(2016-04-04, 12:15)Alanon Wrote: First of all, let me say you have got a great skin on your hands here! That being said, I do have some bugs to report and features to request, that can make this skin even better. I hope you will consider them. 
1. Could you make the widgets permanent? Right now they just load and reload on every tab.
2. Could you add the option to hide icons on the menu and sub-menu (like Eminence MOD by Guilouz has)?
3. The episode thumbnails and square thumbs are really small, is there something that can be done to enlarge them?
4. Could you add the automatic rotation of the widgets (and background rotation) like in Eminence?
5. Is there going to be a weather widget?
1. There's an inconsistency with the widgets going up and down in the horizontal menu, it often doesn't go back up if you are using a mouse.
2. In the vertical menu, it is sometimes very difficult to get the sub-menu to show up. You have to very slowly come close to the outside of the ribbon.
3. "My TV Shows airing today" has no images at all, and the widget is showing square posters, which the addon doesn't have?
4. During music playback, there's an inconsistency with fanart displaying. For all my artists, I have a fanart.jpg in the folder root, and an extrafanart folder with images inside, but many artists simply show nothing?
5. Wide List for music stretches the artist image, so that most don't display correctly.
6. In Thumb view for films, it just shows the compressed poster, not the actual movie thumbnails.
For the Requests:
1. I need to look into it, I don't think it's that easy, because widgets that connect to plugins, is "refreshing" the content every time you focus it... I will see what I can do about it.
2. will add to my to-do list.
3. you are talking on "thumbs" view in episode level? I think I can make them a little bigger... will add into my to do list as well
4. you can already do that, by choosing "use widget as background" from the backgrounds picker..
5. I wanted to make weather and settings widgets from day one, but I can't find time for it lol... I think one day I will do it.
For the bugs:
1+2. you should control the skin with remote\keyboard, like almost any other skin. I am not going to change things for mouse users, because it's going to cause a LOT of problems.
with that being said - I DID try to make it easy as possible for mouse users. so, in the vertical menu I find that is very EASY to open the sub menu, you just need to put the mouse on the white arrow area that indicates that sub-menu is available and it's working fine, tried it now dozen of times.... about the horizontal one, yes, its a little tricky with mouse, but I did whatever I can, after a little practice I can fully control it with mouse, you just need to allow the option of "always show widgets", and then you can focus the widgets with the mouse, after you "finish" take the mouse to the bottom of the screen - it will "reset" the layout.
3. if you are using widgets from skin helper service, you might want to read the readme file:
this widget is requires another script (script.tv.show.next.aired), to make things easier for you to preview, I recommend you to navigate to videos-video add-ons->skin helper service -> and then you can navigate all the "widgets" availble via this script.
4. I need to check this, I can guess It related to "Artist slideshow" addon, and it's settings. IIRC there is a setting there to define a name for the "extrafanart" folder, and a setting to "prefer local images first", both should be enabled.
5. widelist is shit. I need to re-create this view.
6. you're right, actually I didn't thought about movie thumbnails when I did it, this view created for episode thumbs. I even don't think I have thumbs for my movies lol, but I will look into it, no sense to show compressed poster indeed.
thanks for your suggestions..