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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
05/24/2014 07:40:25 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Exact match = false for regular match. Checked if Subfolder: "Playon/Netflix/My List" = "Playon/HGTV"
05/24/2014 07:40:25 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Skipping because it does not match a Subfolder: Playon/HGTV
05/24/2014 07:40:25 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Exact match = false for regular match. Checked if Subfolder: "Playon/Netflix/My List" = "Playon/DIY Network".

What does this mean? I know supposed to have a subfolder for each channel or plugin .
is this plugin compatible with Gotham? is it active. I note that the latest version is from 2012.

(2014-05-31, 18:07)mrbougles Wrote: is this plugin compatible with Gotham? is it active. I note that the latest version is from 2012.


This is not an add-on. It is a completely separate program that takes external sources, creates files that XBMC can scan, and then triggers a scan. The trigger scanning is the only XBMC compatibility thing you have to worry about, and that does work with Gotham.
Hey I'm trying to get this addon called KissAnime Working. The main problem is the color code (ex. [COLOR]blue[/COLOR]) that surrounds titles. Eventually I'll get around to disabling all of the color code but for now but I'm trying this on titles without it.

The problem I'm running into is that for when I can get it to work for single season shows the Seasons are messed up and adds it as a "Season.0". Naturally tvdb won't scrape properly for S00E01.

This also occurs with the USTV Vod addon on a show like 24. I know the only season that is available is the 9th "Live Another Day" and the way the title is setup "Day 9 11:00-12:00pm" makes the sorting reversed.

Is there anyway to force the season numbering on shows that I know have only one season? And a way to reverse the order?

Here's the search filtering I'm using

<KissAnime path="plugin://plugin.video.kissanime" recursive="true" prefix="(KA)" >
            <subfolder name="Online Bookmarks [Account]/Black Bullet" type="episodes" force_tvdb="true" >
                <contains>[Show Plot]</contains>

My Log

Is it possible to change the scraper/API used by MyLibrary to something other than TVDB, for days like today when TVDB is down?
(2014-06-03, 05:03)elmerohueso Wrote: Is it possible to change the scraper/API used by MyLibrary to something other than TVDB, for days like today when TVDB is down?

I don't believe so. The TVDB logic is all hard coded into the Java, so someone would have to add additional logic for a fallback lookup mechanism and then recompile all the Java stuff.
(2014-05-31, 18:07)mrbougles Wrote: is this plugin compatible with Gotham? is it active. I note that the latest version is from 2012.


Yes it's compatible with Gotham. I haven't released any new versions lately mostly because it's been working perfectly and quietly for my use case.
The code is available for anyone to submit patches and feature requests.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Well I was able to fix my problem by directly editing the addon code so that the season and episode would show up in front of the episode title.

The only issue I'm having now is that when I watch the shows from my library it does not automatically mark them as watched, Any reason for that?
Yes, it's because XBMC sees the .strm as a playlist and when it plays the content inside it (the actual video you watch), it marks that video watched but not the playlist. I believe there is a trac ticket for this issue if you search.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Did anyone figure out to make a searchfilter for Istream of xbmc yet?
I understand roughly how this program works but for the life of me can't get it to work. I create the Dropbox directory on D:/Drop Box and have the relevant sub directories for Movies, TV Shows and Music Videos. I have the latest version of Java installed so I edit the 64 bit exe file to show this from version 6 to 7 as I'm using Win7 64 bit. I also enable the allow XBMC to be controlled option by http and set a username and password. I have also added the Drop Box sub folders to video files and set the folder type to movies, tv shows and so on. I then try to edit the .xml file and this is where I struggle. I kind of know what details I need to put but not exactly where to put them.

I am not interested in Amazon, Hulu or any subscription services. All I want to do is be able to right click a movie from an addon, say from GoMovies and the add it to library. Then I want to go to the video library and see the Movies folder with my movies I have added in it. Same goes for tv shows.

I think I just need help with the XML file that's all. If anyone can help and maybe give me an example of what I have to put in the file I would appreciate it.

(2014-06-04, 21:37)NoOneYouKnow Wrote: I understand roughly how this program works but for the life of me can't get it to work. I create the Dropbox directory on D:/Drop Box and have the relevant sub directories for Movies, TV Shows and Music Videos. I have the latest version of Java installed so I edit the 64 bit exe file to show this from version 6 to 7 as I'm using Win7 64 bit. I also enable the allow XBMC to be controlled option by http and set a username and password. I have also added the Drop Box sub folders to video files and set the folder type to movies, tv shows and so on. I then try to edit the .xml file and this is where I struggle. I kind of know what details I need to put but not exactly where to put them.

