PSX Emulator?

Will there be a PSX emulator included in retroplayer?
Or is there already - and am I just missing it? Smile

Not yet:
I thought PSX was PS1? guess not. It might be worth checking to see if Beetle PSX and PCSX (our two PS1 emus) support PS2
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2015-10-15, 16:06)garbear Wrote: I thought PSX was PS1?
So do I Smile

Looking at the wiki, however, gave me the impression that these emu's were not ready yet (status yellow).
the status is wrong for all emulators. I just never updated it. Disregard status completely
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Ah, disregards all I said here earlier then Big Grin
The problem is I don't have time to test 40 emulators times 3 platforms and update the status for every one. I plan to replace "status" with two fields: "Open issues" and "Closed issues" that link to the open/closed issues on the emulator's github project at

That way, we can track that status on github closer to where the code is
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
PSX was how it was called before it was changed to playstation. Think in Japan its still known as that. There is also this ps2 dvr that launched in Japan:

(2015-10-15, 21:22)garbear Wrote: The problem is I don't have time to test 40 emulators times 3 platforms and update the status for every one. I plan to replace "status" with two fields: "Open issues" and "Closed issues" that link to the open/closed issues on the emulator's github project at

That way, we can track that status on github closer to where the code is

You dont get to test. Your time is too valuable to be spent on that task Tongue Let us less gifted do that for you.

Perhaps it is an idea to streamline the process a bit more. All you would need to do is direct us to the part of RetroPlayer you need tested. The whole reason I have not tried the PSX emulators yet is because I did not know they were even useable! Smile
Remember that all PlayStation1 emulators, like Beetle PSX & PCSX ReARMed, (as well as some other libretro cores), require a BIOS to work, these BIOSes are usually in a legal gray-zone and can be a little difficult to aquire, read:

scph5501.bin = PS1 US BIOS
scph5502.bin = PS1 EU BIOS

Also note that most of these BIOSes are binaries ripped from the EEPROM of an actual game console system so it is proprietary software blobs which might still be under copyright depending on the console age and origins.
(2015-10-15, 16:06)garbear Wrote: I thought PSX was PS1? guess not. It might be worth checking to see if Beetle PSX and PCSX (our two PS1 emus) support PS2

For what it's worth, with PSX, I did mean PS1 Smile
Not sure if this is correct anymore now... Sad I'm completely confused :|
I always read PSX = PS1
Playstation 2 was always PS2 for me, too
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Tangentially, is anyone aware of PSP or NDS implementation being worked on? I believe PPSSPP has now become a core of libretro.
#14 that's all the cores being tracked by our build system. If RetroArch adds more cores, they can be included, just someone's gotta port it over
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
ppsspp requires libretro-gl and the game addon needs some bios files.
maybe it will work once n64 runs smooth, but I think it will take some time...

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