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Hi mate, first of all let me say I hope you don't think I am being argumentative, especially over something relatively trivial, I am just trying to understand your logic, and clear any misunderstanding Smile
In the end what you decide to do is completely up to you and I really appreciate all your efforts nonetheless Big Grin

(2014-12-02, 05:52)vbat99 Wrote: What I did was export some test files in Kodi library and check the nfo. Kodi exports the votes like 30000, no comma or character as the thousands separator.
Kodi will export however it is written into its database. I don't know why you are starting with an nfo created by Kodi instead of MC - all of us use MC to originally create the nfos and artwork, and THEN import into Kodi. If the origin nfo contains 65535 then the db will save 65535, if it contains 65,535 then the db will save 65,535.

(2014-12-02, 05:52)vbat99 Wrote: I have just tested by scraping a new movie, editing the votes to 65535.
Why edit the vote removing the thousands separator? Of course Kodi will then show the vote count without the separator. Have you tried adding the separator to the nfo and then scraping into Kodi?

(2014-12-02, 05:52)vbat99 Wrote: Once in Kodi, I deleted the nfo, and went to Settings, Video, Export Library, separate files, overwrite old files.
So Kodi was importing the votes, and exporting the votes, without a thousands separator.
I have tested several times, various combinations. When using "export Library, separate files", Kodi will write the nfo file with whatever is in its db -if there is a separator it will write it, if not, it wont.

My tests:
  • Movie A, Movie B
  • Both moves are originally scraped by MC. As it is at the moment, MC creates the nfo file with vote count missing a thousands separator.
  • I edit Movie A nfo manually, inserting separator into vote count making it look like: <votes>456,344</votes>
  • Import both movies into Kodi. Kodi shows Movie A votes as 456,344 (much nicer to read), kodi shows Movie B votes as 231788 (not very nice to read)
  • I perform a separate files library export overwriting older nfos - the nfos show 456,344 for Movie A and 231788 for Movie B, as expected

If you can, and agree, please make sure MC writes the nfos with the thousands separator in the <votes> field. Big Grin
Thanks again!
I can admit when I am wrong, I assumed that Kodi created data would have been in the format they prefer, so using Export Library would be the best indicator of how Kodi likes to import it's data.

I recall discussions about the thousands separator before, and (wrongly) believed it should not be in place for Kodi.

This will be corrected before the next release. IF others have an issue with the separator character after the next release, I will add an option to include/exclude the separator character, and possibly for the user to select their preferred character, ie: comma, full-stop.

Apologies for the confusion, and thanks for standing firm. Constructive arguments are the best and I take no offense.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Nothing to apologize for. Thank you for continuously working on this great tool! Smile
(2014-12-02, 20:06)echo Wrote: Nothing to apologize for. Thank you for continuously working on this great tool! Smile

Thinking about this, I've made it an option. In Movie Preferences -> General tab, there is now an option called
"Set , as Thousands separator in Votes saved to nfo"

Once selected, a comma will be saved to the Thousand and Million position, depending on amount of votes of course.

Will be available in the next build, some time real soon.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2014-11-28, 10:48)ztrust Wrote: Hey vbat
yes it was for the batch resraper for tvshows.

and not to add to the irretation but I think it works correctly for extra thumbs atleast naming and there should be only for
artwork downloader 7.1

To be honest the only reason i commented on it was because its there and I noticed there was a minor problem.
but as regards to user handling. I dont think people select extra fanart since its in the background and its something that just need to be there so moving it to batch (but with an option as to how many)
but extra thumbs is in forground I could see people choosing theese and would like and option to select them since these are presented in the skins that use em.

Re-reading my original post, I see I've gotten confused. Extrafanart images are the issue, not extrathumbs.

From the Two users who replied, I get the idea to set a user selected limit on ExtraFanart images and auto-scrape, batch rescrape these images.
But leave Extrathumbs as selectable options on the Fanart tab. I could increase Extrathumbs to five, but see difficulties in trying to allow users to select/overwrite More than five. Five should be plenty for extrathumbs.....(he says warily...lol)
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
This program is a gem. Dont know how i never used it all these years, been living under the rock.
Love everything about this. Currently i am re-scraping all my 2000+ movies, its gonna take a while, probably 2 days or so.

I have a couple of questions, it be great if someone can answer to these.

1. I use tmdb scraper, and sometimes for a few movies it will give an option to choose from selective movie names that might sound similar, but with Media Companion do i get that option, or will it automatically scrape to whatever it might consider?

2. Do i need to turn off the TMDB scraper, and instead use "local information only" as the movie scraper source?

3. If by mistake i ever choose to update video files using the internet, will it erase the nfo that Media Companion has created and tmdb based nfo gets overwritten.

