Stalker 0.8 and Isengard
Hello all,

I installed Stalker 0.8 from the gethub, but kodi will not start the service. Has anyone had success running Stalker 0.8 on Isengard?
1. make sure you're using Isengard beta 1
2. delete/uninstall the old version (0.7.*) that is bundled with beta 1 before installing 0.8.0
Yes it does work...but had to delete anything that had to do with previous versions (using file manager and going to the profile directory then addon_ data and delete everything you see that says stalker), reset pvr database, empty cache, restart Kodi and install 0.8.0. Took a few times and restarts following these instructions (don't know why) to get it to load channels and guide on a fire tv but has been working fine since. Only thing I've noticed is I get audio hiccups now that I didn't get in the previous versions. Anybody know how to eliminate this?
(2015-06-03, 06:09)kenji123 Wrote: 1. make sure you're using Isengard beta 1
2. delete/uninstall the old version (0.7.*) that is bundled with beta 1 before installing 0.8.0

HI Kenji, i am trying to use the pvr stalker client on my M8 Box. is running an unofficial openelec 6 beta 2 (izengad). everry thing works fine except when i try to run the stalker pvr, it keeps saying "can't load dll."
but if i use the normal iptv stalker with simple pvr client, it works great. i would have opted for that but i think the pvr stalker client is more responsive and way better than the iptv stalker.

Please any advice?
This is an android restriction because the storage location where the add-on is trying to be loaded from has a 'noexec' flag. You may need to root your device and/or move the file to a location where the add-on can be executed. There's nothing I can do about this.
Kenji123 , I had pvr stalker 0.8.3 running great the last two days on new 4k firetv , today it is saying "Stalker Client Unable to Load Channels" I went to my addons and it seems the version is now 0.8.4 What can I do to get it working? I noticed this version doesnt not have a timeout of 60 only running Kodi 15.2 the newest release

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Stalker 0.8 and Isengard1