Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
VNSI Connection lost warnings though deactivated?
I start up my Linux Kodi (git nightly, 26th August). I have set the setting "Disable connection lost warnings" in the TV settings enabled.

My movie server uses Wake-On-LAN. This works.

My VDR server is started using the Wake-On-LAN setting in the VNSI client. This works, however it can take up to a minute until it's up (it's fully off).

However, I get the "VNSI connection lost" error messages popping up in Kodi. Then, once VDR is up, the "TV" and "Radio" entries are added to the menu and no more messages.

Log is here:

The log shows "ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: SignalConnectionLost - connection lost !!!" errors.

I'm not sure - maybe something is going wrong as the nfs connection is also being woken up (why that happens I actually have no clueHuh)?
The name of the setting "Disable connection lost warnings" is ambiguous. It does not distinguish between "conection lost" and "connection can't be established". "ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: SignalConnectionLost - connection lost !!!" means "an active connection terminated", which is an error and can't be disabled. In order to see this message there must have been connection.

How do you build the addon? What version of platform do you use? Does it include?
(2015-08-31, 21:37)FernetMenta Wrote: The name of the setting "Disable connection lost warnings" is ambiguous. It does not distinguish between "conection lost" and "connection can't be established". "ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: SignalConnectionLost - connection lost !!!" means "an active connection terminated", which is an error and can't be disabled. In order to see this message there must have been connection.
I am very sure there cannot have been a "real" connection. The VDR server is damn slow on starting up, and till my script launches VDR there are additional seconds gone. Maybe, for some reason, a ping or something worked to the server, but definitely there cannot have been any "proper" active connection in place which should let Kodi believe that it had one.

FernetMenta Wrote:How do you build the addon? What version of platform do you use? Does it include?
Ubuntu 14.04, Intel
I get Kodi and Kodi-PVR-VNSI via packages (I didn't want to compile anymore as I ran into issues):
kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi , 1.11.4-1~trusty
Kodi was a git from 26th August, error occured for weeks though (and now I decided to report it)
the ppa seem to have an outdated version of platform platform - 1.0.7-1~trusty
should be at least 1.0.10

1.0.7 does not include the fix mentioned
ppa should be updated now
(2015-09-01, 15:31)FernetMenta Wrote: ppa should be updated now
I guess I'm on the wrong ppa... I did an update and upgrade, Kodi got upgraded but I still see this:

sudo dpkg --list | grep kodi

ii kodi 2:16.0~git20150901.0200-2e60078-0trusty all Kodi Media Center (arch-independent data package)
ii kodi-bin 2:16.0~git20150901.0200-2e60078-0trusty amd64 Kodi Media Center (binary data package)
ii kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi 1.11.4-1~trusty amd64 VDR PVR for Kodi

What ppa should I be using?

What ppa do you use and what version of platform does it offer?
I have these active PPA repositories:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:team-xbmc/xbmc-nightly
sudo apt-add-repository ppaConfusedhnatsel/cairo-compmgr
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jtaylor/keepass
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:pipelight/stable
platform was updated to 1.0.10 in xbmc-nightly. did you update it?
I just did again. I get this:
The following packages will be upgraded:
bind9-host dnsutils kodi kodi-bin libbind9-90 libbluray-dev libbluray1
libdns100 libisc95 libisccc90 libisccfg90 liblwres90 libvdpau-dev libvdpau1

Nothing mentioned of kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi...
please do sudo dpkg --list | grep platform
ii cmake amd64 cross-platform, open-source make system
ii libcrossguid1:amd64 0.1~git20150807.8f399e8 amd64 cross platform UUID library
ii libieee1284-3:amd64 0.2.11-12 amd64 cross-platform library for parallel port access
ii libieee1284-3:i386 0.2.11-12 i386 cross-platform library for parallel port access
ii libkubuntu0 14.04ubuntu4 amd64 library for Kubuntu platform integration
ii libplatform1:amd64 1.0.10-1~trusty amd64 Platform support library
ii libqtkeychain0 0.5 amd64 Cross platform password store library
ii libwayland-egl1-mesa:amd64 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.4 amd64 implementation of the Wayland EGL platform -- runtime
ii libwxgtk-media2.8-0:amd64 amd64 wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ media library runtime)
ii libwxgtk2.8-0:amd64 amd64 wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ runtime)
ii python-wxgtk2.8 amd64 wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython binding)
ii python-wxversion all wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython version selector)
ii python3-mako 0.9.1-1 all fast and lightweight templating for the Python 3 platform
libplatform1:amd64 1.0.10-1~trusty amd64 Platform support library

it's was updated.
Ok, in that case the issue remains... it was not there before, and it's pretty annoying to hear the sound every few seconds for a minute... Any ideas apart from me starting to compile and adding logging to see what's happening?
I can't reproduce the issue here. All works as expected.

Quote:I get Kodi and Kodi-PVR-VNSI via packages (I didn't want to compile anymore as I ran into issues):

are you sure you don't have any left-overs on your systems from the days you did compile yourself?

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VNSI Connection lost warnings though deactivated?0