMC, which maps to Playon's Netflix subdirectory -->
<Netflix prefix="[Netflix] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set.
TV Episodes will have a prefix added to their title
<subfolder name="Documentaries" movie_set=" Netflix Instant Queue" /> -->
<!-- Get new movies from Netflix and add them to a movie set
<subfolder name="Documentaries" type="movies" movie_set=" Netflix Documentaries" />-->
<!--Get up to 50 episodes from the Sitcoms genre -->
<!--<subfolder name="Documentaries" max_videos="25" suffix=" [Netflix]" />-->
<subfolder name="Documentaries" recursive="true" max_videos="25" movie_tags="Netflix" >
<!--Get up to 50 episodes of new TV Episodes
<subfolder name="New Arrivals/New TV to watch instantly" type="episodes" max_videos="50"/> -->
<ABC prefix="[ABC] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!--Get up to 25 episodes of new TV Episodes -->
<subfolder name="ABC News/All/ABC 2020/Seasons/Season 36" max_videos="25" type="episodes" >
<contains>previous page</contains>
<contains>next page</contains>
(2014-01-19, 20:31)pcgirl Wrote:Code:<!--
Author: BradVido88, angrycamel
Support thread is located here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=98210
JSONRPC - JSON-RPC API connectivity is required for this program to work.
XBMCWebServer - The URL of XBMC. You can include the username, password and port in the url if needed.
The XBMC Webserver must be enabled in XBMC settings.
AnnouncementPort - The TCP port that XBMC uses for JSON-RPC announcements. Default is 9090.
IMPORTANT: This requires going to System, Services, Remote Control and
checking "Allow Programs on this/others systems to control XBMC"
<XBMCWebServer>http://tvserver:[email protected]:8000</XBMCWebServer><!--Either name or ip, address of XBMC instance that has PlayOn added as a source. Do not include :port here. -->
<!-- Default is 9090 -->
Dropbox - This is the folder where all the Video's .strm files will be stored.
Inside this folder, subfolders will be created named "TV Shows", "Movies", and "Music Videos"
IMPORTANT: The dropbox must be a new folder used exclusively for this script.
Do not use an existing video source's folder!
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to use a smb share as your dropbox!
streaming - The "Main" dropbox where videos are put by default
On your computer, create a new folder, enter it's location here.
Then create 3 subfolders under it, named "TV Shows", "Movies", and "Music Videos".
Go into XBMC and add each of the 3 subfolders under the Videos, Files, Add Source, setting the content for each folder
Note: Use the same exact path in XBMC as you have here. Don't use a local path here and a UNC (smb://) path in XBMC.
LinuxSamba - If specified, this will be prepended to the local path you specified in <streaming>.
Useful if you use linux xbmc and your sources are on a smb share. Example: smb://COMPUTER_NAME
<streaming>\\\Media Server\Streams</streaming>
Code:<!--For this to work, you must have a source named "Neflix" added to XBMC, which maps to Playon's Netflix subdirectory -->
<Netflix prefix="[Netflix] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set.
TV Episodes will have a prefix added to their title
<subfolder name="Documentaries" movie_set=" Netflix Instant Queue" /> -->
<!-- Get new movies from Netflix and add them to a movie set
<subfolder name="Documentaries" type="movies" movie_set=" Netflix Documentaries" />-->
<!--Get up to 50 episodes from the Sitcoms genre -->
<!--<subfolder name="Documentaries" max_videos="25" suffix=" [Netflix]" />-->
<subfolder name="Documentaries" recursive="true" max_videos="25" movie_tags="Netflix" >
<!--Get up to 50 episodes of new TV Episodes
<subfolder name="New Arrivals/New TV to watch instantly" type="episodes" max_videos="50"/> -->
<ABC prefix="[ABC] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!--Get up to 25 episodes of new TV Episodes -->
<subfolder name="ABC News/All/ABC 2020/Seasons/Season 36" max_videos="25" type="episodes" >
<contains>previous page</contains>
<contains>next page</contains>
So I have the Webserver set with my ip of my server and the same with the dropbox. Then I also went into XBMC and set the TV Shows and Movies sources with the same as above. the way the code is setup the custom_parser is Playon with the source setup in XBMC for Netflix in Playon. It works and finds the proper streams and puts them into the directories but it doesn't seem to add the prefix or suffix or tags.[/code]
Author: BradVido88, angrycamel
Support thread is located here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=98210
JSONRPC - JSON-RPC API connectivity is required for this program to work.
XBMCWebServer - The URL of XBMC. You can include the username, password and port in the url if needed.
The XBMC Webserver must be enabled in XBMC settings.
AnnouncementPort - The TCP port that XBMC uses for JSON-RPC announcements. Default is 9090.
