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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
Aeon Nox 5 Remixed (suggested subtitle: "Imma let you finish, but Aeon Nox 5 was one of the greatest skins of all-time") sounds good, and gives it kind of a hip-hop vibe.

I also like Reloaded.

I posted this in Warner's thread not knowing that your mod does the same. Not sure if it has to do with extendedinfo script or not

When you select top10 movie rentals as a widget, do you get that movie's fanart in the background?

Aeon Nox-silvo sounds good !!!
(2015-02-15, 19:53)Edworld Wrote: Mike:

I posted this in Warner's thread not knowing that your mod does the same. Not sure if it has to do with extendedinfo script or not

When you select top10 movie rentals as a widget, do you get that movie's fanart in the background?


At the movie info i have a backround !!
(2015-02-15, 18:50)mikesilvo164 Wrote: Since I've been requested to name the thread my family and I have started brainstorming some ideas here's what we came up with so far…

Aeon Nox 5 - Viewsapalooza
Aeon Nox 5 - Kitchen Sink Edition
Aeon Nox 5 - Reloaded
Aeon Nox 5 - Skin That Shall Most Likely not be Named SiLVOnox Edition Wink
Aeon Nox 5 - SiLVO
Aeon Nox 5 - Thumb Sucking Edition (I Have a Toddler)
Aeon Nox 5 - Remixed by SiLVO
Aeon Nox 5 - v2 Judgement Skin
Aeon Nox 5 - I am Disinclined to Acquiesce Your Request Edition (Means No!)
Aeon Nox 5 - FUBUfm (For Us By Us forum members)

Obviously all of these are completely serious and none of them are jokes Tongue

LOL...I can't help myself.
(2015-02-15, 21:06)LFCFAN Wrote:
(2015-02-15, 18:50)mikesilvo164 Wrote: Since I've been requested to name the thread my family and I have started brainstorming some ideas here's what we came up with so far…

Aeon Nox 5 - Viewsapalooza
Aeon Nox 5 - Kitchen Sink Edition
Aeon Nox 5 - Reloaded
Aeon Nox 5 - Skin That Shall Most Likely not be Named SiLVOnox Edition Wink
Aeon Nox 5 - SiLVO
Aeon Nox 5 - Thumb Sucking Edition (I Have a Toddler)
Aeon Nox 5 - Remixed by SiLVO
Aeon Nox 5 - v2 Judgement Skin
Aeon Nox 5 - I am Disinclined to Acquiesce Your Request Edition (Means No!)
Aeon Nox 5 - FUBUfm (For Us By Us forum members)

Obviously all of these are completely serious and none of them are jokes Tongue

LOL...I can't help myself.


Not a lot of time this weekend so I apologize if I did not answer a question, If I did not answer I probably missed it so please post again... LFCFAN, I changed the font file for Arial and it will be in Tuesdays update (name will still be blank till I update the skin) and since I had some time to look at it, I think I have fixed some issues I noticed... If you want to try the new file it can be Downloaded Here (right click and save as) and if you notice anything weird looking or out of place let me know and it will be fixed. If anyone else is interested in an Arial font and you try the file... I can't fix what I do not know so please if you see anything weird or out of place in some way let me know.
Thanks Mike, I will test the new file.
(2015-02-15, 21:34)mikesilvo164 Wrote: Not a lot of time this weekend so I apologize if I did not answer a question, If I did not answer I probably missed it so please post again... LFCFAN, I changed the font file for Arial and it will be in Tuesdays update (name will still be blank till I update the skin) and since I had some time to look at it, I think I have fixed some issues I noticed... If you want to try the new file it can be Downloaded Here (right click and save as) and if you notice anything weird looking or out of place let me know and it will be fixed. If anyone else is interested in an Arial font and you try the file... I can't fix what I do not know so please if you see anything weird or out of place in some way let me know.


I tested the new file and looks fine to me, but again my eyes are not as good as a skilled skinner like you!
Yo Mike is it me.... the movie addon widgets dont seem to work on my Pi2?
Is this a skinny thing or something wrong with my setup.... i can pres enter and i can hear the click sound but no addon loading...
(2015-02-15, 11:00)Mario S. Wrote: Looks good but I think that the logo be centered from plot looks a little bit betterBig Grin

Look at that maybe you can get you a couple of suggestions: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=217195

I think the view in the video is a little too much. I don't think it matches the look that this skin is going for, so I wouldn't even know where to start to add something like that...

(2015-02-15, 15:50)Edworld Wrote:
(2015-02-15, 15:41)canadave Wrote: Hi Mike--regardless of what you wind up calling your modded skin, I think it would definitely be a good idea to implement the other suggestion of renaming this thread. Even if you rename the thread to something like "Aeon Nox 5 - MikeSilvo Mod" until you find a more permanent name, that would at least help people find your mod who are searching through the Aeon Nox thread.


I'll probably just rename it Aeon Nox 5: SiLVO something.... Now I just need to come up with the something Huh

(2015-02-15, 17:49)YellowDog Wrote: I really like this view, especially how the info panel is transparent and you can see the fanart unobstructed. Can you add this transparency to LowList?

Is there a way to reload the skin from the command line? I running OpenELEC.

That might be a lot of work for an alternate layout for LowList since a lot of things need to be added to be able to see the titles in the list... but I will look into adding that. It's funny that you mention LowList since the RightList view is just a reworked LowList.

Not sure how to reload the skin from a command prompt... I set up a keyboard/keymap.xml file and use F5 as a reload skin command or you can set up a custom home menu/sub menu item with a custom shortcut that says ReloadSkin() and use that. If you have a free button on your remote you could also map that button to perform the same command.

(2015-02-15, 23:46)Warez Wrote: Yo Mike is it me.... the movie addon widgets dont seem to work on my Pi2?
Is this a skinny thing or something wrong with my setup.... i can pres enter and i can hear the click sound but no addon loading...

Hmmm... Not sure how to help you here... I don't use any streaming add-ons and I do not have a raspberry Pi to test. If the classic widgets work then there is a problem with my implementation of video add-ons. If it does not work in classic widget mode then there may be a problem with the add-on itself, again hard for me to test it without replicating your specific situation.
Widgets work fine on my Pi2, both in normal and panel view.
(2015-02-15, 10:29)mikesilvo164 Wrote: Started making a view like this... here is what I got so far (it is WIP)


Still early and suggestions are of course welcome.

I am planning to change the spacing for the media flags and the logo also I am toying with having it be clearart with a fallback to logo...

Yes, that looks pretty awesome!

Regarding the question I had about not being able to change the view of the party mode playlist generated by the music widget, is that as designed?

(2015-02-16, 21:44)leejk Wrote: Yes, that looks pretty awesome!

Regarding the question I had about not being able to change the view of the party mode playlist generated by the music widget, is that as designed?


I knew I missed a question or two... I just added songlist as a view choice for the music playlist. Not sure what other views would be good for that section... It does not seem to save the view choice anyway so having more options would be too time consuming to get to the one you wanted to use so I do not think it is a good idea to add anymore options than those two.
Made some adjustments to RightList view... Let me know what you think so far and if you have any suggestions.

(2015-02-17, 00:45)mikesilvo164 Wrote: Made some adjustments to RightList view... Let me know what you think so far and if you have any suggestions.


I think this looks very nice. You using free space to give more info plus having the title on the upper left is also good.
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Aeon Nox: SiLVO55