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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
@raider707 I'm not sure if thats possible, I'm having mixed results using the the info from logcat when opening the store... using the command "am start -n com.valvesoftware.android.steam.community/.activity.SteamMobileUriActivity" when the steam app isnt running will start it then minimise it, running the command when the steam app is open gives mixed results - sometimes it goes to the store, sometimes it does nothing. If you, or anyone else, can get the correct command it should be possible.

@crunhymetal I'm not sure what change fixed it - the only windows change was removing the vb script and we tried running the commands without it. Anyways, glad its working. In time for borderlands - the pre sequel Smile
(2014-10-16, 18:30)DenisBY Wrote: I did it! I've edited /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and changed

But I also had to copy XMBC.desktop over gnome.desktop

Now SteamOS boots into XMBC by default and switching to Steam and back to XBMC works as expected.

Out of curiousity: What hardware are you doing this on?
Using XBMCbuntu on Intel NUC DN2820FYKH

Nitpick question here.

I want to edit the script that relaunches xbmc after quitting steam, to add "xdotool mousemove 1920 1080" after launching xbmc (in xbmcbuntu).
I think it might be possible to just add && xdotool mousemove 1920 1080 after the xbmc command, but I don't know what script to edit. Can you point me in the right direction?
CoreElec on a Tanix TX3 (s905x3). Onkyo NR-656. Canton Movie CD-1000. LG 55B6V.

If it ain't broke: break it, fix it, repeat
You can make a separate script and configure the add-on to run it as a post steam script.
(2014-10-29, 23:39)teeedubb Wrote: You can make a separate script and configure the add-on to run it as a post steam script.

The post steam script runs prior to xbmc doesn't it? I want the command to run after xbmc launches, xbmc puts the mousepointer dead-center and it annoys the heck out of me. Tongue
CoreElec on a Tanix TX3 (s905x3). Onkyo NR-656. Canton Movie CD-1000. LG 55B6V.

If it ain't broke: break it, fix it, repeat
You can run the script in the background and have it wait for xbmc. Sometihing like the following will work, youll need to tweak it to suit:

export DISPLAY=:0

(until [[ $(wmctrl -l | grep "XBMC Media Center") ]] ; do sleep 1 ; done ; xdotool)&
I have read over most of the pages in this thread looking for a way to add a pulseaudio latency to the launch of steam on linux in xbmc and didn't see the answer but it is a large thread and i may have missed it. I have audio issues with steam in home steaming but when I launch steam with "PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 steam" it fixes it. I need to add this to the steam launcher in XBMC but im not sure where to put it. I tried adding it to my my .profile for every app but when I do XBMC has no sound output at all.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
Make a script to launch steam with the env var and point the add-on to use that instead of the steam executable:


PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 steam "$1"

Don't forget to mark the script as executable.
(2014-11-01, 01:41)teeedubb Wrote: You can run the script in the background and have it wait for xbmc. Sometihing like the following will work, youll need to tweak it to suit:

export DISPLAY=:0

(until [[ $(wmctrl -l | grep "XBMC Media Center") ]] ; do sleep 1 ; done ; xdotool)&

Awesome! Works like a charm!
CoreElec on a Tanix TX3 (s905x3). Onkyo NR-656. Canton Movie CD-1000. LG 55B6V.

If it ain't broke: break it, fix it, repeat
Kodi / Helix 14 compaitble version in first post. For now you need to manually install, once Helix is released I'll push it to my repo.
(2014-11-01, 06:50)teeedubb Wrote: Make a script to launch steam with the env var and point the add-on to use that instead of the steam executable:


PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 steam "$1"

Don't forget to mark the script as executable.

Thanks for the help!
Heads up for Linux users: the new intel display driver breaks hardware decoding Sad

Getting real tired of this ...

Long live google (and smarter Linux users than me). For me, the symlinks weren't necessary.

Quote:It seems that the libva version Steam comes with, is not compatible anymore to the newer libva 1.4.0.
To force Steam to use the system libraries I deleted the shared object files:

rm ~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libva*
Then I created some symlinks, so that Steam finds the shared object files.
sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/libva-x11.so.1.3600.0 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libva-x11.so.1
sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/libva-glx.so.1.3600.0 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libva-glx.so.1
sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/libva.so.1.3600.0 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libva-so.1
Hardware decoding should work (again) at this point.

An update of the steam-runtime will create those files again.
So if's not working in the future, they have to be deleted again.
CoreElec on a Tanix TX3 (s905x3). Onkyo NR-656. Canton Movie CD-1000. LG 55B6V.

If it ain't broke: break it, fix it, repeat
Having trouble pulling the addon from Github.

Quote:HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://github.com/teeedubb/teeedubb-xbm...p?raw=true [following]
--2014-11-15 14:07:17-- https://github.com/teeedubb/teeedubb-xbm...p?raw=true
Reusing existing connection to github.com:443.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found

This repeats until..
Quote:20 redirections exceeded.

Github says they're operating 100%. I'll try again in the morning, just wanted to put this somewhere..
I was getting redirect loop errors last night, but it is working for me now. Must have been something wrong with github.
Yup, that's what I figured. Got it now!
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7