(2015-10-19, 12:52)DaveBlake Wrote: Fist, and any other interested people, PR8205 has now been merged so my attempt to restore the file view functionality (lost with PR8011) should be in the nightlies. Feedback welcome.
On a related topic: PR8159 has changed the format of what is displayed in the music library view. There is post merge discussion of ways this could be modified futher, a few of us are not happy with some of the consequences. In particular when you sort album view by album (with default settings and Confluence) you get album title on both sides of this list. Could be good to review these format changes - both file and library - together.
Great work, Dave.
Had a quick look just now. I tested it with two skins: Confluence and Mimic.
Here are my initial thoughts:
1. In terms of restoring the annoyance of not being able to sort by ascending track order: fixed. It appears tags are being read and interpreted correctly. The rest is a bonus.
2. Mimic skin can only sort in Ascending order, but that's a problem with the skin. Confluence is fine.
3. Haven't had a chance to check how Isengard did it, but I notice the default sort is by name, and this is inherited through the folders to the track listing. If you want albums sorted by track order, you have to sort them individually. I would be inclined, if it's not a pain, to get this down to a granular level, to default to name for folders, and track for files. I think that would be a logical improvement.
Edit: seems to do this now. Either a change in the next nightly or I was doing something wrong.
4. Some of the more esoteric file sorts now disregard the File Naming Template specified in the System/Music/File Lists, with the bias towards the basis of the sort. I don't know how I feel about this. Probably a good thing, but it is breaking consistency. If you were to leave out the details in the sort, I guess it might be confusing. It's not something I'd complain about either way.
Edit: Had a bit more of a play around. Further thoughts on 4. above
Fine with breaking the Settings/File Naming Template but it would be more visually appealing if:
1. In Artist/Year needs a space between Artist and opening bracket. Should sort by Artist, then year, then title. Track number would be irrelevant.
2. In Title, for the sake of symmetry, preferable on the eyes to list Artist first. Obviously, doesn't matter in compilations...
3. In Album, same again. List Album, Artist, then title or Album, Artist, Track Number, Title. Sort order should be Album, then track number.
4. In Artist, display track number. Obey file naming template, so default display would be Track, Artist, Title.
5. In Duration, as above.
6. In Year, display Artist, then title.
Once again, many thanks!