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Release igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton
Ha, that's no way to promote your skin, Bob. Wink

Sent from my Nexus 6
(2016-04-09, 03:05)braz Wrote: Ha, that's no way to promote your skin, Bob. Wink

I've seen too many skilled skinners like yourself promote your skins and then seeing the amount of user support needs and requests required by that to want to spend my semi-retirement following your fine example Wink

Or, the entirely honest version:- this is a skin I maintain for my own requirements. If others find it useful, then that's wonderful. However my desire to support a public skin (and all that goes with it - though I do have the desire to fix any bugs even if that has more to do with my OCD) is limited at my age Smile. Nevertheless, being the huge geek that I am, I genuinely find the latin translation both fascinating and fitting Smile
I know what you mean about support, I almost quit updating Mimic but you gave it a new lease on life by updating it to use skinshortcuts. Smile I'm always making major changes, most of the comments I get come when I remove a feature. You never know who's using it until you take it away, haha.

I'm intrigued now that you've posted screenshots, I'll have to give igConq a test drive and see if I can find any bugs... Smile

And thanks for all of your support of the skinshortcuts script, that's much more labor intensive than any skin!
(2016-04-08, 23:37)BobCratchett Wrote: I sincerely hope I'm not the only one interested in this. I've just updated the original post with full details of the latin derivation of the skins name - I knew that 'Conq' originated from latin, and so added 'Ig' knowing that is Latin for 'Not' hoping that the skin name would at the very least be 'Not Conq'. Having looked into it, and knowing the resurgence that Star Wars has had recently, I'm exceedingly pleased to learn that 'IgConq Skin' most directly translates into 'This is not the skin you are looking for' Big Grin

I am really interested as I really like conq orginal version , it would be good to have version working Jarvis
(2016-04-13, 15:45)cereyanli Wrote: I am really interested as I really like conq orginal version , it would be good to have version working Jarvis

I don't believe there will ever be an official version of Conq for Jarvis, but the test version here is as close as you'll get and should be usable.

igConq is designed for Krypton only and won't be at all usable on Jarvis.
I can`t find setting, which switch to horizontal main menu. Where i can find it? Thanks
(2016-04-15, 12:05)cpsskipper Wrote: I can`t find setting, which switch to horizontal main menu. Where i can find it? Thanks

From the main settings screen, choose 'Appearance' from the left column, 'Skin' from the middle and then ' - Settings' from the rightmost to get to the skins settings. From the Skin Settings page, choose 'Home' from the left, and toggle between the menu styles by selecting 'Main menu style' from the right.
I download your skin.igconq-isengard.zip from
and run it on kodi 15.2
i don`t see Main menu style In menu Home ((

May be i will see it only on kodi 17?
igConq is only for Krypton (Kodi v17). There are too many changes to the skinning engine for it to work on any other version.
Very nice Bob, I like it! I noticed the following very minor quirks, just thought your OCD would like to know. Smile
  • The animation when closing the video info dialog doesn't seem finished to me. It zooms out part way and stops before it fades completely.
  • On the Event Log window, if I press left to the scrollbar, it isn't possible to navigate back to the list.

I need more available views in my daily skin, but there's a lot I like about igConq.
My OCD thanks you hugely, and both are now fixed in the dev branch ready for the next version bump Smile

Thanks also for the kind words, though all praise Hitcher - all I've done is build on his amazing work. (And if I've never got around to thanking you for Conq, Hitcher - thanks!)
i love the original, and sure love this
Thanks for doing the Krypton updates so quickly
(2016-05-03, 06:50)porkchop999 Wrote: Thanks for doing the Krypton updates so quickly

Here's hoping the gui version bump means no more breaking changes to the skinning engine for at least a few days Wink
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igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton3