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Music New Features/Improvements Request Summary
it would be nice if we could add our music from google play and tidal to our music library and able to change the music information like cdART because sometimes it is wrong because I have both and the kodi addons are but sometimes the services get the information wrong that the scrappers have correct or being able to change it ourselves
Since forever, Kodi has had a switch to turn off showing artists that only appear on compilation albums - in my view this is a "good thing" as otherwise the artist list, which is my goto method for finding an album or track, is horribly cluttered and enormous.

The thing is, when Kodi scans in a compilation album, it fetches artist info for all of these compilation artists, and if you have a lot of compilation albums (like I do) it takes hours.

Would it be possible therefore to either add an option to NOT scrape artist data for compilation albums, or just not scrape it if "Show artists who only appear on compilations" is turned off ? If there is an artist that a user wants details on, this can still be obtained via the context menu "Artist Information" and then hitting "reload".
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2016-03-05, 14:06)black_eagle Wrote: Since forever, Kodi has had a switch to turn off showing artists that only appear on compilation albums - in my view this is a "good thing" as otherwise the artist list, which is my goto method for finding an album or track, is horribly cluttered and enormous.

The thing is, when Kodi scans in a compilation album, it fetches artist info for all of these compilation artists, and if you have a lot of compilation albums (like I do) it takes hours.

Would it be possible therefore to either add an option to NOT scrape artist data for compilation albums, or just not scrape it if "Show artists who only appear on compilations" is turned off ? If there is an artist that a user wants details on, this can still be obtained via the context menu "Artist Information" and then hitting "reload".

The Include artists that only appear on compilations" setting is really badly named and described, and I hope in due course will get renamed. Something like "Show album artists nly" would be more accurate and meaningful. Compilations/anthologies and how they are defined and processed is a separate matter. What Kodi actually has is album artists and song artists. It takes album artist from the ALBUMARTIST/TPE2 tag, or if that is missing and all the tracks from an album have the same artists in ARTIST/TPE1 makes them album artists. Song artists are all the artists including those featured on just one song from an album.

If I may rephrase your request Black_eagle, it would be to say that scraping song artist information when you have show album artists only enabled is a waste if time. Also why batter the servers for artist info that you never want to see, I totally agree.

Better control on what gets scraped and when is definintely on my improvements list.
If we go the way of making music scraping more like videos then you'll be able to exclude a folder from scraping, so you could have a compilation folder containing all those albums and set to local data only.
(2016-03-05, 15:27)jjd-uk Wrote: If we go the way of making music scraping more like videos then you'll be able to exclude a folder from scraping, so you could have a compilation folder containing all those albums and set to local data only.

Even now scraper settings can be applied to a music source, just likely that most people only have one source rather than folders at a time. So yes one could put all compilation albums in a folder and set scraper to local. But because songs and albums can have more than one artist, the relationship between artist and folder can be complicated. Unlike video it is the library list of artists (and albums) that is scraped not the folders and music files themselves. Each artist could have come from music files located on different paths e.g. artist1 is on a compilation album, featured on songs from an album by artist2 and has a number of albums in a different folder in an artist/album/track hierarchy. Do we scrape, and what folder scraper settings to use?

But that was not what Black_eagle was aking for. It is not compilations that are the issue, but song artists compared to album artists, and they are not folder based. In an album by artist1 we can have a track with artist2 and artist3, we may also have albums by artist2 but none by artist3. We want to be able to automatically scrape artist1 and artist2, but not bother with artist3.

I do wish we could move on to correcting the mis-naming in settings, there is much confusion about how compilations are handled and what settings do. Hope your settings refactoring gets merged soon jjd_uk, and you can get into the next phase Smile
I don't think you followed, in videos it possible to go to a sub folder and overide the global settings made when you add the source.

