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Release 2D Spectrum, visualization
Well Paxxi did ask you to consider it, and appear to me you have it well considered and it is indeed a good argument for easier implementation given pkg-config, I imagine makes it easier multiplatform?

Considering the amount of useless bike-shedding that prevents things from going forward, it isn't surprising to read, more than one person feels frustrated by it.

I personally think it is alarming.
and I personally think it is totally normal when so many indeviduals are participating in a project. One can simply take a break from it without shitting on everybody who has an opinion to share. Or one can keep spreading how bad the team is and feel better by degrading them while doing so. Everybody is free to handle it how he wants. There is no objective alarm sign though imo.
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
(2015-05-10, 02:00)Memphiz Wrote: and I personally think it is totally normal when so many indeviduals are participating in a project. One can simply take a break from it without shitting on everybody who has an opinion to share. Or one can keep spreading how bad the team is and feel better by degrading them while doing so. Everybody is free to handle it how he wants. There is no objective alarm sign though imo.

How did I shit on everybody? I simply said that I picked a logging library, which I found suitable after much googleing and consideration. I asked in forums for others opinions and it was echoed, when it was done people swope in and say "have you considered X" or "why would we even need this, ours just needs tweaks". Many of the responses I answered but its not like people are lining up doing this. Switching logging is a moving target as we constantly add and remove logging. So Its not something I want to be bikeshedded, especially when the discussion on the logging library was open months ago. This is why I ended the development of it, I can't be arsed hitting a moving target while its bikeshedded. If the bikeshedding would have stopped I very well would have done it. Its not a tremendous task to do once, but its real annoying to keep doing it with all the different libraries.

I am not angry at Paxi, I just stated I won't be PRing it to xbmc git as I know it will be bikeshedded, as it already has. If he wants to PR spdlog then he is free to do so and I applaude the effort. Here I simply asked ironic_monkey if he would be interested in the patches, as it would most likely be tremendous help to the binary addons he has. It had nothing to do with the xbmc git.

EDIT: Perhaps we should get back on topic..
EDIT2: Also I can say ofcourse I googled on spdlog and considered it when Paxi brought it up, the list I gave as advantages for log4cxx was against spdlog. If it had bested log4cxx on those I would obviously wanted to use it, not like I want to code badly Tongue
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
I think he means that uNiversal is the one shitting things/people.
no i didn't mean it specific at all - i ment that in general - there are a lot of devs annoyed and simply vanish for a while or some just explode and vanish. Yeah back to topic (and some do something in between @topfs2 Wink )... Just one last word. I think as much as bikeshedding sucks - its nothing which is done by purpose. Its something which automatically happens once a certain number of people are involved. At least thats what i have read from that psychologic phenomenon. Blame our brains - Borg work better for sure Wink
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
I'm ready to join the Kodi collective but who of our male devs is up to become the queen Smile
(2015-05-10, 12:27)Memphiz Wrote: no i didn't mean it specific at all - i ment that in general - there are a lot of devs annoyed and simply vanish for a while or some just explode and vanish. Yeah back to topic (and some do something in between @topfs2 Wink )... Just one last word. I think as much as bikeshedding sucks - its nothing which is done by purpose. Its something which automatically happens once a certain number of people are involved. At least thats what i have read from that psychologic phenomenon. Blame our brains - Borg work better for sure Wink

Phiue, was afraid I accidently made an enemy Tongue

Yeah, its semi inevitable I agree. We do some exercises on it at work which is quite good to limit it a bit though. The point of one excersise we did was that sometimes you should just lay down your vote, even if your fully able to vote. Because say 10 people know 5% they can easily out vote the person which knows 95%, which may not be a good end game at all. If we did this on some PRs, just trust the one doing the PR that he has knowledge (obviously asking questions is fine) then some bikeshedding could be ended.
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
(2015-05-10, 14:10)da-anda Wrote: I'm ready to join the Kodi collective but who of our male devs is up to become the queen Smile

Well, you dont have to have a real Queen or even that the Queen has to be part of the team. You can always vote a figure head, say Elton John.

So back ontopic, when is the kodi-platform stuff going to merged into master so I dont have to "faf" about with clumsy trees to build this addon.
I suppose right after Isengard is out or branched, because master is currently feature frozen
I was under the impression, CEC and PVR addons require that already.
When its done and sorted out - i think he refers to the pending PR from opdenkamp/wsnipex.
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
yeah sorry, mixed them up
(2015-05-08, 17:14)ironic_monkey Wrote: by the way, if you're actually dev'ing the viz with my fork, the easiest way is

1) build kodi somewhere
2) configure the addon with -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<build_dir>/build -DKODI_BUILD_DIR=<build_dir>

that way it will use the platform libs etc from the kodi build dir, and whenever you execute 'make' in the visualization's build dir, it will mirror data and binaries in the kodi build dir for easy testing (just run out of the build dir and test..).

executing 'make' in kodi will keep the add-on bindings up to date, so no need copying those around manually either should you be changing those. it is all very convenient Smile

note that you have to use the cmake buildsystem in project/cmake - i don't update the autotools system at all.

OK; https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/7069 was now merged and I have compiled kodi after the fact. looking at notspiffs instructions seemed fairly straight forward and configuration goes on OK with one exception.
However when issuing make it fils again with timeutils.h nonsense.

This is the pastebin from all steps right from clone to configuration and make where it fails.


Yea, Im lost the path to timeutils is not platform/util/timeutils.h its still xbmc/utils/timeutils.h but that doesn't matter, I changed the include path and make absolutely no difference to cheese.
It also says the -DKODI_BUILD_DIR= isnt used at all, when configuring shadertoy as instructed.

Are we waiting for https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/5329 to be merged now before this goes on? or what?
Anyone cna help getting that compiled in Linux, Im not sure what Im doing wrong there.
1. build and install kodi master
2. build and install (lib)platform: https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/platform/
3. build shadertoy

steps for 2. and 3.:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<kodi-prefix> -Dkodi_DIR=<kodi-prefix/lib>
make -j4
make install

Note: -Dkodi_DIR=<kodi-prefix/lib> is only needed if kodi is not installed in a standard prefix(/usr,/usr/local)

edit: or use the nightly ppa: kodi-visualization-shadertoy (for ubuntu >=14.10. 12.04 doesn't build atm)
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2D Spectrum, visualization0