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Team-Kodi Member
Posts: 416
awesome work so far.
I'm currently looking into getting n64 for Retroplayer.
As far as I can see mupen64-plus is already ported to libretro.
Garbear also told me it is necessary to give an OpenGL context into the core.
This is how it works in RetroArch.
I digged into the code based on Retroplayer-13.1 branch and can see that the necessary
callbacks in xbmc/addon/AddonCallbacksGame.cpp are quoted es //Todo.
I'm willing to spend some time - is Retroplayer-13.1 the right base for it?
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That would be so nice! I'm already thinking about goldeneye, mario kart and ocarina of time...
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Team-Kodi Member
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Maybe a dvdplayer dev can help me out with following question:
I learned so far that I need to give a framebuffer object into the libretro-core.
It will then render onto that framebuffer and the frontend will get it on the screen.
Is following true?
* dvdplayer starts dvdplayer video thread
* video thread gives a frame into g_renderManager
* g_renderManager has a concrete Renderer Object
* the concrete renderer object owns a FrameBuffer object
* This framebuffer object is used to render a frame
This would mean that I need to get the FrameBuffer up to Retroplayer and give it into the
mupen64libretro core...
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would be awesome if possible cant seem to find a n64 emulator to work for me on my andoid box would love to bring golden eye back out lol
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yea did use that retroarch before although the snes would work with my xbox 360 controller, the sega games would not work with the controller for some reason
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Team-Kodi Member
Posts: 416
hey mettbrot,
yes, I already talked to garbear. I also did one minor but (for me) hard to find fix in the callback chain of retroplayer.
Right now I'm pretty busy in my work, so my time was very limited last 2 weeks.
For some reason the mupen64libretro backend crashes in some opengl function and I'm still struggling with it.
Fernetmenta was so kind to give me some details about OpenGL and how it is done within VDPAU, so I have a path in my mind...
Once I got rid of these stupid crashes I will post it here right away!