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v13 Titan MediaBrowser skin
(2015-04-12, 18:40)taurus35 Wrote: 3.2.80 showed up a while ago & has succesfully installed on Helix.

Thanks, im trying.
Thumbs Up 
I'm new here and i would just like to give a Big Thanks to the creator of the Skin, this is by far the best and most stable skin out there i run this on a Mini Mac with Openelec. Thanks again keep up the hard work.
Two things:
1. RCB most played games widget isn't working.
2. Any word on the PTVL support?


When the home screen tiles for movies and tv shows are set to show random images from items in the library, is there anyway of having the name/logo/banner displayed for the movie/tv show that is currently being used?

Often I've see interesting looking images that I've not been able to recognise and wondered what movie/show it was.
Great skin, thank you for making and supporting it!
I translated it 100% into HR (croatian) few weeks ago and I'll keep updating translations.

Any release plan for next stable version? Would like to see my translations to go live. Smile
HI guys can you please help me out, I've installed the add on and clicked on the live TV section ,

. When I select the Live TV tile and the screen comes up and just shows me the default background screen with no options , an unresponsive screen.
, I've read on here that you just go to task manager or manually exit. How do you do this?
I'm using open elec on a raspberry pi
Are you sre that this was incorporated to the skin?

From the PTVL thread:

In-order to Block XBMC's Seekbar from popping up on channel change:
Add the following to your skins visible area in dialogseekbar.xml

Window.IsActive(fullscreenvideo) + !Window.IsActive(script.pseudotv.TVOverlay.xml) + !Window.IsActive(script.pseudotv.live.TVOverlay.xml)

Edit: I checked, you have it. Something must be overriding it.
Also, Rom Collection Browser Widget doesn't seem to be working.
Hey, I'm still getting a script error with the titan helper. Log is below:

08:14:20 T:1780876352  NOTICE: titan helper version 1.6.18 started
08:14:20 T:1572860992  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:20 T:1831736384   ERROR: [16/Apr/2015:08:14:20] ENGINE Bus STARTING
08:14:20 T:1831736384  NOTICE: .
08:14:20 T:1831736384   ERROR: CherryPy Checker:
                                            The Application mounted at '' has an empty config.
08:14:21 T:1647309888  NOTICE: [plugin.video.youtube] Running: YouTube (5.0.9) on Helix (14.2) with Python 2.7.3
08:14:22 T:1831736384   ERROR: [16/Apr/2015:08:14:22] ENGINE Serving on
08:14:22 T:1831736384  NOTICE: .
08:14:22 T:1831736384   ERROR: [16/Apr/2015:08:14:22] ENGINE Bus STARTED
08:14:22 T:1831736384  NOTICE: .
08:14:22 T:1572860992  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:24 T:1716515904  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:24 T:1716515904  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:25 T:1572860992  NOTICE: CommonFunctions-2.5.1
08:14:26 T:1716515904  NOTICE: URLResolver: Initializing URLResolver version: 2.8.0
08:14:26 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: Initializing MetaHandlers version: 2.7.0
08:14:26 T:1733293120  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:26 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine version:
08:14:26 T:1754264640  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:27 T:1733293120  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:27 T:1716515904  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:14:27 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: Looking up TMDB config cache values
08:14:27 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: Cache still valid, setting values
08:14:27 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: No SQLite rows requiring update
08:14:28 T:1754264640  NOTICE: version 2.0.7 started
08:14:28 T:1647309888  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:28 T:1754264640  NOTICE: finished
08:14:29 T:1647309888  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:29 T:1647309888 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(23): Script invoked without an addon. Adding all addon modules installed to python path as fallback. This behaviour will be removed in future version.
08:14:30 T:1404032064  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: URLResolver: Initializing URLResolver version: 2.8.0
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: Initializing MetaHandlers version: 2.7.0
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine version:
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: Looking up TMDB config cache values
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: Cache still valid, setting values
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: No SQLite rows requiring update
08:14:33 T:1780876352   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>
                                            Error Contents: (36, 'File name too long', '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.titanskin.helpers/cGx1Z2luOi8vcGx1Z2luLnZpZGVvLmFhYXN0cmVhbS8_ZGVzY3JpcHRpb24maWNvbmltYWdlPWh0dHAlM2ElMmYlMmZpY29ucy5pY29uYXJjaGl2ZS5jb20lMmZpY29ucyUyZmN1c3RvbS1pY29uLWRlc2lnbiUyZmFsbC1jb3VudHJ5LWZsYWclMmYyNTYlMmZDYW5hZGEtRmxhZy1pY29uLnBuZyZtb2RlPTImbmFtZT0lNWJDT0xPUiUyMGxpbWUlNWRDQU5BREElMjAlNWJDT0xPUiUyMGFudGlxdWV3aGl0ZSU1ZChVUERBVEVEJTIwMjUlMmYwMyUyZjE1JTViJTJmQ09MT1IlNWQlNWIlMmZDT0xPUiU1ZCZ1cmw9U1pRWENRMmc=.txt')
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.titanskin.helpers/service.py", line 89, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.titanskin.helpers/service.py", line 55, in __init__
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.titanskin.helpers/resources/lib/MainModule.py", line 510, in UpdateBackgrounds
                                                image = getImageFromPath(path)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.titanskin.helpers/resources/lib/MainModule.py", line 459, in getImageFromPath
                                                txtfile = open(txtPath, 'w')
                                            IOError: (36, 'File name too long', '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.titanskin.helpers/cGx1Z2luOi8vcGx1Z2luLnZpZGVvLmFhYXN0cmVhbS8_ZGVzY3JpcHRpb24maWNvbmltYWdlPWh0dHAlM2ElMmYlMmZpY29ucy5pY29uYXJjaGl2ZS5jb20lMmZpY29ucyUyZmN1c3RvbS1pY29uLWRlc2lnbiUyZmFsbC1jb3VudHJ5LWZsYWclMmYyNTYlMmZDYW5hZGEtRmxhZy1pY29uLnBuZyZtb2RlPTImbmFtZT0lNWJDT0xPUiUyMGxpbWUlNWRDQU5BREElMjAlNWJDT0xPUiUyMGFudGlxdWV3aGl0ZSU1ZChVUERBVEVEJTIwMjUlMmYwMyUyZjE1JTViJTJmQ09MT1IlNWQlNWIlMmZDT0xPUiU1ZCZ1cmw9U1pRWENRMmc=.txt')
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
08:14:37 T:1780876352  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:37 T:1780876352  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
(2015-04-16, 15:05)Tim8 Wrote: Hey, I'm still getting a script error with the titan helper. Log is below:

08:14:20 T:1780876352  NOTICE: titan helper version 1.6.18 started
08:14:20 T:1572860992  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:20 T:1831736384   ERROR: [16/Apr/2015:08:14:20] ENGINE Bus STARTING
08:14:20 T:1831736384  NOTICE: .
08:14:20 T:1831736384   ERROR: CherryPy Checker:
                                            The Application mounted at '' has an empty config.
08:14:21 T:1647309888  NOTICE: [plugin.video.youtube] Running: YouTube (5.0.9) on Helix (14.2) with Python 2.7.3
08:14:22 T:1831736384   ERROR: [16/Apr/2015:08:14:22] ENGINE Serving on
08:14:22 T:1831736384  NOTICE: .
08:14:22 T:1831736384   ERROR: [16/Apr/2015:08:14:22] ENGINE Bus STARTED
08:14:22 T:1831736384  NOTICE: .
08:14:22 T:1572860992  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:24 T:1716515904  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:24 T:1716515904  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:25 T:1572860992  NOTICE: CommonFunctions-2.5.1
08:14:26 T:1716515904  NOTICE: URLResolver: Initializing URLResolver version: 2.8.0
08:14:26 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: Initializing MetaHandlers version: 2.7.0
08:14:26 T:1733293120  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:26 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine version:
08:14:26 T:1754264640  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:27 T:1733293120  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:27 T:1716515904  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:14:27 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: Looking up TMDB config cache values
08:14:27 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: Cache still valid, setting values
08:14:27 T:1716515904  NOTICE: metahandler: No SQLite rows requiring update
08:14:28 T:1754264640  NOTICE: version 2.0.7 started
08:14:28 T:1647309888  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:28 T:1754264640  NOTICE: finished
08:14:29 T:1647309888  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:29 T:1647309888 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(23): Script invoked without an addon. Adding all addon modules installed to python path as fallback. This behaviour will be removed in future version.
08:14:30 T:1404032064  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: URLResolver: Initializing URLResolver version: 2.8.0
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: Initializing MetaHandlers version: 2.7.0
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine version:
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: Looking up TMDB config cache values
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: Cache still valid, setting values
08:14:31 T:1404032064  NOTICE: metahandler: No SQLite rows requiring update
08:14:33 T:1780876352   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>
                                            Error Contents: (36, 'File name too long', '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.titanskin.helpers/cGx1Z2luOi8vcGx1Z2luLnZpZGVvLmFhYXN0cmVhbS8_ZGVzY3JpcHRpb24maWNvbmltYWdlPWh0dHAlM2ElMmYlMmZpY29ucy5pY29uYXJjaGl2ZS5jb20lMmZpY29ucyUyZmN1c3RvbS1pY29uLWRlc2lnbiUyZmFsbC1jb3VudHJ5LWZsYWclMmYyNTYlMmZDYW5hZGEtRmxhZy1pY29uLnBuZyZtb2RlPTImbmFtZT0lNWJDT0xPUiUyMGxpbWUlNWRDQU5BREElMjAlNWJDT0xPUiUyMGFudGlxdWV3aGl0ZSU1ZChVUERBVEVEJTIwMjUlMmYwMyUyZjE1JTViJTJmQ09MT1IlNWQlNWIlMmZDT0xPUiU1ZCZ1cmw9U1pRWENRMmc=.txt')
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.titanskin.helpers/service.py", line 89, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.titanskin.helpers/service.py", line 55, in __init__
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.titanskin.helpers/resources/lib/MainModule.py", line 510, in UpdateBackgrounds
                                                image = getImageFromPath(path)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.titanskin.helpers/resources/lib/MainModule.py", line 459, in getImageFromPath
                                                txtfile = open(txtPath, 'w')
                                            IOError: (36, 'File name too long', '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.titanskin.helpers/cGx1Z2luOi8vcGx1Z2luLnZpZGVvLmFhYXN0cmVhbS8_ZGVzY3JpcHRpb24maWNvbmltYWdlPWh0dHAlM2ElMmYlMmZpY29ucy5pY29uYXJjaGl2ZS5jb20lMmZpY29ucyUyZmN1c3RvbS1pY29uLWRlc2lnbiUyZmFsbC1jb3VudHJ5LWZsYWclMmYyNTYlMmZDYW5hZGEtRmxhZy1pY29uLnBuZyZtb2RlPTImbmFtZT0lNWJDT0xPUiUyMGxpbWUlNWRDQU5BREElMjAlNWJDT0xPUiUyMGFudGlxdWV3aGl0ZSU1ZChVUERBVEVEJTIwMjUlMmYwMyUyZjE1JTViJTJmQ09MT1IlNWQlNWIlMmZDT0xPUiU1ZCZ1cmw9U1pRWENRMmc=.txt')
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
08:14:37 T:1780876352  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:14:37 T:1780876352  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
Looks like the same error i've reported some days ago: http://[ http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread...pid1977862
by using the latest 15.x kodi, the enter to setting just dont do anything, am i the only one?
(2015-04-17, 05:45)chchia Wrote: by using the latest 15.x kodi, the enter to setting just dont do anything, am i the only one?

