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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2015-02-28, 09:40)AshG Wrote: Mike, The work that you continue to do with this skin is great! Are you still taking requests? I'll put this out there and I guess it may not be to everyone's taste and to me it sounds like a big change? So I appricate if this is something you don't want to do...

something I like about confluence is that the power and favourite menus are removed out of the main menu and sit on the floor of the screen. I was wondering if something similar could be achieved? Along with the settings option as well? This way the main menu is purely dedicated to "media options" and reduces the risk of my family members selecting the settings or power options (at the moment I have these hidden in sub menus). Personally I think the best pace for these would be next to the time/temputure/global search option...

Anyway as I say I've put it out there, not sure how difficult that would be to achieve or even how popular this would be, maybe not everyone has a 4 year old daughter who is insistant on "working/breaking the tele"!!!!!!!

Keep up the good work!
Thanks Ash.

I think it being always visible on the home screen would make it easier to accidentally select it... I have no image making experience so to add them I'd need images for the buttons that fit the skin.

(2015-03-01, 18:01)Warez Wrote: Hi Mike... How can i add play trailer to the context menu... when using my liberty?

If that is an addon you would need to bring that up with the developer of said addon.

(2015-03-01, 18:33)mondoswank Wrote: Thanks for adding right list. Now, if I only had big images in showcase, I'd be back to where I was (which was quite happy) with the older Aeon Nox...any chance that will happen? Or shift having the big image in the middle would be about the same thing.

Thanks again, this one sure seems a lot snappier than the older one...

I'm not sure what you mean... I'll take a guess and assume you are talking about the focused poster getting enlarged like shift view Huh The reason I did not use that is because of the infopanel, enlarging the poster would obscure it. I also thought it being centered and having labels or a logo underneath was enough to know what poster was focused.
Hello, I've gotten my PVR stuff working, and would like to suggest an enhancement to the menu popup when watching a video. This would apply to all areas of the skin, but I found it particularly needed when watching live tv. If it's not out of line with the theme of the skin, could text labels be added to the player buttons that display when the m key is pressed? Some of those icons are not obvious to me as to what they do, and often the lights are dimmed when I need to use them and it's a trial and error episode. The live tv add-on for mythtv adds some extra ones not normally seen that would be good to have labeled.

(2015-03-01, 21:26)mikesilvo164 Wrote: I'm not sure what you mean... I'll take a guess and assume you are talking about the focused poster getting enlarged like shift view Huh The reason I did not use that is because of the infopanel, enlarging the poster would obscure it. I also thought it being centered and having labels or a logo underneath was enough to know what poster was focused.

In the showcase view there used to be a "big images" option, which would make the posters, I don't know, maybe twice as big? Took up a bit more than half the screen, and is nice because unlike shift, you could see things "in front" and "behind" the "current" poster. If shift were focused more to the center, it would look similar because shift view has posters that seem like they are about the same size, probably a little smaller than the showcase "big images" view. It might not have been called "big images", but thats what they were! It was just cleaner, and I never used the info panel and instead just hit info if I wanted to check something. I'm just not a fan of the justified look, except for TV shows since there was an episode synopsis. Chances are if I have the movie, I know what it's about. It's really just an aesthetics thing; the big, centered poster just looked the best to me.
(2015-03-01, 22:40)leejk Wrote: Hello, I've gotten my PVR stuff working, and would like to suggest an enhancement to the menu popup when watching a video. This would apply to all areas of the skin, but I found it particularly needed when watching live tv. If it's not out of line with the theme of the skin, could text labels be added to the player buttons that display when the m key is pressed? Some of those icons are not obvious to me as to what they do, and often the lights are dimmed when I need to use them and it's a trial and error episode. The live tv add-on for mythtv adds some extra ones not normally seen that would be good to have labeled.


Since the length of some of the labels would be quite long depending on the system language set. That would be a better fit for a personal mod than something that should be baked into the skin. Not sure I get the dim lights statement when you are talking about a backlit screen or monitor...

(2015-03-01, 22:51)mondoswank Wrote: In the showcase view there used to be a "big images" option, which would make the posters, I don't know, maybe twice as big? Took up a bit more than half the screen, and is nice because unlike shift, you could see things "in front" and "behind" the "current" poster. If shift were focused more to the center, it would look similar because shift view has posters that seem like they are about the same size, probably a little smaller than the showcase "big images" view. It might not have been called "big images", but thats what they were! It was just cleaner, and I never used the info panel and instead just hit info if I wanted to check something. I'm just not a fan of the justified look, except for TV shows since there was an episode synopsis. Chances are if I have the movie, I know what it's about. It's really just an aesthetics thing; the big, centered poster just looked the best to me.