IMPORTANT: This requires going to System, Services, Remote Control and
checking "Allow Programs on this/others systems to control XBMC"
<XBMCWebServer>http://xbmc-vm:5901</XBMCWebServer><!--Either name or ip, address of XBMC instance that has PlayOn added as a source. Do not include :port here. -->
<!-- Default is 9090 -->
Dropbox - This is the folder where all the Video's .strm files will be stored.
Inside this folder, subfolders will be created named "TV Shows", "Movies", and "Music Videos"
IMPORTANT: The dropbox must be a new folder used exclusively for this script.
Do not use an existing video source's folder!
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to use a smb share as your dropbox!
streaming - The "Main" dropbox where videos are put by default
On your computer, create a new folder, enter it's location here.
Then create 3 subfolders under it, named "TV Shows", "Movies", and "Music Videos".
Go into XBMC and add each of the 3 subfolders under the Videos, Files, Add Source, setting the content for each folder
Note: Use the same exact path in XBMC as you have here. Don't use a local path here and a UNC (smb://) path in XBMC.
LinuxSamba - If specified, this will be prepended to the local path you specified in <streaming>.
Useful if you use linux xbmc and your sources are on a smb share. Example: smb://COMPUTER_NAME
For example, if you are browsing UPNP sources on the same box they are hosted on, the address
may resolve as "" instead of the LAN IP. If you attempt to the play file on any
other computer, it will not work. We can fix this by replacing it with the correct IP.
<IPChange enabled="true">
<change from="" to="" />
<change from="localhost" to="" />
If enabled, videos that are not successfully added to XBMC's library (after the configured amount of hours, will me manually archived using .nfo files)
See here for details on manual archiving in XBMC: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Import_-_Export_Library#Video_nfo_Files -->
<ManualArchiving enabled="false">
<HoursThreshold>24.0</HoursThreshold><!--The video must have been archived at least this many hours ago before it will be manually archived -->
<!--When videos that were previously found are no longer found, they will be deleted from the dropbox as configured by these parameters -->
<HoursThreshold>8.0</HoursThreshold><!--The video must be missing for at least this many hours before it's deleted. -->
<ConsecutiveThreshold>3</ConsecutiveThreshold><!--The video must be missing for this many consecutive times before it's deleted (each time this program runs is consider 1 time). -->
<!-- Pre-Scrape Music Videos
If enabled, music vidoes will be scraped using the Yahoo Music API and a .nfo will be created for the video. Thumbs will also be scraped.
If pre-scrape is enabled, it is recommened to use the MTV Music Video scraper in XBMC,
this allows for fall-back to that scraper if the Yahoo scraped can't find the music video. -->
<PreScrapeMusicVids enabled="false" />
<!-- XBMC Restart before scan.
If enabled is true, XBMC will be restarted before this program scans for content. This fixes caching issues XBMC can have, expecially with UPNP sources like PlayOn.
If you set this to true, you should modify the res/XBMCRestart.cmd file in this program's directory to fit your needs. -->
<XBMCRestart enabled="false" />
<Playon path="upnp://0efe7020-1cc6-40f9-8b8b-e9062833eb3b/" custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >
<!-- NETFLIX -->
<subfolder name="Netflix/Instant Queue" recursive="true" suffix=" [Netflix]" movie_tags="Netflix"/>
These will be used to exclude content from all subfolders.
<regexp> - a regular expression to match
<contains> - a literal string to match on
both are case-insensitive
<contains>/No videos available</contains>
<regexp>/clip[s]?(/|$)</regexp><!--Prevent TV clip(s) from being archived (only want full episodes)-->
<!--shows that i dont want in my library-->
<contains>Dragon Ball Z</contains>
(2014-01-20, 00:47)pcgirl Wrote: Do you have Playon setup as a source in Videos?
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">smb://SRV-SAITOH/Videos/TV/</path>
<path pathversion="1">smb://SRV-SAITOH/Videos/Anime/</path>
<path pathversion="1">smb://SRV-SAITOH/Videos/Movies/</path>
<path pathversion="1">smb://SRV-SAITOH/Videos/UFC/</path>
<path pathversion="1">upnp://9b500737-7320-4a73-a2d6-967ad48156a3/netflix//</path>
<path pathversion="1">smb://SRV-SAITOH/Videos/Kids/</path>
<name>TV Shows Netflix</name>
<path pathversion="1">smb://SRV-SAITOH/Videos/streaming/TV Shows/</path>
<path pathversion="1">smb://SRV-SAITOH/Videos/streaming/TV Shows/</path>
<name>Movies Netflix</name>
<path pathversion="1">smb://SRV-SAITOH/Videos/streaming/Movies/</path>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">smb://SRV-SAITOH/Music/</path>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">C:\</path>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
<name>Netflix Movies </name>
<rule field="path" operator="contains">
<order direction="ascending">sorttitle</order>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Movies\</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\Movies\</path>
<name>TV Shows</name>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\TV Shows\</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\TV Shows\</path>
<path pathversion="1">upnp://77d831dc-e427-4720-a4cf-efc2742714a1/</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\Generic\TED.Talks\</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\Movies\</path>
<path pathversion="1">upnp://77d831dc-e427-4720-a4cf-efc2742714a1/hulu//</path>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">http://fusion.xbmchub.com/</path>
<path pathversion="1">http://xfinity.xunitytalk.com/</path>
(2014-01-20, 16:17)pcgirl Wrote: Something strange is happening. Since I changed my source locations to the IP address everything in my movies and tv shows is duplicating. When I look at the information of each show, one is located in \\\Media Server\Movies or \TV Shows and the other files information shows that it is located in D:\Movies or D:\TV shows which was what I had the sources set before. When I look at the source.xml it just shows the ip location. Why is XBMC still picking up the old source location? Is there a cache I have to clear? I have done numerous Library Cleans and I have restarted XBMC.
