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Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement
(2016-02-15, 07:23)eiri1234 Wrote: sorry kodi, you'll win the battle but you won't win the war. There will be an exodus to FMC (Freedom Media Center) Dev's are packing there bags.
Please, please, please, let's make this happen!!
I follow this forum very often, and using XBMC since the old days... I have seen an influx in boxselling and people thinking that kodi is a free tv replacement... I now know this is not the case, but most people don't... They keep thinking they can watch the Live Sport event from Sky FREE and even think they can stream this on their pub or public business, it's so stupid.
I must say I use some movie addon here and there because I cannot afford to pay the huge sum of money that some "legit" company asks, I mean paying more than 100£ monthly to watch 6 months old content is ridiculous too dont you think?
I am afraid you guys are discouraging a lot of developers that made XBMC the way it is. You should focus on inform people that Kodi is not a replacement for Live TV or Sport TV, be more present in social networks such as facebook, youtube, twitter... that's where all the informations are spread... I had a hard time finding the official kodi channel on youtube, and this is not a good thing.

Please take this as a suggestion on the way forward, besides this "witch hunting" that can only end badly... Also, and this is a question for the Kodi team, aren't you afraid that calling "shitty box sellers" will piss off a lot of people that are actually supporting you? I mean, Minix, nvidia, etc, after all are box sellers company too... so please, take a deep breath and think twice before exposing your idea in this way, you should be more careful on what you say and what not.

Again I may be wrong, but that's what it looks like recently, especially reading this post.
I think a lot have taken this the wrong way and it turned into my johnson is bigger than yours. Yep this is my first post ever on KODI.TV but its not the first time being here. I am really surprised that a lot of you cant see the big picture here. I think some things should not have been said in the heated moment which steered all this in the wrong direction. The way I see it and it is just an example. I go to work and work my 12 hour shift and my co worker calls in sick. My boss tells me that he is going to pay my coworker instead of me. I'm sorry but I would be pissed as everyone would I worked all day but he is at home getting paid. Its like the well fair system here in the U.S. I work over 40 hours a week and you dont but you still get paid (and here in TX some one on well fair with a kid makes as much as i do with out a job). Kodi is open source and its how they wanted it to be. No one should be aloud to make money from it and/or drag the Kodi name threw the mud with all this Free TV/MOVIES Buy my crap It has Kodi ready to go for free movies etc. I honestly don't think it's Kodi's intention to stop any kind of add on as stated many times from them. They just don't want anyone to promote or benefit from these that sell this crap and us the Kodi name. These guys do this for free they are not making any money from it nor should anyone else. And if you do, you are no better than that person on well fair steeling hard workers money cause they know how to work the system.
That being said yes there are a lot of people that need the well fair system I am not bashing that it was just an example.

I do us youtube for alot of things but its starting to look like google search you cant believe everything that you see online. What I think really needs to be done is use disclaimers the right way and really show the uninformed community what Kodi really is first and if you want to show builds, skins, and, etc. of your work or your buddy's work all you have to do is state that theses are not part of Kodi Team or how ever it should be stated I'm no lawyer so I cant finish that.

Kodi Team you have every right to stand up for all your hard work. Don't let others profit from what you have set out to do. If the larger does decide to leave let them all it means is you are starting off with a fresh start to make things bigger and better. If you build it they will come (you have already seen this yourselves)

Ramblings from TX
(2016-02-15, 09:33)schismata Wrote: I follow this forum very often, and using XBMC since the old days... I have seen an influx in boxselling and people thinking that kodi is a free tv replacement... I now know this is not the case, but most people don't... They keep thinking they can watch the Live Sport event from Sky FREE and even think they can stream this on their pub or public business, it's so stupid.
I must say I use some movie addon here and there because I cannot afford to pay the huge sum of money that some "legit" company asks, I mean paying more than 100£ monthly to watch 6 months old content is ridiculous too dont you think?
I am afraid you guys are discouraging a lot of developers that made XBMC the way it is. You should focus on inform people that Kodi is not a replacement for Live TV or Sport TV, be more present in social networks such as facebook, youtube, twitter... that's where all the informations are spread... I had a hard time finding the official kodi channel on youtube, and this is not a good thing.

