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Release skin helper service
new version is on git:

- prefixed all the Home properties (as requested by ronie)
- added support for colored studio logos and the new image resources from Kodi (as requested by im85288)
- a few unicode fixes (reported by tomer953)
- added splitted duration (as requested by Hitcher)

I will work on some more fixes later today and tomorrow. Thanks for testing guys!
(2015-08-17, 23:13)Hitcher Wrote: Anyway this could extended to separate hours and minutes?
Done, see Github. I have updated the script and the readme...
(2015-08-17, 23:32)ronie Wrote: a friendly request: you should really prefix all the window properties you set with the name of the addon.
Done, the windows props are now prefixed
(2015-08-18, 09:34)tomer953 Wrote: Now I choose "Choose shortcut" or "choose widget" and I see "Smart shortcut" - but they both empty.
also in the choose shortcut button, the smart shortcut is the only item now (all the rest dissapeared)
what i'm doing wrong ?
See the readme... you have to enable the smart shortcuts by setting some skin Bools in your skin to true.
For example Skin.SetBool(SmartShortcuts.playlists) --> enables the smart shortcuts for playlists

(2015-08-18, 09:34)tomer953 Wrote: currently I use script.skin.info.service by Phil for some thing I will glad to see in your script instead.
1. http://i.imgur.com/HdwMLaN.jpg - cdart for moviesets [Set.Movie.%d.Art(discart)]
2. AudioLanguage of movie, which return: ENG \ ITA \ RUS or something simillar according to the audio tracks
3. Artist.Albums.Count - to count the numbers of albums for artist
and more things from that addon will be great, I want to use few scripts as possible.
I will take a look if I can add that in (if phil agrees)

(2015-08-18, 09:34)tomer953 Wrote: 4. As I requested before, to create "smart background browser" that I can use from skinshortcuts, for exmaple, being able to add menu "youtube" add assign to it the Fanart from the addon as a background.
Use the smart shortcuts feature for that... I will see if I can add the YouTube addon too but I'm not sure if that even provides fanart ?

(2015-08-18, 09:34)tomer953 Wrote: 5. as I write this, I get scripts error from the script, and also from extendedinfo which says invalid ID and more stuff, ill post maybe unicode errors, or the fact i'm using mysql server... ill check it out later.
Yep, unicode errors... I did'n't really test that. Glad you did ;-) Thanks.
I fixed the ones you reported on Git.
(2015-08-18, 17:11)im85288 Wrote: please do not forget my studiolabel request or I can submit a pull request if you prefer. Cheers
Now fixed on Git... please note all the updated window props...
many thanks...amazing work.
just a tiny guide if possible, how do I enable the option to assign widget from favourite list?
you saw my overrides and I don't have groups, can you guide me what I need to add to enable this in the widget selector? (if possible at all?)
Phenomenal™ Skin • ForumWebsiteGitHub
(2015-08-18, 22:44)tomer953 Wrote: many thanks...amazing work.
just a tiny guide if possible, how do I enable the option to assign widget from favourite list?
you saw my overrides and I don't have groups, can you guide me what I need to add to enable this in the widget selector? (if possible at all?)

Do you want a widget which lists the favourites or do you want to create widgets for the items in your favourites ?
I want (as users requests) to add things to favs, then assign their path as a widget.
For example, save "youtube most popular" to favs,
Then in the widget selector, i want option to choose that, and to use the path of it as content.
So the widget will fill with music videos from youtube.
I request that because users got used to work this way in my old way, as I mentioned before, I used with JustSelect method, and there, you included favs folder. All I want is to add this folder to the widget selector.
Phenomenal™ Skin • ForumWebsiteGitHub
Ah right, now I see. Well in that case enable smart shortcuts for favorites, it does exactly that.
(2015-08-18, 22:26)marcelveldt Wrote:
(2015-08-17, 23:13)Hitcher Wrote: Anyway this could extended to separate hours and minutes?
Done, see Github. I have updated the script and the readme...

Many thanks. Big Grin
@tomer953, I have extended the widgets listing to also include nodes from favorites, see the updated readme
Thanks, but its not working as I wish...
Just to be sure You know what I want:
You see those folders? I want to add "favourite" folder...which will contain all my favs, when I hit one, it will assign its path to the widget, thats all.. you already did it with Justselect and choose shortcuts dialogs...
I think you can do it in a tiny update in the skinshortcuts addon, and not here..or i'm missing again the way I should make it work.
after that being said, to the problems:

1. something weired is happing to SmartShortcuts.favorites , it keeps chaning to false...
I set "F3" to setbool this string , and added a label in home with:
<label>SmartShortcuts.favorites: $INFO[Skin.HasSetting(SmartShortcuts.favorites)]</label>
and I hit F3 and its true, and then I wait few seconds, and it set to false...
small demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6Vy9lr...e=youtu.be (hitted F3 then wait..)

I read the latest reamde as you said, and added:
<widget label="Widgets" type="32010">||BROWSE||script.skin.helper.service/?action=widgets</widget>
to my overrides.xml.
then I tried to assign favourite widget, but It semi working...
First it not showing all my favs, just few of them (I guess you tried to filter only media favs?)
second, I have some "tricky" favs, that I manually created to "auto play" some lists, like:
<favourite name="Billboard Top10">ActivateWindow(10025,&quot;plugin://plugin.video.spotitube/&apos;?limit=10&amp;mode=listBillboardCharts&amp;type=play&amp;url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.billboard.com%2frss%2fcharts%2fhot-100&quot;,return)</favourite>
that one caused your script to actually activate it, and when I tried to choose widget, It started to play music in the background one after one..
Full debug log:

So as you can see, trying to filter those, and make some "smart way" to show them, it making thigns hard, could you just add "favourite" folder to let the user choose from? whatever is there to appear, users should know what they choosing.

Hope i'm clear enought.
Phenomenal™ Skin • ForumWebsiteGitHub
Hi Marcel, that's an amazing list of features, Thanks.

Gave it a shot to the colorpicker, definitely will use this as it offers improvements and easy to include in my code.
Just 1 suggestion is that it could be even more user friendly if colors were ordered by color base. Mixed colors are not easy to choose.
Not sure if it's possible.

I've seen that you have a Youtube trailer search, so I have something in mind that could be a request. I'm trying to get a thumbnail on the fly for live tv programs and I noticed the first youtube image preview is almost 100% relevant to the ListItem.Title. Do you think it should be possible to get something like this to work ?

[Skin] KOver - V1.1.0 Stable (Repo version)
[WIP] ReKOver - Skinning tool project

If I've been helpful or you like my work, hit "THANK USER" button ;) ...
(2015-08-19, 12:47)Jayz2K Wrote: Gave it a shot to the colorpicker, definitely will use this as it offers improvements and easy to include in my code.
Just 1 suggestion is that it could be even more user friendly if colors were ordered by color base. Mixed colors are not easy to choose.
Not sure if it's possible.

+1, I hope for someone will build something like this:
or simillar.
untill then Im using my mini-color-picker: http://i.imgur.com/dHnCBZZ.png
If skinning engine will have option to colordiffuse a thumb, I will try to build that myself.
Phenomenal™ Skin • ForumWebsiteGitHub
(2015-08-19, 11:51)tomer953 Wrote: So as you can see, trying to filter those, and make some "smart way" to show them, it making thigns hard, could you just add "favourite" folder to let the user choose from? whatever is there to appear, users should know what they choosing.
That is possible but there is way to determine the content and thus to determine if the path can actually be added as a widget. Only rel solution would be to enhance the detection mechanism...
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