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Movies\</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\Movies\</path>
<name>TV Shows</name>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\TV Shows\</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\TV Shows\</path>
<path pathversion="1">upnp://77d831dc-e427-4720-a4cf-efc2742714a1/</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\Generic\TED.Talks\</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\Movies\</path>
<path pathversion="1">upnp://77d831dc-e427-4720-a4cf-efc2742714a1/hulu//</path>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">http://fusion.xbmchub.com/</path>
<path pathversion="1">http://xfinity.xunitytalk.com/</path>
<southpark path="plugin://plugin.video.southpark_de" recursive="true">
<subfolder name="Season 1" recursive="false" type="generic" force_series="South Park">
01/21/2014 12:18:15 AM DEBUG Archiving Found 0 files and 13 directories in southpark/Season 1
(2014-01-20, 21:38)spanktastic2120 Wrote:(2014-01-20, 16:17)pcgirl Wrote: Something strange is happening. Since I changed my source locations to the IP address everything in my movies and tv shows is duplicating. When I look at the information of each show, one is located in \\\Media Server\Movies or \TV Shows and the other files information shows that it is located in D:\Movies or D:\TV shows which was what I had the sources set before. When I look at the source.xml it just shows the ip location. Why is XBMC still picking up the old source location? Is there a cache I have to clear? I have done numerous Library Cleans and I have restarted XBMC.
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Movies\</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\Movies\</path>
<name>TV Shows</name>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\TV Shows\</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\TV Shows\</path>
<path pathversion="1">upnp://77d831dc-e427-4720-a4cf-efc2742714a1/</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\Generic\TED.Talks\</path>
<path pathversion="1">\\\Media Server\Streams\Movies\</path>
<path pathversion="1">upnp://77d831dc-e427-4720-a4cf-efc2742714a1/hulu//</path>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">http://fusion.xbmchub.com/</path>
<path pathversion="1">http://xfinity.xunitytalk.com/</path>
Because both paths are valid, they each take xbmc to the same place with the same content. Remove the one without an IP address from your sources list on xbmc and select yes to clean up items from that path or whatever the dialog asks.
(2014-01-21, 02:02)pcgirl Wrote: OK, I must be really missing something. I removed all my sources in Videos except for Playon and Hulu. These are under Files in the Video section. However when I go to Movies or TV Shows my Movies and TV Shows that are on my server are still showing. How is this possible? When I click on information I can see the source of \\\Media Server\Movies or \\\Media Server\Tv Shows. Where is it getting the source from?
Quote:When you remove a source it asks you if you want to remove all the files in that source from the library, you are selecting no. Add the sources you want removed from your library back, set the content to whatever and hit ok. It will prompt you to scan that directory for new content, say no. Then edit the source and set content to "none" and xbmc will prompt you to remove everything from that path from the library, say yes.I had done this but I did say yes to remove everything from the library.
Quote:Alternatively, rename whatever folder contains all of your content you want removed from the library to anything else and then clean the library. The library cleaning function checks if the item is still located at the path it thinks it is, and if it isnt it removes it from the library.I will try this method and see if it helps.
(2014-01-22, 03:57)Sleuteltje Wrote: I'm having the problem that some listings in the menu are the same, for example:
- Lingo
- Lingo
- Lingo
When viewing the items in the addon in xbmc they also have the same name, but they all show a different date at the right side.
But when scraping them with xbmc.mylibrary it only scrapes a file called Lingo.strm, and skips the other 2 since it's already created "Lingo.strm"
Does somebody know how to include the dates so i end up with something like "Lingo - 01/01/01.strm"?
It would be greatly appreciated!
(2014-01-22, 04:52)spanktastic2120 Wrote: What do you mean by "at the right side"? The only thing mylibrary can see is the name of the item, any associated metadata it is blind to.