2015-07-08, 03:51
I Wonder,,,,,,,,
Ok so here is my question, Right now my movie library is nice and pretty with all the lovely artwork and so on. Now I use the showcase view that has the 4 "extrathumbs" folder with ""thumb1.jpg/thumb2.jpg/thumb3.jpg/thumb4.jpg" for the images. But I also in my movie folder have the folder "extrafanart" for all the backgrounds for that movie. This means that in effect I have the same images twice in the same move folder. One set in "extrafanart" and the same set in "extrathumbs" as seen here.
The images inside the "extrafanart" is pulled/scraped by "Artwork Downloader" addon. Not too sure about the ones in "extrathumbs" as I do use Ember Media Manager to scrape my movie info before I put them in to Kodi so as to make use I get United Kingdom flags and ratings for age and so on.
Anyway. The "Showcase" view with the 4 images and the banner is my view of choice. But to get that to work, I must make sure I have the folder "extrathumbs" with "thumb1.jpg/thumb2.jpg/thumb3.jpg/thumb4.jpg" or the skin defaults back the a place holder image (the one that just says AEON).
Would it be possible to do away with "extrathumbs" altogether and just have that view use the images from "extrafanart" for the 4 images? (Hell if you can make them change/rotate in a random order over a time frame of as say 20 seconds or so, That would be epic, But lets not get ahead of ourselves lol.)
This would do my OCD a world of good as I then would not need to have the same set of images 2 times over.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Ok so here is my question, Right now my movie library is nice and pretty with all the lovely artwork and so on. Now I use the showcase view that has the 4 "extrathumbs" folder with ""thumb1.jpg/thumb2.jpg/thumb3.jpg/thumb4.jpg" for the images. But I also in my movie folder have the folder "extrafanart" for all the backgrounds for that movie. This means that in effect I have the same images twice in the same move folder. One set in "extrafanart" and the same set in "extrathumbs" as seen here.
The images inside the "extrafanart" is pulled/scraped by "Artwork Downloader" addon. Not too sure about the ones in "extrathumbs" as I do use Ember Media Manager to scrape my movie info before I put them in to Kodi so as to make use I get United Kingdom flags and ratings for age and so on.
Anyway. The "Showcase" view with the 4 images and the banner is my view of choice. But to get that to work, I must make sure I have the folder "extrathumbs" with "thumb1.jpg/thumb2.jpg/thumb3.jpg/thumb4.jpg" or the skin defaults back the a place holder image (the one that just says AEON).
Would it be possible to do away with "extrathumbs" altogether and just have that view use the images from "extrafanart" for the 4 images? (Hell if you can make them change/rotate in a random order over a time frame of as say 20 seconds or so, That would be epic, But lets not get ahead of ourselves lol.)
This would do my OCD a world of good as I then would not need to have the same set of images 2 times over.
Thanks for taking the time to read.