2014-10-10, 18:39
I know you specifically wrote this add-on is not a scraper, but... It just screams for that option.
It would be so great to be able to scrape the art. You're already inside the individual sets' folders, why not use the folder titles for a search on TMDB?
I've written a small python script (not really a python programmer so keep that in mind).
Would you be interested in incorporating it into your script? you just need to call this piece of code once you got the movie set title:
I'm not affraid to admit I'm a little OCD myself
But I let XBMC do all the scraping for me, so this would be awesome.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this.
It would be so great to be able to scrape the art. You're already inside the individual sets' folders, why not use the folder titles for a search on TMDB?
I've written a small python script (not really a python programmer so keep that in mind).
Would you be interested in incorporating it into your script? you just need to call this piece of code once you got the movie set title:
PHP Code:
import re, urllib, urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
baseurl = 'http://www.themoviedb.org'
movie_set_name = 'X-Men Collection' # this will be replaced by the script
query = baseurl + '/search/movie_collection?query=' + urllib.quote_plus( movie_set_name )
search = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen( query ).read())
search_result = search.find('ul', 'search_results')
if len(search_result.findAll('li')) == 1:
link = search_result.a['href']
collection = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen( baseurl + link ).read())
title = collection.h2.a.string
poster = collection.find('a', 'poster').find('img', 'shadow')['src']
fanart = collection.find('div', id='backdrops').img['src']
poster = re.sub('/w[0-9]+/', '/original/', poster)
fanart = re.sub('/w[0-9]+/', '/original/', fanart)
print poster # this links to the artwork! download, rename to poster.jpg and update DB
print fanart # this links to the artwork! download, rename to fanart.jpg and update DB
print 'Error while matching collection.'
I'm not affraid to admit I'm a little OCD myself
But I let XBMC do all the scraping for me, so this would be awesome.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this.