I am not interested in Amazon, Hulu or any subscription services. All I want to do is be able to right click a movie from an addon, say from GoMovies and the add it to library. Then I want to go to the video library and see the Movies folder with my movies I have added in it. Same goes for tv shows.

I think I just need help with the XML file that's all. If anyone can help and maybe give me an example of what I have to put in the file I would appreciate it.


I think you dont understand what this program is for. First its not a XBMC addon, its a standalone program that interacts with a running XBMC. You cannot access it from XBMC nor control it from XBMC. Its primary use is to allow you to index video content from different online sources (ie: Amazon,Netflix, Playon and Hulu) into XBMC so they can be view like local library content. If you search this thread (yes there are many pages Smile ) you will find lots of config.xml example snippets and full that should point you in the right directions.

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
(2014-06-04, 21:56)saitoh183 Wrote:
(2014-06-04, 21:37)NoOneYouKnow Wrote: I understand roughly how this program works but for the life of me can't get it to work. I create the Dropbox directory on D:/Drop Box and have the relevant sub directories for Movies, TV Shows and Music Videos. I have the latest version of Java installed so I edit the 64 bit exe file to show this from version 6 to 7 as I'm using Win7 64 bit. I also enable the allow XBMC to be controlled option by http and set a username and password. I have also added the Drop Box sub folders to video files and set the folder type to movies, tv shows and so on. I then try to edit the .xml file and this is where I struggle. I kind of know what details I need to put but not exactly where to put them.

I am not interested in Amazon, Hulu or any subscription services. All I want to do is be able to right click a movie from an addon, say from GoMovies and the add it to library. Then I want to go to the video library and see the Movies folder with my movies I have added in it. Same goes for tv shows.

I think I just need help with the XML file that's all. If anyone can help and maybe give me an example of what I have to put in the file I would appreciate it.


I think you dont understand what this program is for. First its not a XBMC addon, its a standalone program that interacts with a running XBMC. You cannot access it from XBMC nor control it from XBMC. Its primary use is to allow you to index video content from different online sources (ie: Amazon,Netflix, Playon and Hulu) into XBMC so they can be view like local library content. If you search this thread (yes there are many pages Smile ) you will find lots of config.xml example snippets and full that should point you in the right directions.

So can I not do what I want and add movies from a stream addon like GoMovies to the library and then see it in a movies folder under library? Can it not be used that way? Is it only for Amazon or similar? I thought it could be used with any source as it uses .strm files in the drop box.
(2014-06-04, 22:32)NoOneYouKnow Wrote:
(2014-06-04, 21:56)saitoh183 Wrote:
(2014-06-04, 21:37)NoOneYouKnow Wrote: I understand roughly how this program works but for the life of me can't get it to work. I create the Dropbox directory on D:/Drop Box and have the relevant sub directories for Movies, TV Shows and Music Videos. I have the latest version of Java installed so I edit the 64 bit exe file to show this from version 6 to 7 as I'm using Win7 64 bit. I also enable the allow XBMC to be controlled option by http and set a username and password. I have also added the Drop Box sub folders to video files and set the folder type to movies, tv shows and so on. I then try to edit the .xml file and this is where I struggle. I kind of know what details I need to put but not exactly where to put them.

I am not interested in Amazon, Hulu or any subscription services. All I want to do is be able to right click a movie from an addon, say from GoMovies and the add it to library. Then I want to go to the video library and see the Movies folder with my movies I have added in it. Same goes for tv shows.

I think I just need help with the XML file that's all. If anyone can help and maybe give me an example of what I have to put in the file I would appreciate it.


I think you dont understand what this program is for. First its not a XBMC addon, its a standalone program that interacts with a running XBMC. You cannot access it from XBMC nor control it from XBMC. Its primary use is to allow you to index video content from different online sources (ie: Amazon,Netflix, Playon and Hulu) into XBMC so they can be view like local library content. If you search this thread (yes there are many pages Smile ) you will find lots of config.xml example snippets and full that should point you in the right directions.

So can I not do what I want and add movies from a stream addon like GoMovies to the library and then see it in a movies folder under library? Can it not be used that way? Is it only for Amazon or similar? I thought it could be used with any source as it uses .strm files in the drop box.

It should be able but i have never seen anyone use it for GoMovies.

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
(2014-06-04, 18:00)steve55792 Wrote: Did anyone figure out to make a searchfilter for Istream of xbmc yet?

You don't need this program for Istream. Istream has it's own library integration that is much simpler and better.
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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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