2015-09-23, 23:14
I've recently bought a RPi2 on the strength of the work that's been done to enable playing 3D MVC video, but I'm struggling to play any that doesn't result in a reboot.
Installed OE build is 22Sept #0922
I downloaded 3 samples from another OE thread, using shared links by popcornmix
The Hobbit
I have them stored on my LAN and they play as 1080p in 2D, so as instructed, I renamed them to end the filename as <name>.3D.MVC.mkv
Now when I play them it just causes OE to crash and Pi needs to have pwr pulled.
I've tried them from both SMB share and also local SD card, same result.
If I just rename them to end <name>.3D.mkv they play in 2D still, adding the MVC causes this.
I've enabled in settings the play as Full HD 3D etc
Pi Audio is to 8 channel decode, its connected to an AV amp and PCM shows when playing in 2D.
Have I got the naming convention wrong or missing something else ?
kodi.log http://pastebin.com/n4nfjU4a
I've recently bought a RPi2 on the strength of the work that's been done to enable playing 3D MVC video, but I'm struggling to play any that doesn't result in a reboot.
Installed OE build is 22Sept #0922
I downloaded 3 samples from another OE thread, using shared links by popcornmix
The Hobbit
I have them stored on my LAN and they play as 1080p in 2D, so as instructed, I renamed them to end the filename as <name>.3D.MVC.mkv
Now when I play them it just causes OE to crash and Pi needs to have pwr pulled.
I've tried them from both SMB share and also local SD card, same result.
If I just rename them to end <name>.3D.mkv they play in 2D still, adding the MVC causes this.
I've enabled in settings the play as Full HD 3D etc
Pi Audio is to 8 channel decode, its connected to an AV amp and PCM shows when playing in 2D.
Have I got the naming convention wrong or missing something else ?
kodi.log http://pastebin.com/n4nfjU4a