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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
Normalcy is slowly returning
Yeah, Me, Myself, and I, The Three Musketeers
I'm on the old xbmc gotham ... trakt.tv has stopped working for about a week now. I'm I right that trakt are updating the plugin hence why it's stop working ?
(2015-01-11, 12:38)digzz Wrote: I'm on the old xbmc gotham ... trakt.tv has stopped working for about a week now. I'm I right that trakt are updating the plugin hence why it's stop working ?

You are correct, Trakt upgrade put things out of service for a bit.
Hi to all! My first forum post after converting from PC+MediaPortal to Mac+Kodi... So exciting!

This may be a stupid question, but I couldn't find an answer by searching the forum. Should this addon sync my library watched statuses from Trakt for the whole library? It seems that some of the statuses got updated and some didn't.
It should synchronise your watched status of movies and tv shows.
only recently since the update of Trakt.tv to version 2.0 functionality stopped.

I reinstalled my system to kodi and found that my movie watch status is being synced but my TV shows haven't. Sad
Manual sync just stops at 16%
Yeah... getting antsy. I rely heavily on the Trakt TV watched-status...
Kind of lost without it...
(2015-01-13, 04:29)roach9 Wrote: Yeah... getting antsy. I rely heavily on the Trakt TV watched-status...
Kind of lost without it...

I know the feeling. Sad
Didn't realize how much I actually relied upon this addon and Trakt.

Be nice if there was a way to sync 'my' Trakt watched list to some local source.
we have any plan when the plugin will be available and working?
Movies are up and working again, it have just synced my movie collection, and put watched status of what I have seen on my livingroom htpc, to the bedroom htpc.

Only Tvshows is'nt working atm.

I'm still on Gotham 13.2 on both htpc.
I am running the new latest Kodi version. I installed the app in kodi. Whenever I try and log into the app in the program, it brings up a keyboard with all blank letters. I can't type in my login info at all.Has anyone else had this problem? Is there any way to fix it?
Change your skin.
so i know the addon is partially broken atm, so if this is a broken feature im sorry. im trying to export my library from xbmc to trakt. its 339 movies the addon says its sending them to trakt but when i look on the website nothing has been imported it still shows the 1 movies i added previously through the website. is there something im doing wrong somewhere. i know the password and username are correct after checking the actual setting file.

edit to add picture: Image
I wouldn't believe any of the notifications that trakt provides.
The add-on is a cluster right now.
My trakt sync still dont work it keeps saying the following in the log:

Server Busy ({"status":"failure","error":"server is over capacity"})

However my scrobbling after watching either a TV show or a movie works like a charm and so does the rating. - From what i read elsewhere and earlier in this thread it is because they fucked the legacy support for their API up after going to API v2.0.

Does the sync work for any of you guys?
It should be pretty clear if you bothered to read a few pages back, that the sync function of the plugin is broken. As far as I know there are some work beeing done on making a new plugin, but it will take some time before it is ready to be released. Please be patient. The plugin will be back in working order eventually. Maybe even with a few new features. Smile
Current Setup:
Asus Chromebox - OpenElec 5.0 - Kodi 14.1 - Flirc
SolidRun CuBox-i4Pro - OpenElec 5.0 - Kodi 14.1 - Flirc

Discontinued setups:
Raspberry Pi - OpenElec 4.0 - XBMC 13 - Flirc
AppleTV 1 - CrystalHD - Crystalbuntu
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13