Please take this as a suggestion on the way forward, besides this "witch hunting" that can only end badly... Also, and this is a question for the Kodi team, aren't you afraid that calling "shitty box sellers" will piss off a lot of people that are actually supporting you? I mean, Minix, nvidia, etc, after all are box sellers company too... so please, take a deep breath and think twice before exposing your idea in this way, you should be more careful on what you say and what not.

Again I may be wrong, but that's what it looks like recently, especially reading this post.

The highlighted are box makers and are not a problem in my mind it's the people who sell on these boxes with builds and add ons that don't work and don't say they are independent of Kodi and the Foundation. They use something that has become know to most but those people then think that Kodi is behind it when clearly to those who know it is not.

I feel that those behind Kodi are right in doing some sort of action as to what is being done is right or wrong is for those who are taking the action and what the advice is from those advising them.
I really welcome the FMC fork, thanks for finally doing what we ask for since ages (just follow the tvaddons related threads or actually read our trademark policy).
(2016-02-15, 08:56)Koying Wrote:
(2016-02-15, 07:23)eiri1234 Wrote: sorry kodi, you'll win the battle but you won't win the war. There will be an exodus to FMC (Freedom Media Center) Dev's are packing there bags.
Please, please, please, let's make this happen!!
Seems that FMC may be the inevitable conclusion....

Whilst I appreciate this plan of Piracy action and this recent stance by the Team Kodi, its the same as putting your finger into a leaking Dyke to stem the inevitable flood of water. You are going to get drowned sooner rather than later.

Firmer action needs to be taken and tougher decisions made, a flow of ideas here....maybe Android only....
  • Serious consideration given to removing Python from Kodi completely ala the MrMC fork of Kodi to prevent these addon creators ever getting started.
  • Once this is done rebrand Kodi once again and start afresh.
  • Possibly embed some sort of call to Kodi servers in the code (and official addons as well) that remotely disables Kodi until detected illegal addons are removed.
  • Provide a list of Official endorsed Kodi Hardware platforms, that do not come packaged with Piracy addons or associate themselves with Piracy in any way.
  • No Allowed Kodi Sponsors unless the previous condition is met.
  • A Sub-Forum of known, repeated Piracy listings, with names of YouTube, Craiglist, EBay, Amazon etc offending Sellers for a community based listing effort.

As some of you know I've been pretty Vocal on the subject of Trademark Infringements and GPL Violations as well.
I have become completely dismayed that even a simple request to have known GPL Violators (and hardware sellers), to be posted on the Kodi.tv front page, has not even been considered.
I wrote a passionate PMail to natethomas a while back now about VidOn, the worst GPL Violator and have not even had the courtesy of a reply.

Team Kodi, you need to protect your Developers first and Foremost as the Number One Priority. The heart and soul of the project. You are not doing enough. When someone like VidOn blatantly Violates your XBMC/Kodi GPL you do nothing at all about it. Some developers I talk to are actually furious nothing has been done.
You have a Known GPL Violators list already. Why the Hell don't you use it and make it prominent ! ?

All the rest is window dressing, and band aid solutions unless you keep developers together. If I had to start out as a Kodi developer at this exact point in time I would not do so and would actually encourage others to do the same.

Dismayed. Yes a LOT ! Sad


(2016-02-15, 11:42)wrxtasy Wrote: I wrote a passionate PMail to natethomas a while back now about VidOn, the worst GPL Violator and have not even had the courtesy of a reply.

Out of curiosity, are you aware that every contributor to the Kodi codebase ever still owns the copyright to their particular piece of software, which means literally anyone that has a commit can go after GPL violators?

I don't know the Vidon codebase, and I have no way of knowing exactly what parts of it are and are not being violated by Vidon. If you do know, and you have ever committed even a single line of code to Kodi, then you actually have more power than I do, as I never have committed a line, and the Foundation does not own the code, only the trademark.

So if you are seriously gung ho about going after Vidon, just do it. I've done what I can by removing them as sponsors. The rest is up to the copyright owners. I'd even be happy to ask the board to finance something if the team devs made a push for Vidon code, but literally not a single one of them ever has.