4. The main reason i moved to Media Companion was earlier i was using MetaBrowser and tmdb scraper in conjucture, but it would not produce tag flags for the media.
Will i be able to download fanart, poster, and other content from tmdb, but just allow Media companion to create nfo file without re-downloading all the artwork again?

5. How can i enable Media Companion to download CD/Disk artwork as well?
Hi MANswers

Welcome to Media Companion.
I'll try and answer your questions as best as possible, but, I suggest you scrape your movies in batches, maybe 100 at a time.

1. MC doesn't offer a choice for which movie or similar movies are available. Instead, we believe most user's have named their movies pretty accurately.
If a Mis-Scrape occurs, then it is easy to select the incorrect movie, select the 'Change Movie' tab, and search for the right movie. Once TMDB (of IMDB) has the correct movie info displayed, click the 'Go' button, and the movie will be rescrape correctly.
It does happen occasionally, but MC is pretty good at getting the right movie.

My suggestion would be to disable all movie filters, except for the General Filter. This filter's sub options, allow you to easily find mis-scraped movies, ie: Scrape Error, or Duplicates.

2. Yes, in XBMC, darn it, Kodi, changes your scraper to 'Local Information Only'. This will then use local nfo and artwork instead of download from the Net.

3. If you mean in Kodi, then no, it won't overwrite the nfo created by Media Companion, unless, in Kodi, you Export your library to individual files, in which case, Kodi asks you if you want to overwrite old files. I've tried to get MC to read all the data that Kodi Exports, so these files are compatible with Media Companion if you do Export your library.

4. You can disable download of artwork in Media Companion, but note the artwork you download must be compliant to how Kodi requires it to be named, so it can be associated with the right movie. You'd need to check the Kodi WIki to be sure, but I believe if the movies are in individual folders, then <moviename>.-poster.jpg or even poster.jpg in the folder is acceptable.

5. CD/Disk Artwork is from Fanart.Tv. You can set this to Auto-scrape from Fanart.Tv or manually by selecting the movie, then changing to Fanart.Tv Tab and downloading the images you require.

Hope this is of some help.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
vbat99 thank you so much for your replies. this pretty much nails everything i ever wanted.
surprisingly my entire 2000 movie collection is now completely scanned.
i have set the scraper to "local info only" and cleaned up the video library in xbmc, and hit the update video library, but inspite of that i have to now go to each movie and hit reload to pick up the new information that media companion has scraped.
It does not automatically load the new info.. am i supposed to do something within xbmc for it to pick up new info? As in clean up the database by deleting the files manually, then re-adding the movies to the library and then update video library?

Also, media companion did download cd art, but inspite of that it does not come up in xbmc, even if i hit reload, for the cd/disk art to load, i have to hit "get more" and then choose "disk art" this downloads information from "artwork downloader"

Just one more question, i followed your suggestion of going to the "change movie" tab to re-scrap for the correct movie, it worked prefect, however there are few movies thats neither on tmdb nor at imdb, for eg;- "DTS - Demonstration DISC 15" what do we do for such titles?

I am on Kodi "Gotham" on windows7.. do i need to ask media companion to "disable extra frodo thumb and artwork" will i loose anything, right now i see media companion takes a few extra mins downloading frodo related stuff.. what are the other things i need to choose to disable anything thats not relevant to Kodi gotham?

Right now i have followed a very basic tutorial on youtube to use media companion, is there a section/site/guide that shows the most ideal selections avalaible in media companion that one should choose to get the best and suitable output out from it? in short are there any recommended settings one should choose?

For XBMC, it is best to change the content from Movies to None, then when asked if you want to remove all items from this parth from the XBMC library, select No. Then, change content back to Movies and scraper to Local Information Only, and XBMC should then ask Do you want to refresh all items, and select Yes.

That Should update the library with the new nfo information.
But, I know that XBMC can be a fickle child some times, so you might have to do a couple of things to fix the video database. Either, and this is extreme. Delete the videodb file in your userdata folder for XBMC, and the Thumbnail folder. But, this will also affect artwork for Tv Series, and Music.
Alternatively, look at Milhouse texturecache script. http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=158373
Awesome script that will force update XBMC/Kodi library with local artwork, including cdart/disk art.

For movies or video's that don't exist in TMDB or IMDB, in Media Companion you can right-click the movie mis-scraped, and select Edit Movie (Alternative). Then click the button Blank nfo, and you have a clean slate. Fill in the form and you have a custom movie nfo created. BTW, small bug in here when you click Blank, pops up a Oops error window, but just click continue and your good to go. (fixed in the next release out very soon).

"disable extra frodo thumbs and artwork' is a personal choice. If you don't what extrathumbs or extrafanart, just de-select Download Extra Fanart/Thumbs option in movie preferences.
The extra frodo thumbs urls are still stored in the Movie's nfo, so you can access this later.

