2015-01-06, 14:57
(2014-12-12, 19:34)tahyti Wrote: Hi,The same applies for me for several stations that worked flawlessly before. lets say, 2 or 3 weeks.
i love this plugin, but i cant get radio jaliya to work anymore... found in genre/african music...
i tried to add it as a custom radio, but none of the stream i tried worked...
Any idea?
I looked at the kodi log and it seems the stream cannot be decoded:
11:24:01 T:1969123328 ERROR: CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file http://streaming206.radionomy.com/Aair-Lounge-Radio?group=0&countrycode=DE
11:24:01 T:1969123328 WARNING: PAPlayer::QueueNextFileEx - Failed to create the decoder
Or it states it as an "unplayable item" like in this case:
11:24:01 T:1969123328 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin Radio('plugin://plugin.audio.radio_de/station/9117','4','')
11:24:01 T:1969123328 DEBUG: WaitOnScriptResult - waiting on the Radio (id=9) plugin...
11:24:01 T:1673524288 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
11:24:01 T:1673524288 INFO: initializing python engine.
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de/addon.py): start processing
11:24:01 T:1673524288 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de/addon.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de/addon.py"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de/addon.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de:/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.xbmcswift2/lib:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PIL:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de/addon.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de/addon.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.audio.radio_de" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Reading json storage from disk at "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations.json"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Loaded storage "my_stations.json" from disk
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/" named "show_root_menu" pointing to function "show_root_menu"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/local/" named "show_local_stations" pointing to function "show_local_stations"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/recommended/" named "show_recommendation_stations" pointing to function "show_recommendation_stations"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/top/" named "show_top_stations" pointing to function "show_top_stations"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/search/" named "search" pointing to function "search"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/search/<search_string>/" named "search_result" pointing to function "search_result"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/my/" named "show_my_stations" pointing to function "show_my_stations"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/my/custom/<station_id>" named "custom_my_station" pointing to function "custom_my_station"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/my/add/<station_id>" named "add_to_my_stations" pointing to function "add_to_my_stations"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/my/del/<station_id>" named "del_from_my_stations" pointing to function "del_from_my_stations"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/<category_type>/" named "show_station_categories" pointing to function "show_station_categories"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/stations/<category_type>/<category>/" named "show_stations_by_category" pointing to function "show_stations_by_category"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Adding url rule "/station/<station_id>" named "get_stream_url" pointing to function "get_stream_url"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Handling incoming request for /station/9117
11:24:01 T:1673524288 NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/station/9117" matches rule for function "get_stream_url"
11:24:01 T:1673524288 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] get_station_by_station_id started with station_id=9117
11:24:01 T:1673524288 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __api_call started with path=broadcast/getbroadcastembedded, param={'broadcast': '9117'}
11:24:01 T:1673524288 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __urlopen opening url=http://radio.de/info/broadcast/getbroadcastembedded?broadcast=9117
11:24:01 T:1673524288 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] get_stream_url result: http://www.antenne.de/webradio/channels/chillout.m3u
11:24:01 T:1673524288 DEBUG: [xbmcswift2] Saving a json storage to disk at "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations.json"
11:24:01 T:1969123328 DEBUG: WaitOnScriptResult- plugin returned successfully
11:24:01 T:1969123328 INFO: easy_aquire - Created session to http://www.antenne.de
11:24:01 T:1673524288 INFO: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de/addon.py): script successfully run
11:24:02 T:1969123328 DEBUG: CCurlFile::GetMimeType - http://www.antenne.de/webradio/channels/chillout.m3u -> audio/x-mpegurl
11:24:02 T:1969123328 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 3, path [plugin://plugin.audio.radio_de/station/9117]
Either way both didn't work for me and there are quite a couple of other stations that dont work either. If you do a search for stations by category and start playing an unplayable item the player "falls through" the list quite often (skipping unplayable stations) until it finally finds a station that is playable.
Strangely the radio.de app for Android and BlackBerry don't seem to have those issues.
Any help on fixing this would be great!
@sphere: If you are still active you can also find me in the kodinerds board.