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Release TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data
(2014-02-19, 08:44)warlion Wrote: still i was unable to see any status id for TBD/On The Bubble but i can live without it

This will only show up if a show has a blank Status field. For instance:

Quote:btw any chance to update for gotham?
dbid = 'videodb://2/2/'

I'll look into that. Thanks for pointing that out.

(2014-02-19, 08:49)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-02-19, 08:11)WayneD Wrote: The alternative would be to give each future episode the info from the prior episode in the list.

After thinking about this a bit more, I decided I like this idea better. Then I noticed that your skin has "Previous Episode", which seems to agree with this. Updated.

Thanks for the clarification on your API question. In's function get_show(), it lists this url:
url = "%s/series/%s/%s.xml" % (self.base_xml_url, show_id, self.language)

So, one possible result would be:


perfect Wayne thanks so much you really make it a lot faster, i really like it,

(2014-02-19, 08:59)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-02-19, 08:44)warlion Wrote: still i was unable to see any status id for TBD/On The Bubble but i can live without it

This will only show up if a show has a blank Status field. For instance:

after thinking a little bit more this status i dont think will fit correctly

TBD is "To Be Decided" when a show is still aired but dont had a date for the next episode

why dont change you status of
elif status == '':
status_id = '2' # TBD/On the bubble

to -1 and add new if statement

if status == 'Continuing':
if not next_ep:
status_id = '2' # TBD
status_id = '0' #Returning

im so sorry im suck in python i understand the code but i dont know how it work
(2014-02-19, 09:00)warlion Wrote: TBD is "To Be Decided" when a show is still aired but dont had a date for the next episode

It's my understanding that the TBD is that the renewal is still to be decided, not the next episode date. Thus it's not the right value for a known-renewed show that doesn't yet have a release date. The only way on thetvdb to indicate that a show is in renewal limbo (on the bubble) is to set the status to empty.

do you want to add timezone support in the future as it is in the original add-on?
HTPC LibreELEC 9.0 - Xperience1080+
RPi3 LibreELEC Milhouse build - Arctic Zephyr
(2014-02-19, 10:29)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-02-19, 09:00)warlion Wrote: TBD is "To Be Decided" when a show is still aired but dont had a date for the next episode

It's my understanding that the TBD is that the renewal is still to be decided, not the next episode date. Thus it's not the right value for a known-renewed show that doesn't yet have a release date. The only way on thetvdb to indicate that a show is in renewal limbo (on the bubble) is to set the status to empty.

thanks for clarify

also wayne i notice something
when a show like this one
had the aired time to 00:00 the script will give you ??:??
(2014-02-19, 10:34)warlion Wrote: had the aired time to 00:00 the script will give you ??:??

Ouch. Apparently a midnight time will eval as a bool False. I've fixed this in the code.

(2014-02-19, 10:33)freem@n Wrote: do you want to add timezone support in the future as it is in the original add-on?

Please clarify what you mean -- it's my understanding that the new script handles timezones the same way as the old script.

One thing that I was thinking of adding was an override setting that would let the user say "override this country's timezone to the local timezone". For instance, if someone on the west-coast USA set an override of "USA", it would change USA shows to be in the Pacific timezone instead of Eastern timezone translated to Pacific time.

If you have other ideas of what would be useful, please let me know.

(2014-02-19, 17:57)WayneD Wrote: Ouch. Apparently a midnight time will eval as a bool False. I've fixed this in the code.

thanks Wayne it work perfect now it feels like the old one but a lot faster , thanks for you hard work
@WayneD: I mean my favorite US-tvshows are somewhere between 3 and 4AM on TV measured in my central european timezone (GMT+1). but in your addon they appear as 9-10PM one day behind. :/ in the original addon the correct time is displayed.
HTPC LibreELEC 9.0 - Xperience1080+
RPi3 LibreELEC Milhouse build - Arctic Zephyr
@freem@n: Make sure you've got the latest code unzipped. There was a recent bug where "USA" didn't have a timezone, so it got the default timezone of GMT+1, and thus you'd see them as though they were scheduled in your local day & time. This was fixed yesterday.

Wayne if you are interested this is the spanish translation

Love this plugin.
Has 2 problems with it

1. Have over 400 series and it takes forever to scan, so long that you tend to give up and abort. Is it not posible to automaticaly skip all series that are marked as discontinued in tvdb?

2. Some series have logos, some posters, others have banners and some have none. Its hard to make any sence of data when it only gives you blank + s04e08. Is it possisble to have a fallback that gives you series name in text if chosen artwork do not excist for the show?

For my part I'm really enjoying this update work perfect for me , I had a request that I been wanting since v1, Notification when a show is going to be aired , or synchronizing with google calendar both will be amazing but I don't had much hope for the google stuff, I think notifications will be really easy to implement but like I said before i suck on python
I'd like to know is this is hard coded somewhere or if it's possible to change the pictures for the following: Ended, Returning, IMDB ratings etc. I'd like to use my own pictures (in french) but I don't know how to do that or where to start from. Could somebody guide me a little bit?


(2014-02-20, 08:31)warlion Wrote: That's actually meant for TV show next aired script but you fomd that on media/tvguide on your Aeon nox skin

I looked into the directory \skin.Aeon-Nox-4.1.9-master\media\tvguide and no images look like the ones I want to change. How can I achieve this? I saw two images with an "X" but what about the text? I looked into \addons\\resources\language and there is no entry for the french language. How can I add these entries? Do I just create a directory named "French" in /language?
That's because you are using the color theme of neurosis
(2014-02-20, 13:38)karlake Wrote: 1. Have over 400 series and it takes forever to scan, so long that you tend to give up and abort. Is it not posible to automaticaly skip all series that are marked as discontinued in tvdb?
That was one of the 2 big reasons that made me start to improve the script -- the super slow scanning. Once I saw that it was taking quite a long time for each underlying tvrage API call to return (and it often timed out, causing about a minute of do-nothing per show), I knew that we needed something different. Give the new script a try and you should be pleasantly surprised. It also helps to be running a skin that starts up the background updater (e.g. MQ5) so that you never have to see any updating in the UI (unless you choose to).

As for the skipping of discontinued shows, that was always in the script but (sadly) any shows that were skipped due to an abort or a timeout vanished from the db, so it would often lose track of what shows were cancelled (this is also fixed in the new script).

Quote:2. Some series have logos, some posters, others have banners and some have none. Its hard to make any sence of data when it only gives you blank + s04e08. Is it possisble to have a fallback that gives you series name in text if chosen artwork do not exist for the show?
That's a question for the skin designers (of which I am not one). Next Aired just gives the skin the info, and it's up to it to style and display it.

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TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data8