(2015-12-02, 22:48)Dave the Minion Wrote: Looking to get my buddy's CV HTPC set-up to control his Z-wave scenes. Finding info seems to be pretty difficult. I had previously got Z-wave working back 3 XBMC versions ago through CE but it seems everything has changed since then. Has anyone worked on this with CV yet? Or know of any good resource to look into?
It's a very basic set-up I'm trying to implement. Run 1 scene then CV starts, a second at a certain point, a third when the main feature begins and a final scene when the feature ends. Also want 2 very simple "remote" buttons to control scenes (once we figure out his Harmony) to run 4 scenes.
He's got a MicasaVera and we've installed a bunch of dimmers and controls. All the scenes are set-up within the Vera now, just need Kodi and CV to say when to execute certain ones. It's difficult to get time to "play" with all this stuff since I'm only at his place once or twice a week so I have to learn as much as I can before I get over there.
Still having issues running CV on his RPi2 for 3D as well but that's another issue we are playing with. 2D on his HTPC works awesome and will be amazing once CV controls all the lights.
I don't know for sure but I think we may have a few folks using Z-Wave around here somewhere. Anyone have any success with it, and want to share their actions with all of us? If not, we can help put something together. With the help of a few members of the community, we've been able to nail down example actions for ISY recently. All we need to help is the correct API documentation for your buddies setup. A quick Google returned two Wiki articles,
Test Sequence and
Luup Requests. Let me know if that looks like it takes us in the right direction.
(2015-12-02, 22:57)Dave the Minion Wrote: Also, how's work on a TV Shows CV feature coming? Right now it does all sots of weird things when running from a TV show. Will be awesome to make a simple sequence to show audio bumpers before watching Walkding Dead of Game of Thrones.
I get to be the bearer of bad(?) news, Dave. We haven't done much more than white-board TV so far. We're still fixing things from the first round of development so once we're confident we're at a steady state, look for updates on TV functionality. We do plan to outline what we think we need to do and allow the community to get involved in development by submitting ideas, just like we did for creating the add-on initially.
(2015-12-04, 07:36)KrispyKreme Wrote: Ok I got that. I took all my trailers and put them into the root folder in my CV folder. That seems to work but it's randomly playing them not necessarily by the genre or rating of the movie. How would CV know what the genre of the trailer is if there is no info to pull from? I did try this tho. I scraped the trailers into Kodi. It pulls the movie data from IMDB and other sources but they show up as movies in my database on there which i don't want. Also I don't know how CV could determine what to pull from. I'm still lost lol
So CinemaVision can only calculate genre and rating if it has that data attached to the trailer. In order to do that, the trailer has to be scraped into the local Kodi database, or streaming from a source on the internet that has that published, like iTunes. I added instructions to the first post under the KODI BEST PRACTICES section that outlines how to set up local trailers in Kodi so they don't show up as full movies, but do get scraped in with all of the information we need to use those features. That might be more what you're looking for.
(2015-12-04, 20:29)fryster Wrote: Quick question, I'm in the process of setting up my Christmas cinema vision sequence. I want to play specific trailers that are based on our Christmas movie list. What is the best way of doing this? If I need to download the trailers where's the best source?
Many thanks
(2015-12-04, 21:16)MidnightWatcher Wrote: What I do is set up CinemaVision to only use a directory for playing trailers, set it up to play four trailers, and then put the four trailers I want in that directory.
Here are some sources:
http://www.hd-trailers.net/ (Stereo Audio)
http://thedigitaltheater.com/index.php/m...iler-list/ (5.1 Audio)
Exactly what I would have suggested. I also added those two sites to our growing list of scrapers to add when we have the download in background feature working well.
(2015-12-05, 01:34)JANGER Wrote: I (we) need some light version of CinemaVision.
When we use it on Raspberry Pi (and RPI Zero version too), every resources are important.
We dont want to download any huge online content, even in background.
So, I need only one thing: playing the selected video prior to all movie, video, youtube starts up.
Something like THX logo trailer.
The one and only video file, I keep in the directory.
None trailers, none quizes, none trivias.
Can anybody instruct me?
- what and where I have to set - right after installation this add-on
- what I have to disable or uncheck to not use any other available features, especially not read any online content
Welcome! We haven't tested on the Pi Zero, because frankly, you're the only person I've seen that has one. The things are so hard to get right now! That said, a quick glance at the specs and you shouldn't have trouble doing what you want to do. CinemaVision is actually incredibly lightweight and only a few functions require "heavier" hardware (the Trivia Module's slide transitions, for example). To keep your content small, and the audio intact, I'd suggest you download one of the THX videos from the CinemaVision website that you like and put that on your Pi Zero. Here's what I would do from the default CinemaVision configuration:
- Go through the steps in this post under CONFIGURING THE ADD-ON > What To Do After Installation
- Go through the steps in this post under CONFIGURING THE ADD-ON > Demo Mode, Setting the Content Path and Specifying Sequences
- Download the THX trailers you want to use in your sequence and put them in the %CVROOT%\Audio Format Bumpers\THX directory
- Go through the steps in this post under CONFIGURING THE ADD-ON > Adding & Updating Content
That should be all you need to do for the content you want to use. The rest of the directories will remain empty unless you want to add more to your setup. You can create the
CinemaVision Content Path (%CVROOT%) locally on the Micro SD card, or on a network share. The add-on doesn't care as long as your source is added in Kodi File Manager.
Now the fun stuff! Creating your sequence. I would personally recommend modifying the default sequence to fit your needs, so that you can ensure it works as intended when you queue up multiple movies.
- Open the Sequence Editor by launching CinemaVision
- Remove all Modules to the left of your first Audio Format Bumper Module
- Remove the two Command Modules
- Remove the Intermission Video Bumper Module
- Remove the Trivia Module
- Remove the Feature Outro Module
- Add Command Modules to your sequence
- One between the first Feature Module and the second Audio Format Bumper Module
- One between the second Feature Module and the Theater Outro Video Bumper Module
- Edit the settings on the first Command Module
- Command: Skip
- Argument: 4
- Condition: Feature queue is empty
- Edit the settings on the second Command Module
- Command: Back
- Argument: 2
- Condition: Feature queue is full
- Edit the settings on both Audio Format Bumper Modules
- Method: Choose format
- Format: THX
- Optionally, you can rename the Audio Format Bumpers to THX so that you know what they do at a glance.
- We'll leave the very last Theater Outro Video Bumper Module in the sequence so that the Command Module has a place to go. It won't actually do anything unless it finds a video in that %CVROOT% directory
- Hit C, Save, name the sequence, and when prompted you want to set it as your 2D default.
Now that you've read all that,
here's a sequence file that you can drop into your
%CVROOT\Sequences directory and use.
This sequence file is exactly what doing the above steps will get you. Make sure you set it as the 2D default in the add-on settings. If you want one for 3D, you can create a similar sequence and add in a Video Bumper at the beginning that tells people to put on their 3D glasses.
If you have time, and a want to help, I'd love to see exactly what the Zero has trouble doing with some logs and descriptive posts. It might help us optimize some things for that platform, which I suspect will be more popular as time goes on.
I forgot to mention, you shouldn't have to disable anything at all. CinemaVision will only process what's in your sequence, which means it will ignore every single Module but the Audio Format Bumpers, Features and Command Modules.