2015-07-08, 08:32
(2015-06-15, 07:47)bleakassassin Wrote: I have to say that I'm really happy to see a new weather add-on available! It's looking continuously more promising, too. Thank you for your work on it.I feel like my post got overlooked. I haven't had time to do much more testing until now. Using the most recent version of the add-on from the official repository still causes this immense hang on exit to occur.
... I have found that this add-on is causing Kodi to take a long time to exit. Regardless of which skin I'm using, having OpenWeatherMap installed causes exit times to at least double, oftentimes triple. I know it's this add-on because my debug log notes for it that the "script didn't stop in 5 seconds - let's kill it". The time between the script being called to stop and it actually stopping exceeds the stopping times for all other add-ons combined.
Any idea why this may be?
I've generated two logs for observation:
- One log is from a session where nothing else was done besides starting Kodi, waiting for initial load-in to finish, and quitting.
- The other log was generated similarly. This time, though, I had OWM installed with a location set. I waited for weather information to be loaded. Once it was, I quit.
Hopefully this will be helpful in figuring out this issue. It's a significant nuisance to an otherwise wonderful add-on (which I'm thankful for!).
Log when OWM not installed
Log when OWM installed