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Release XBMC LCDproc Python addon
Will this do?
I think that this is a 4-bit connection which I use for connecting lcd to microcontrolers.

If this is it, does the LCDproc automatically detect where the lcd is connected or i have to define it first (and where).
Then does the program already display movie and music info. or do i have to write a program that does that?

Just upgraded from Gotham RC1 to official Gotham release using XBMCBuntu and my LCDproc add-on is no more working.
Here's what I found in my xbmc.log file:

19:16:25 T:2778499904   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>
                                            Error Contents: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/home/nicolas/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/lcdmain.py", line 144, in <module>
                                              File "/home/nicolas/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/lcdmain.py", line 106, in process_lcd
                                                if handleConnectLCD():
                                              File "/home/nicolas/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/lcdmain.py", line 127, in handleConnectLCD
                                                ret = g_lcdproc.Initialize()
                                              File "/home/nicolas/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/resources/lib/lcdproc.py", line 211, in Initialize
                                                if LcdBase.Initialize(self):
                                              File "/home/nicolas/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/resources/lib/lcdbase.py", line 212, in Initialize
                                                if not self.LoadSkin(__lcdxml__, False) and not bGotDefaultSkin:
                                              File "/home/nicolas/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/resources/lib/lcdbase.py", line 340, in LoadSkin
                                                self.LoadMode(tmpMode, LCD_MODE.LCD_MODE_SCREENSAVER)
                                              File "/home/nicolas/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/resources/lib/lcdbase.py", line 392, in LoadMode
                                                linetext = str(line.text).strip()
                                            UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

Any idea?

Thanks Smile
(2014-05-13, 19:32)Bingoig11 Wrote: Here's what I found in my xbmc.log file:

Mind uploading your LCD.xml somewhere? Please put in a ZIP (or RAR, or whatever) before uploading.

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
(2014-05-13, 19:43)herrnst Wrote:
(2014-05-13, 19:32)Bingoig11 Wrote: Here's what I found in my xbmc.log file:

Mind uploading your LCD.xml somewhere? Please put in a ZIP (or RAR, or whatever) before uploading.


Here it is:

Let me know if you're having any issue to get it.
(2014-05-13, 20:19)Bingoig11 Wrote: Let me know if you're having any issue to get it.
Worked, thanks.

Finding it quite interesting why it bombs out on that file (besides it doesn't on my Gotham install)... Please do the following (if possible):

- Stop the addon using the XBMC addon manager, or shutdown XBMC
- With a text editor, open up /home/nicolas/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/resources/lib/lcdbase.py
- Move to line 392 (should say "linetext = str(line.text).strip()"
- Right above the line, put
log(xbmc.LOGWARNING, "line contents - %s" % (line.text))

be very careful to use the same indenting as the "linetext =..." line below it!
- Save the file, close editor
- Start the addon again, or start XBMC (depending what you did at the beginning)

Reproduce the problem, and then pastebin the crash output from xbmc.log, but including any "line contents" warnings. So at least we should see on what exact string it barfs.

Note: You can undo the changes later by simply uninstalling and reinstalling the addon from the XBMC addon repo - your LCD.xml will be kept intact when doing this.

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
Here it is Smile

21:39:26 T:2854034240   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect: Caught exception, aborting.
21:39:26 T:2854034240   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect failed. Retry in 8 seconds.
21:39:34 T:2854034240   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect: Caught exception, aborting.
21:39:34 T:2854034240   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect failed. Retry in 16 seconds.
21:39:50 T:2854034240   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect: Caught exception, aborting.
21:39:50 T:2854034240   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect failed. Retry in 32 seconds.
21:39:52 T:2778499904  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
21:39:52 T:2778499904  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
21:40:22 T:2854034240  NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connected to LCDd at, Protocol version 0.3 - Geometry 16x2 characters (96x16 pixels, 6x8 pixels per character)
21:40:23 T:2854034240  NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Driver information reply: SoundGraph iMON LCD driver v0.6 : 15c2:ffdc and 15c2:0038
21:40:23 T:2854034240  NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - SoundGraph iMON LCD detected
21:40:24 T:2854034240  NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Loading settings from /home/nicolas/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/resources/LCD.xml.defaults
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] $INFO[Player.Time]/$INFO[Player.Duration]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.Title]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.Album] ($INFO[MusicPlayer.Year])
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] $INFO[Player.Time]/$INFO[Player.Duration]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[VideoPlayer.Title]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[VideoPlayer.Genre]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.ProgressBar]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - Freemem: $INFO[System.FreeMemory]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] $INFO[Player.Time]/$INFO[Player.Duration]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[VideoPlayer.Title]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.ProgressBar]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - Freemem: $INFO[System.FreeMemory]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - XBMC running...
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[System.Time] $INFO[System.Date]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - Freemem: $INFO[System.FreeMemory]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[System.ScreenWidth]x$INFO[System.ScreenHeight] $INFO[System.ScreenMode]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[System.CurrentWindow]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[System.CurrentControl]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - Freemem: $INFO[System.FreeMemory]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[System.ScreenWidth]x$INFO[System.ScreenHeight] $INFO[System.ScreenMode]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[System.CurrentWindow]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.TimeWide21]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - Playing
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[System.LaunchXBE]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[VideoPlayer.ChannelName]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[VideoPlayer.Title]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] $INFO[Player.Time]/$INFO[Player.Duration]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.ProgressBar]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.ChannelName]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.Title]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] $INFO[Player.Time]/$INFO[Player.Duration]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.ProgressBar]
21:40:24 T:2854034240  NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Loading settings from /home/nicolas/.xbmc/userdata/LCD.xml
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] $INFO[Player.Time]/$INFO[Player.Duration]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.Title]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.Album] ($INFO[MusicPlayer.Year])
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] $INFO[Player.Time]/$INFO[Player.Duration]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[VideoPlayer.Title]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.ProgressBar]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Empty Mode 3, consider checking LCD.xml
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Mode 0 defined without lines, consider checking LCD.xml
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Mode 4 defined without lines, consider checking LCD.xml
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[System.CurrentWindow]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.TimeWide21]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - Playing
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[System.LaunchXBE]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[VideoPlayer.ChannelName]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[VideoPlayer.Title]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] $INFO[Player.Time]/$INFO[Player.Duration]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.ProgressBar]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.ChannelName]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[MusicPlayer.Title]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] $INFO[Player.Time]/$INFO[Player.Duration]
21:40:24 T:2854034240 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - line contents - $INFO[LCD.ProgressBar]

