I have an issue : I am using the skin Titan Media Browser, which use this module.
When I open the video view, all my videos have the same poster / fanart, but the synopsis of each film matches the films (I conclude that the library contains all the right informations from the scrapper).
I looked into the video folder, and see those repeated images in the folder, so I think by default it take for example the fanart.jpg of the folder for the videos that do not have yet any fanart. But as all my videos are in the same directory, it is not good.
All my videos are stored on a NAS and accessed through NFS, and the library is shared (MySQL installed on the NAS) ; I have 3 instances of Kodi running : 1 on OS X, 1 on OpenElec (raspberry pi 2) and 1 on windows 7, and I have the same results on each platform.
I tried to fix my library : for each movie, go in the information menus, then choose artwork, for poster, fanart, logo, disc, and so one... but I have 200 movies, and it is very boring so I stopped that.
Here is the result :
Of course, I do not have 4 times the film « 2 Fast 2 Furious » in the library neither 11 times the movie « A bug’s life"