So you could have:

- Music (main source folder - set content for scraping defaults)
---- Artists / Albums (subfolders in source - inherits settings for the source)
---- Compilations / Albums (subfolders in source - set to local overiding source defaults)

Thus the Compilations folder would never scrape online date.
jjd_uk I get what you are saying, but I don't think you followed me Wink

Yes you can avoid scraping compilation albums in the way you describe, but not always the artists that peform on them.

The music scraper is passed artist name or mbid (if we have it), or album title and artist names(s) or album mbid. It gets these from the music library. It also gets a common path for the artist or album, derived as a lowest common denominator from all the song files that have a relationship with the artist. While it may make sense to have an artist/album folder structure for your music files it is not mandatory, and where songs have multiple artists these artists certainly do not have just one related folder. From this common path the scraper settings are obtained.

Black_eagle wants to skip scraping song artists that are not also album artists, that sounds a good idea to me, and is not possible to do this with folder based scraper settings.
I did consider moving my compilations directory into a completely different path and adding that as a source, turning off all the settings, and just let Kodi scrape the tag values into the library. I think this would probably achieve the right result although I'm not sure of the effect it may have on the music library as a whole. It's also a bit of a faff to have to remember to change settings if you add an ordinary album or a compilation before you update the library.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Right I've managed to peace together a working Addon that query's ronie GlobalSearch Script from the Context menu passing across the Artist and also one that passes the Track title.

Ill try it for a day or too and then perhaps add it to forum if anyone is interested.
Remove the Music Song Node?
I'd love to see a "Spotlight Node" in the music section

Showing trending music, latest releases, top charts from various sites

I can of course provide the data via a JSON api Wink
Yes, yes, yes to that.
This seems like a good place to repost my music-related request of a few years back, thanks for the thread Dave.

Music PartyMode has some awesome potential to behave as an interactive jukebox, mostly because of one behavior: if one starts up PartyMode and then manually browses and adds additional tracks to the queue, the new tracks get bumped up the list and begin playing as soon as the current track is finished. Then when any manually added tracks are finished, random playback resumes. Perfect. It's a jukebox that never stops playing, and human requests gets priority.

The problem is, PartyMode doesn't respect the setting "Queue songs on selection". If one browses to find a new track and simply clicks or presses "enter" or the default button on a remote, the new song starts playing immediately, abruptly cutting off whatever was playing before. No good. Guests must be taught about context menus and the letter q or whatever is available on the remote, it's awkward and not fun and prone to mistakes.

Honestly it feels like a bug, but the devs who happened across my trac item a few years ago disagreed, or couldn't be bothered, so whatever the case I'm hoping someone might notice and support this request. Thanks for reading.
Any chance to see support for itunes playlists? I am using playlists extensively. I know I can already export them, but that's manual and painful. A simple integrated way in Kodi would be great!
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(2016-03-27, 23:54)antisuck Wrote: This seems like a good place to repost my music-related request of a few years back, thanks for the thread Dave.

Music PartyMode has some awesome potential to behave as an interactive jukebox, mostly because of one behavior: if one starts up PartyMode and then manually browses and adds additional tracks to the queue, the new tracks get bumped up the list and begin playing as soon as the current track is finished. Then when any manually added tracks are finished, random playback resumes. Perfect. It's a jukebox that never stops playing, and human requests gets priority.

The problem is, PartyMode doesn't respect the setting "Queue songs on selection". If one browses to find a new track and simply clicks or presses "enter" or the default button on a remote, the new song starts playing immediately, abruptly cutting off whatever was playing before. No good. Guests must be taught about context menus and the letter q or whatever is available on the remote, it's awkward and not fun and prone to mistakes.

Honestly it feels like a bug, but the devs who happened across my trac item a few years ago disagreed, or couldn't be bothered, so whatever the case I'm hoping someone might notice and support this request. Thanks for reading.

I don't see playback on selection a bug, but either way you can easily change in the settings of your skin, go into music >> playback and switch on 'queue songs on selection'. This as it says will queue songs instead of playback starting immediately.

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Music New Features/Improvements Request Summary7