I have reported the same issue @chchia. a few others said there's was working fine, so presumed it might just be a glitch with me. after a fresh install the same issue occurred, I cannot press enter on any item in the lower bar menu, settings, log off etc, however quit does work. running Yosemite OS X
(2015-04-17, 07:46)stueeey Wrote:
(2015-04-17, 05:45)chchia Wrote: by using the latest 15.x kodi, the enter to setting just dont do anything, am i the only one?

I have reported the same issue @chchia. a few others said there's was working fine, so presumed it might just be a glitch with me. after a fresh install the same issue occurred, I cannot press enter on any item in the lower bar menu, settings, log off etc, however quit does work. running Yosemite OS X

then at least we both have the exact same problem. I am on windows 7 64 bit.
(2015-04-17, 10:03)chchia Wrote:
(2015-04-17, 07:46)stueeey Wrote:
(2015-04-17, 05:45)chchia Wrote: by using the latest 15.x kodi, the enter to setting just dont do anything, am i the only one?

I have reported the same issue @chchia. a few others said there's was working fine, so presumed it might just be a glitch with me. after a fresh install the same issue occurred, I cannot press enter on any item in the lower bar menu, settings, log off etc, however quit does work. running Yosemite OS X

then at least we both have the exact same problem. I am on windows 7 64 bit.
Me too!
(2015-04-09, 03:09)pünktchen Wrote: Hi Marcel,
while you are at repairing the titan.helper.script
i get another error since a few version, but all seems to work as it should:

I'll push out another beta of the helper script tonight that will hopefully fix this issue.
Please test with this new version (which will be 1.6.19) and let me know.
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Titan MediaBrowser skin14