I'll look into adding it but it may come down to adding an additional view that would be unique and not just a showcase view with bigger posters...
(2015-03-02, 00:34)mikesilvo164 Wrote: Since the length of some of the labels would be quite long depending on the system language set. That would be a better fit for a personal mod than something that should be baked into the skin. Not sure I get the dim lights statement when you are talking about a backlit screen or monitor...

Regarding the dim lights statement I was referring to myself being a bit blind in the dark Smile I figured labels would help identify them better. Each icon would not need to display a label, but rather what I was thinking would be to display a single label in the center right under the toolbar that would change as you selected different icons. Do you think that would enhance it for all users?

I noticed that when cycling fonts for the skin, anything selected other than skin default results in the font field being displayed as blank. Is that intended?

When using the skin with the MythTV PVR add-on, channels numbers are truncated to channels with no decimal number. Over the air local broadcast channels typically are like 11.1, 11.2, 5.1, 5.2, etc. I switched to the Confluence skin and verified that it displays them correctly. Can that be addressed?

(2015-03-02, 01:03)leejk Wrote: Regarding the dim lights statement I was referring to myself being a bit blind in the dark Smile I figured labels would help identify them better. Each icon would not need to display a label, but rather what I was thinking would be to display a single label in the center right under the toolbar that would change as you selected different icons. Do you think that would enhance it for all users?

I noticed that when cycling fonts for the skin, anything selected other than skin default results in the font field being displayed as blank. Is that intended?

When using the skin with the MythTV PVR add-on, channels numbers are truncated to channels with no decimal number. Over the air local broadcast channels typically are like 11.1, 11.2, 5.1, 5.2, etc. I switched to the Confluence skin and verified that it displays them correctly. Can that be addressed?


A personal mod would be better since labeling anything in the skin that can be heavily used like the OSD requires the wording/labels to be translated. If you need help with the mod I can and am willing to assist but I won't add it to the skin for everyone. Try to think of it like getting a new universal remote... learning the buttons might take a little time but once you have them learned you do not need to know where or what they look like.

The missing font names have to be added per language... if you tell me your language I can be sure Arial is added but the third one is for a hebrew font and the id does not seem to be passed unless it is an idloc which means localized id... so that one will remain blank until it has been updated/named in the original Aeon Nox 5 by BigNoid. I am using the latest commits so when that happens is when it happens and I won't rush any issues from using code not released to the Kodi repo.

I will look into adding support for sub channels. I know support for those has been recently added so I will see what I can do with providing them.
Thanks. I will do a little research on creating a personal mod. Ideally I'd like it to be easy to merge with your updates. Would a separate addon be the way to go I wonder?

My language is English. Just curious, is it hard to add more fonts? I'd like to experiment with all the ones available on Windows 7.

(2015-03-03, 00:38)leejk Wrote: Thanks. I will do a little research on creating a personal mod. Ideally I'd like it to be easy to merge with your updates. Would a separate addon be the way to go I wonder?

My language is English. Just curious, is it hard to add more fonts? I'd like to experiment with all the ones available on Windows 7.


In all likelihood there will be no changes made to that area so replacing the single file that includes your mod should be all you'd need to do. Adding fonts are not hard but can be time consuming since each place you have text needs to be checked visually for alignment, size, or spacing issues and then adjusted accordingly.
(2015-02-24, 00:25)monisriz Wrote: I am using this skin and really liking the mods made to the original Aeon Nox.

I haven't gone through all 60+ pages of this thread so I apologize in advance if this has already been asked/answered before. Is there a way to enable IMDB Top 250 logo/ranking in other views besides "Logo" view? I usually use "Low List" or "Big Fan".

Just added the IMDb logo to Git for BigFan and LowList

watch gallery
(2015-02-27, 10:40)Crssi Wrote: Still think that, when RightList is finalised, it would be nice to create also a LeftList. Smile
Maybe I could take a look into this for you, to take some work from your shoulders?

