Hate to trouble you, but I only just thought of this today: How difficult would it be to add an alternate scraper behind the scenes for times when TVdB might be down? I know that when it comes to show scraping, we're pretty much at the (very accurate) mercy of the show name as listed on TVdB (e.g.
The Magicians (2015) instead of just
The Magicians). Would adding fallback to say IMdB based on IMdB ID for episode title/plot be feasible? I mean, yeah, we could wait until the site comes back up, but I was just wondering for expediency. (translation: I'm impatient sometimes)
Also, I can't remember if this was addressed earlier, but what is the possibility of moving articles (An, The) to the end a la Movies? If too much a hasell or it's been addressed and my dumb ass just can't find it, then move along. Nothing to see...