2015-08-20, 11:55
It may not be new, but it's a major issue that needs a fix
(2015-08-08, 23:55)dml3334 Wrote: Hi.
I've been using the Isengard DX11 version of 23th of July and 7th of August, and in both of them I have a huge problem of tearing...
My setup:
AMD E2-1800 APU
AMD Radeon HD 7340 1280x720 @ 60Hz
Windows 7 64 bits
1 single monitor: Samsung HD-Ready TV
Catalyst driver 14.2
My video output settings:
Display Mode: Full Screen #1
Resolution 1280 x 720p
Use fullscreen window
3D Disabled
Vertical blank sync -> Always enabled
Used limited colour range (16-235)
Render method: Autodetect
HQ scalers: 0%
Allow DXVA2
However, with Helix 14.2, Isengard DX9 15.0 and 15.1, with the same video settings, I have no tearing at all.
If you need any debug log or whatever else, please let me know.
Thanks and awesome work with DX11!
(2015-08-21, 13:53)afedchin Wrote: @dml3334
Make sure what you enabled vsync in AMD Catalyst Control Center or vsync is Unless application specifies
(2015-08-21, 13:53)afedchin Wrote: @MadScientist
Please try this build KodiSetup-20150821 (+pdb)