2014-08-01, 22:41
New OpenELEC Helix build: #0801b
(Supercedes previous build)
Based on tip of OpenELEC master (8d6818e, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (dc75ad6, changelog) with the following modifications:
(Supercedes previous build)
# uname -a
Linux rpi512 3.15.8 #1 PREEMPT Fri Aug 1 21:08:51 BST 2014 armv6l GNU/Linux
# vcgencmd version
Aug 1 2014 18:05:07
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 158db03216ab9f49243655d4d325da3264567104 (tainted) (release)
# lsb_release
OpenELEC (Milhouse) - Version: devel-20140801211312-r18866-g8d6818e
Based on tip of OpenELEC master (8d6818e, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (dc75ad6, changelog) with the following modifications:
- Includes newclock3 patches
- Excludes the OpenELEC fernetmenta patches due to conflicts with newclock3
- Excludes the OpenELEC linux-01-RPi_support patch in favour of sourcing these and possibly more recent patches directly from kernel branch rpi-3.15.y
- Excludes the OpenELEC xbmc-001-newclock3 patch in favour of sourcing these and possibly more recent patches directly from newclock3 branch
- Default setting for "Show RSS Feed" changed to disabled
- Disabled "Total Duration" in Confluence (see build #0221 for details)
- Includes latest libnfs master
- Includes latest libcec master
- Includes libcec double-key suppression.
- Includes libcec CEC Standby Fix.
- Increase scan interval of PeripBusCEC from 5000 to 60000, reducing CPU loading by about 2% (1GHz Pi) every 5 seconds (even when CEC is "disabled")
- Includes CONFIG_COREDUMP=y to allow creation of coredumps
- Includes PR4990: Allow larger font size
- Introducing Kodi (14.0 alpha3)
- 3.15.8 kernel now merged upstream