Hi All, again thanks for the such quick improvements, really astonishing.
Just some general questions on the new widgets if I may, but please know I could be asking stupid questions so apologies if all these are possible and I just haven't figured it out yet or that there is still work outstanding that may cover them. Apologies if jumping the gun as well.
1) Is it possible to use smart playlists in the widgets?
The way this works in the original skin is as follows
Select edit main menu from System sub-menu, once there press up to get 1st screen shot, then select Smart Playlist Manager to get 2nd screenshot. Here you can see we are allowed to create a max of 6 for widget 1 and same for widget 2. You can see from me screen shot that I basically have created the following for the widget 1. Latest entries for source 3D, playlist Best Picture (oscars), IMDB 250, source Adult, source Concerts and finally source Standup. I've then repeated the 6 but instead of Latest (Recently added?) I have choosen Random.
Once these are setup they then become available as options in the Widget chooser window, 3rd screen shot, and once slected for widget 1 and 2 I get home screens like screen shots 4,5 & 6.
It's also possible to use a smart playlist for the infoline as well, so If use assign the Latest smartplaylist then the infoline generally seems to be correct, i.e. all films, watched, unwatched for the source, playlist whatever.
So, is and of this possible in the new widgets or is it something I'll need to chat to Mr. V once everything is done and look into adding it as a widget option in the new version?
watch gallery
2) Connectec to 1, is it possible to have widget content random?
3) Is it possible to define a widget to only show unwatched? As we effectively used Skin Widgets for the "old" widgets then these all seem to be options in the config of skin widgets for questions 2 & 3.
Again, these are just questions on the new widgets nothing more