I started making LeftList but I do not think it looks right... no pun intended. Most likely I will not continue Sad

(2015-02-26, 04:03)Edworld Wrote: Mike:

I just noticed that top 10 rentals is blurry, is this fixable? Not sure if it's been asked before

This issue has been fixed by phil65 in a recent commit for extendedinfo.
I will preface this by saying I'm not using your mod, Mike, (just a curious onlooker)...But have you considered doing a wall view with cases? Your mod is the only current Nox version with cases, but there is no true wall view with this feature. The wall below would likely suffice if you reduced the size of the poster to accommodate the cases.


Just an idea...I don't want give you any extra work when you could be enjoying the work you've already done. I have no idea what to do with the onfocus condition. You would have to replicate the muted overlay effect of the unfocused poster onto the surrounding case.

Spacing issues could also be a problem...just an idea.
(2015-03-03, 02:26)Warner306 Wrote: I will preface this by saying I'm not using your mod, Mike, (just a curious onlooker)...But have you considered doing a wall view with cases? Your mod is the only current Nox version with cases, but there is no true wall view with this feature. The wall below would likely suffice if you reduced the size of the poster to accommodate the cases.


Just an idea...I don't want give you any extra work when you could be enjoying the work you've already done. I have no idea what to do with the onfocus condition. You would have to replicate the muted overlay effect of the unfocused poster onto the surrounding case.

Spacing issues could also be a problem...just an idea.

+1 Big Grin
(2015-03-03, 02:26)Warner306 Wrote: I will preface this by saying I'm not using your mod, Mike, (just a curious onlooker)...But have you considered doing a wall view with cases? Your mod is the only current Nox version with cases, but there is no true wall view with this feature. The wall below would likely suffice if you reduced the size of the poster to accommodate the cases.

Just an idea...I don't want give you any extra work when you could be enjoying the work you've already done. I have no idea what to do with the onfocus condition. You would have to replicate the muted overlay effect of the unfocused poster onto the surrounding case.

Spacing issues could also be a problem...just an idea.

Good idea for the wall view... I do not mind the extra work... It makes sense to me... that being said....

The first time we crossed paths on these forums I asked you (what I thought at the time to be) an innocuous question... since then I have tried to carefully word myself... My question was about code I posted when asking for help in solving an issue I was having when I first started learning about skinning. You never answered my original post for help but what did happen is that my exact code was posted in your thread... you actually used the thread start date against me in our first conversation Sad I guess the whole point of this rant is that I've tried to work with you. I've even offered to collaborate and you declined. Instead what happened was responses saying "I do not want to be involved, I am done modding" but after saying that I suddenly saw opinions on what I was doing (going so far as to question my "artistic vision") My letting go of things has been rewarded with upsetting comments and demands for changes in a skin you apparently do not even actually use (yeah... guess how much that statement pissed me off) . While I like some of your ideas... there is an issue... take the knives ice guy and when you "attacked" him calling him slimey not realizing it is the same thing you scolded steveb for doing in the Aeon Nox 5 thread (manners police). That being said I have moved on and felt it was needed to be said to make that a permanent thing and not something that would fester further... I will most likely add your recommendation for cases in Wall view it is a good idea and fits the theme of offering cases. It is up to you how we proceed after hearing my comments cause it is not meant to push you away only to try and help show how frustrating things can be sometimes. Hopefully things won't take a turn for the worse but I could no longer not say anything... apologies to all reading this it has now become too long but I am committed and what's done is done Confused
(2015-03-03, 02:08)mikesilvo164 Wrote:
(2015-02-27, 10:40)Crssi Wrote: Still think that, when RightList is finalised, it would be nice to create also a LeftList. Smile
Maybe I could take a look into this for you, to take some work from your shoulders?

I started making LeftList but I do not think it looks right... no pun intended. Most likely I will not continue Sad


No... you are right, it looks more left. Smile Joking
But, I think it looks great.
But, of course, I am looking with my own "special" eyes, and I will never say that it looks right for majority.
What about poll? It might give us the answerHuh

Not only for LeftList also for the RightList:
To get rid of saturation, I would suggest to remove the "Directed by","Genre" (its already under movie title) and "plot text"... all this can be found under info, so more of the background picture is seen (some of them are really cool and its shame that its spoiled by too much info covering it).

Dont get me wrong, I would never give you a request (I appreciate all your work you are doing fine with all the respect of your final decisions), its just "load" thinking. Wink

Cheers mate
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Aeon Nox: SiLVO55