- Changed custom script handling (thx @ rob hodge)
It's no longer a pre-launch script, it executed instead of chrome and passes the parameters to it.
An example script is included. Copy it somewhere and make it executable...
(2014-01-08, 17:36)PaKman171175 Wrote: Apologies for a "newbie" question, but I've recently bought "The Little Black Box" as my introduction to XBMC and am very pleased with it. I've managed to install many "repos" and "addons" and also installed and configured "NetFliXBMC" and "Chrome" but it seems Chrome will not launch, no errors, no windows. I believe TLBB is a Linux install of XBMC although I'm not entirely sure, and if it is, it would seem I need to install Pipelight. However, the Pipelight instructions are command lines so I've no idea how I can install Pipelight onto TLBB.
Has anyone else managed to do this and able to help?
I notice from trawling the forum that TLBB is not exactly popular with experienced XBMC users and not sure if it's because it's a newish product or just not that good. I went for this because it came with and works with a fully working remote.
Thanks in advance
Sorry, but i guess pipelight won't run on TLBB...
(2014-01-09, 21:32)smallclone Wrote: Installed but I just get "chrome not found" when I try to run the vimeo or youtube links.
Set your chrome path...
(2014-01-10, 03:27)capomatt Wrote: Thanks for the great work on the add-on!
Things are kind of working for me but I'm having some issues with Chrome going full-screen. Running Win7 (64-bit) and when Chrome opens up, the taskbar is still visible. I can click the "fullscreen" button on the video and that takes care of things, but then I can't use Ctrl+W to close the window. I can use Alt+F4 to close the window but I have to do it twice - once to get the video out of fullscreen and again to close the window. This happens in both the Amazon Video and NetfliXBMC add-ons. Any ideas?
In the latest netflixbmc version, the pipelight fullscreen mode is used. If using the Control Utility, you can close it by just pressing one key.
(2014-01-11, 01:55)stealthdave72 Wrote: Small feature request: could you add the option to specify a user-agent for a given url and/or a custom parameters option? Ideally, we could have the following two options:
- Use a pre-defined Windows user-agent string instead of system default (the same one you use for NetfliXBMC would be great)
- Use custom parameters instead of Chrome Launcher defaults (covers all other options)
This could cover scenarios like Netflix where they sniff for OS or other information, or whatever we might need a custom launch option for.
Already implemented. But the custom User-Agent parameter is only used under Linux because it only makes sense there.
Maybe i will add some custom parameter stuff, but for now you'll need to edit the code.
(2014-01-15, 06:04)tobi1504 Wrote: Hi there,
somebody asked this question before, but i did not see an answer.
I get the error message "Chrome not found". I'm running XBMC on boxee box.
Can anybody help me to get this work?
I guess Chrome is not available for boxee box.
(2014-01-16, 00:26)stealthdave72 Wrote: I've searched the thread here and in the NetfliXBMC/Amazon Prime plugin threads, but haven't been able to come up with an answer or solution to this particular issue:
Is it possible to close the Chrome browser via the Web Remote? Or better yet, map the Web Remote to specific keys so that we can control the page in the browser via the web remote?
The Web Remote is our only control mechanism for the two instances of XBMC in our home, and while the Chrome plugin definitely works well, it's impractical at best to open up a VNC connection to control it. Any thoughts on how this might be accomplished? I suspect it might need to happen at least partly at the plugin level.
Not yet, sorry. But i'll integrate some way to control it via web remote.
(2014-01-20, 07:37)rob hodge Wrote: There's also a second error In that script.
the last line should be:
so, here is the script that will make it all fall into place on XBMCbuntu.
openbox &
chromium-browser "$@"
kill %1
this should take care of it all.
in case i transposed something, this is the more hacked at version i am running right now, cut and pasted. it works perfectly on my system.
openbox &
chromium-browser "$@" &
wait %2
kill %1
functionally the same, but a bit more robust possibly.
now, can i ask for a boon? can the author put an option in the extensions properties to open just fullscreen instead of kiosk? i want to be able to get to the full interface, but to have it launch fullscreen without an address bar.
also, anyone hack in remote control support under XBMCbuntu?
I added your script as an example to the addon.
You can disable kiosk mode via the addon settings. But as far as i know, there is no parameter to start it in fullscreen mode. But maybe Chrome remembers it when you manually switch to fullscreen mode...
(2014-01-23, 01:09)stealthdave72 Wrote: You're probably right, but the programmer in me finds it "sloppy" to just "killall".
In what situation are all chrome instances killed? Normally the user closes Chrome and it does not get killed...
(2014-01-23, 01:09)stealthdave72 Wrote: Not to worry, though: I got it working! You can test it from my GitHub repository here:
I had a quick look at it - looks like a workaround because of the usage of the xbmc dialog.
When i find some time i'll implement some more general way to get web remote working. With all usefull commands, not only closing chrome...