The very fist lines are because my LCDd service wasn't started Wink


Very strange, the display appeared for a while and then disappeared. Now the LCD panel displays nothing as if the LCDd service wasn't started (but it appears in ps -auxw | grep LCDd command)
(2014-05-13, 21:43)Bingoig11 Wrote: Here it is Smile
Sorry, but please use any paste service like pastebin or even xbmclogs.com next time to not fill up the forum with pastes, thanks.

What I don't get: It did not crash now? Unfortunately, that doesn't help to track it down. Reading from your first log post, I expected it to barf after logging something like $INFO[System.CurrentWindow]... strange.

(2014-05-13, 21:43)Bingoig11 Wrote: Very strange, the display appeared for a while and then disappeared. Now the LCD panel displays nothing as if the LCDd service wasn't started (but it appears in ps -auxw | grep LCDd command)
That's because your <general.../> section is empty.

Suggestion: Stop the addon, remove (or at least move away to have a backup) your LCD.xml from your userdata directory, then start the addon again so you'll get a fresh LCD.xml ready for customisation - shouldn't give you any empty screens at least Smile

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
Sorry regarding the paste using the code tags, will use pastebin next time I swear.

Going to try your suggestion and post a feedback, thx Wink

Update: Everything working like a charm now. Have to play the LCD.xml file now, thanks for your help Wink
(2014-05-13, 22:04)Bingoig11 Wrote: Update: Everything working like a charm now. Have to play the LCD.xml file now, thanks for your help Wink
Damn Smile While it's of course nice it works for you now, I was hoping we're hitting something reproducible here that could've been fixed once and for all, but well.. Wink

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
All (especially RPi'ers),

I've (finally, long time being lazy...) pushed the tryfix suggested by mike7 to a separate branch on GitHub. Can you please test and verify with this branch if the problem regarding progress bars not being shown if placed below any lines containing icons still occurs, or if it is even fixed?

Thanks for your feedback,
Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
Hi. first of all, good job, i really like the lcdproc addon. most of the time it works like a a charm.

the reason i write here is because i have a rather unconventional LCD-configuration. i tried to post my problem in the trac, but the ticket was closed due to "third party problem" since this is an addon and not a core-functionality. anyway...

my problem is that LCD.TimeWideNN variables in LCD.xml does not center the chars on character-displays like those hd44780-ones. since the hd44780-compatible ICs can drive up to 80 chars (as far as i know), there are more configurations possible than the wide spread 2x20 or 4x20 ones. I got a 2x40 display, but unfortunately the bignum-chars generated from TimeWide21, TimeWide22, and so on are - when displaying time - ~20 chars wide. on most displays this wont be a problem, but on e.g. 2x40 displays the text is aligned left, which looks really awkward (see attached photo). i use the lcdproc-addon since about a year or longer, and it always behaved like discribed above. please add an option to center bignum-chars.

ah, and yes, $INFO[LCD.AlignCenter] doesnt work, of course this was the first thing i tried...
thanks in advance

photo: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3645/...ll_jpg.htm
LCD.xml: http://pastebin.com/NAKWKPaP
(2014-06-06, 15:59)zeus86 Wrote: my problem is that LCD.TimeWideNN variables in LCD.xml does not center the chars on character-displays like those hd44780-ones. [...]
Just add
to your LCD.xml - should do what you're looking for.

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
ah, perfect, works like a charm!!! i was looking for that, but is could not found this documented anywhere...

i think i should add this to the lcdproc-entry in the wiki

thanks a lot for this quick answer
(2014-06-06, 17:29)zeus86 Wrote: ah, perfect, works like a charm!!! i was looking for that, but is could not found this documented anywhere...
Well, it actually IS documented, but "only" in the GitHub project's wiki. I really need to shove the stuff over into the XBMC wiki...
Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)

I have a Raspberry Pi and a HD44780 display, where I have used it with GPIO without any problems.
But now I have shanged to use I2C via a PCF8574P chip, to minimize wirering from my RPI to the display.
I see some problems now, with the Backlight controle....

The "Dim/turn off - on screensaver" works fine :-)
But if I set "Dim on shutdown", the Backlight is NOT turned off, on shutdown. It work fine via my GPIO setup ?!? :-(

Is this a bug in the XBMC LCDproc, or in LCDproc ?

I use thelast Helix test build and XBMC LCDproc 2.5.0

Best regards.
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XBMC LCDproc Python addon2