Didn't know of the you-tube video of Media Companion, but there is the Documentation on Media Companion's site. Thought it is a little out-dated. I suggest either trying some of the functions, and get a feel for how you want the artwork, nfo information created for your movies.

Keep asking questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
If I'm not mistaken, once Kodi reads a nfo file any subsequent changes to that nfo file are not read by Kodi unless you go to the source and set type to none. Then set it back to TV/movie and Kodi re-reads all the nfo files again.

When it comes to extrafanart, I just let MC do it's thing. I have no reason to change the number of downloads or anything like that. I just wish artwork downloader used the same naming convention as MC. As a wishlist item, I'd love to have some way of syncing watched status between Kodi and MC. I just can't seem to get XBMC link (label change? Smile) to work for me.

That's all for now. Cheers.

Beat me to it. Slow typer, LOL!
Bobrap and vbat99 thanks and thanks.
Everything is working and looking as expected. except for the disc art.
the disc art images have been downloaded for their respective movies, media companion did its job, but now xbmc is not reading it. i have the extended info script which should show the disc art next to the cover. for the disc art to show, i have to manually hit "get more" and choose disc art this triggers Art work downloader to pull the disc image and then it shows properly.
Is it mandatory that triggering artwork downloader will only show disc image for each of this movie. If the disc image is downloaded xbmc should pick it up.. right?

i was looking at your textures cache script, until i downloaded and installed python and renamed texturescache script.. but after that.. the whole process as a whole is very complicated, as in with the command line. not sure if there is a simpler process to show the disc image without having to do complicated setup commands. Sad
You're probably going to need to run artwork downloader again after a complete rescrape to get disc art to show up.
(2014-12-04, 22:37)clubwerks Wrote: You're probably going to need to run artwork downloader again after a complete rescrape to get disc art to show up.

As clubwerks mentions above, Artwork Downloader does the heavy lifting of getting the images associated with the movie(s) in Kodi Library.

As for naming convention, I've tried to get it correct. But I need to Fix ExtraFanart to use the correct naming for those images. If there are any other naming issue with artwork, please let me know.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2014-12-04, 22:37)clubwerks Wrote: You're probably going to need to run artwork downloader again after a complete rescrape to get disc art to show up.

Clubwerks, thanks again mate. You came yesterday as my saviour, and curised me to safety through this mess my xbmc was in. Thanks for recommending Media companion to me out of other 50 out there. Informed members like you are an asset to the community.

My only concern now is, do i have to run art work downloader again for all these 2000+ movies individually? or is there a way to batch process these jobs and step aside. to pull the disc image, that includes navigation from page to page each movie is taking around 30 seconds. lol not being lazy.. but when u've got to do this 2000+ times its demoralizing and feels like to give up on the disc images. Sad

(2014-12-04, 23:22)vbat99 Wrote:
(2014-12-04, 22:37)clubwerks Wrote: You're probably going to need to run artwork downloader again after a complete rescrape to get disc art to show up.

As clubwerks mentions above, Artwork Downloader does the heavy lifting of getting the images associated with the movie(s) in Kodi Library.

As for naming convention, I've tried to get it correct. But I need to Fix ExtraFanart to use the correct naming for those images. If there are any other naming issue with artwork, please let me know.

the program works like a dream, just a bit heavy on resources. or can i say it doesnt feel light??
(2014-12-04, 23:31)MANswers Wrote:
(2014-12-04, 23:22)vbat99 Wrote:
(2014-12-04, 22:37)clubwerks Wrote: You're probably going to need to run artwork downloader again after a complete rescrape to get disc art to show up.

As clubwerks mentions above, Artwork Downloader does the heavy lifting of getting the images associated with the movie(s) in Kodi Library.

As for naming convention, I've tried to get it correct. But I need to Fix ExtraFanart to use the correct naming for those images. If there are any other naming issue with artwork, please let me know.

the program works like a dream, just a bit heavy on resources. or can i say it doesnt feel light??

Media Companion doesn't feel light?

As a hint for future, here's what I do.

Once your movie library is all up-to-date, there's no real need to keep all the movies in Media Companion. Not saying you can't.
So, you have two options

1. Change the Root movie folder to a Temp movie folder. This will be used for new movies that need to be scraped.
You put your movies in here, scrape them with Media Companion, and when happy, move the movies into your main Root Movie folder.
This way, Media Companion is just that. Gets your movies sorted how You like, and then XBMC pulls them into the Library.

2. Create a new profile in Media Companion. You'll be currently using the Default profile, so create a new profile something like NewMovies, and then switch to this profile.
Now, do as per option 1 above.
But, once your movies are scraped and moved to your Root Movie Folder, switch back to your Default Profile, and do a Refresh All. Your current and new movies will be shown in your Default Profile.

So switch back and forth depending on what you want to do.

Best of both worlds. And, Media Companion for your NewMovies profile should be snappier.

Hope that is of help.
Media Companion Dev.
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