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Bugs and Suggestions
Hi Nessus

I think I found a bug.

In the My Movies, My TV and the My Music section you cannot exit with the esc key like you can in the other menus.

Using standard xbmc keyboard mappings:

Backspace works as the Back key
ESC does not as the Previous menu OR Home screen

You are right,
also here is the same.
don't know if it a bug or a choice.
we have to hear Nessus, but if you think that is a bug or if you want ask Nessus about it, is better open an issue on github
have the band LOGO appear in visualization mode like so
Good Idea?
Indeed. Added to github for the future updates

That's a standard behavior. I may change it in the future but for now it stays like that.

As for the more rows in PVR the thing is that i like it like that. It's clean and simple like the rest of the skin.
Nevertheless will see if can add some more rows although won't be so many as you suggest.
Added to github https://github.com/Nessus85100/Bello/issues/29


I noticed that when i go in visualization mode to see the lyrics of a song thats playing,
well, in BELLO v.1.5.5 the lyrics appear but they dont scroll down by themselves.,,

I then restarted a fresh build of BELLO v.1.5.2
and everything works as expected, lyrics are scrolling by themselves...

So its definitely a little bug in BELLO v1.5.5 ,,,,

also, if we could have also an option at the top , next to lyrics,
to always display/Lock the lyrics when in visualization mode...
it would be awesome instead of having to always manually toggle that lyrics option!!

They scrolling fine at my end. Keep in mind of this :
(2014-01-06, 22:30)ronie Wrote: 1)that's what lrc based (synchronised) lyrics are for basically. they're not always available though.
auto scrolling by length calculations is not something i'm interested in. it will be a hit and miss at best.

I don't like the idea of always displaying the lyrics in visualization screen and i will not add option for that.

I think this may be my first post in XBMC Forum, having been a lurker for a long time :-)
I'm delighted to say that my first post goes to say "Thanks" to @nessus for Bello - I think Bello will be the skin to sway it for me as regards making the XBMC a permanent feature in our Living Room. We've had a Windows Mediacenter with full LiveTV , good EPG and everything that goes with it for the last 5 or so years. I'm now using an Enigma2 Satellite box (Amiko Alien2) as a back end, and my HTPC running XBMC/Bello as a front-end.

In my opinion, Bello has as much or as little as you want as far as bells and whistled. Thanks again.

My only wish/request would be similar to @CV8R, i.e. more lines in the EPG (And channels)
I'd also love to be able to map a remote button to change channel groups within the EPG screen, or to have the "back" button back out of the EPG frame into an overhead field to select same. I think mapping a key to cycle through the groups might be simpler.
I'm not afrad to get my hands dirty - have some slight experience with web programming / screen x/y etc.

Could you do me a favour please and just give me a pointer to the particular XML file and I'd love to have a go at it myself.



(2014-01-20, 11:18)nessus Wrote: Indeed. Added to github for the future updates

That's a standard behavior. I may change it in the future but for now it stays like that.

As for the more rows in PVR the thing is that i like it like that. It's clean and simple like the rest of the skin.
Nevertheless will see if can add some more rows although won't be so many as you suggest.
Added to github https://github.com/Nessus85100/Bello/issues/29

Possible Bug?
In line 1282 of ViewsPVR.xml there is a stray "." after "image" - changing it to <control type="image"> displays the Channel Picon correctly for me where it was blank previously.
Is not a bug. The code is there but i like it without the icons. Is more cleaner. That's why is disabled with the dot character.

That's cool!
I wonder could you help me with the EPG - Timeline View. I wonder how to change the position or remove altogether the label "EPG Timeline"

(2014-02-05, 11:31)nessus Wrote: Is not a bug. The code is there but i like it without the icons. Is more cleaner. That's why is disabled with the dot character.

Hi everyone,

This must have been asked already but I can't find anything about it...

Would it be possible to customize the sub-menus? I don't care about years, actors or studios in the movies sub-menus, but I'd love to see mashup or istream there... Same for the music, I'd like to see my radio somewhere in the sub-menus, add-ons and favorites.

Maybe there's a way to do it but I haven't found it? Maybe it has to do with quicknav buttons? I havent found what they are for yet... and how to trigger them.
It is impossible to customize the sub-menus. Could you use other buttons.
Not possible without editing the xml files. The code is here...

any possibility of the skin getting full hd treatment?
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