On a more critical note, this conversation is completely inappropriate for this thread. If you post about it again here, you will be warned/banned for a brief period. Feel free to start a new thread on the topic, if it matters that much to you.
(2016-02-15, 07:23)eiri1234 Wrote: sorry kodi, you'll win the battle but you won't win the war. There will be an exodus to FMC (Freedom Media Center) Dev's are packing there bags.

Firstly, this is what Kodi wants. A complete fork. This would be fantastic but it won't happen.

The reason it won't happen is that then the "FMC" would have the burden of support for when the crappy unreliable piracy add-ons stop working. Why do you think every piracy box manufacturer and seller peddles their box under the Kodi brand? They want the unsuspecting buyer to believe that this community will provide the support for their installations. Support takes a lot of time, resources and expertise. They are not interested in helping people once they have their money.

Not so long ago a group were touting their own rebranded Kodi but these days it is played down.... I wonder why...
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Read/follow the forum rules.
I understand why you (Kodi Team) want to go this path.
but the reality is that this is a pointless war. you just can't win here.
even if you would manage to take down some Facebook pages or youtube channels, there would be always more of these.

if your purpose is advertisement as a software which doesn't allow piracy than you actually did the opposite - as now by making
such headlines the Kodi name is associated to Piracy more than ever - this is how the internet works.
It seems you cant even agree between yourself as kodi devs on the problem.

My personal opinion box sellers offering fully loaded items and dont offer support so then the support comes from kodi related social media groups.
These guys or 99.9% of them offer FREE support. They do this as they love kodi. Granted they may have kodi in their name but if these guys didnt offer support how many more users would come to the offical kodi pages for advise or support. This would give you potenially more unpaid work so why not let these guys try and help and support the kodi brand. The amount of questions these guys have on a daily basis is huge and i am sure could work 24 hours per day if they have insomnia.

I think box sellers are a huge problem, some skin builders have tried to add pins to slow this down will it help probably not. Is there an alternative solution im sure EVERYONE would be interested to helping you guys.

Why not contact these kodi related fan groups and discuss in a more professional manor how everyone could help and benefit from this. Registered trade name granted but allowing these to help kodi more and discuss pros and cons between everyone maybe a good way to start.

The people who run kodi related sites and social media may have similar concerns as you all do, so why not work together.

Just my thoughts so please dont shoot me.
(2016-02-15, 13:59)xeine Wrote: My personal opinion box sellers offering fully loaded items and dont offer support so then the support comes from kodi related social media groups.

Oh how I wish that were true, then I and my fellow mods here wouldn't have to deal with at least a dozen or so requests for help per day from people who've bought such junk which has then stopped working (or they've followed the various websites and YouTube videos and subsequently installed piracy crap which has done likewise) and they come here expecting us to clean up the mess that someone else has made and profited from.

Just have a look in the garbage and rule violation section here to see quite how large the volume is - 269 threads in a little over two weeks..
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It might be true to a large extent.
This forum is seeing the people who either aren't capable of / can't be bothered /don't think to find a forum / facebook site / whatever that will advise them.
What proportion is that? 1%? 50%? 99%?
Gawd only knows.
I'd suspect the percentage is pretty low.
Even 1% coming here is too many.

The dream would be that this fork will weed out such people from using Kodi and so also remove the impression that we support such junk.

We can hope, but somehow I doubt we'll be that lucky.
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Kodi still got pirated addons on his forum which are having pirated (copyrighted) content but I stlll didn't see anyone notice that Smile What about all the addons with pirated adult content?.....Yes also porn addons have a lot of pirated content
Well you have answered what i have said Darren and the other 30-40 kodi named related groups on page1 have exactly the same issue if not more. They certainly will have more to answer too as have facebook twitter websites to answer.

Plus theres another 30-40 kodi sites without using the kodi name in their url etc. So thats an additional rough average using your 12 requests per day to an extra 480 + requests that could be in total a further 1000 per day you would have to deal with. Answering the same questions day in day out due to sellers not offering support but happily creaming the money.
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Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement23