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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
Hi guys

I'm new here and looking for a little help

First of all thanks for the great app,

My problem is although it works perfectly it won't work unless I login to the desktop first then launch Kodi, if I launch Kodi in it's own session I get an error script failed.

Here's a section from the log I think is relevent

07:37:59 T:140715769186048  NOTICE: script.steam.launcher: ERROR: A window manager is NOT running - unless you are using the SteamOS compositor Steam BPM needs a windows manager. If you are using the SteamOS compositor disable the addon option "Check for program wmctrl"

I have wmctrl installed and running Ubuntu Mate 16.04

Any help or advice would be much appreciated

Steam BPM needs either a window manager (your desktop) or the steam compositor to work properly. Youll need to run kodi ontop of one for best results.
(2016-06-19, 11:21)teeedubb Wrote: Steam BPM needs either a window manager (your desktop) or the steam compositor to work properly. Youll need to run kodi ontop of one for best results.

Thanks for your quick reply but how do I do that ?

So are you saying that the steam launcher cannot work if Kodi is running in it's own session ie if the PC boots directly into Kodi ?

Steam bpm won't work. I haven't tried it in a while, so something might have changed tho. You need to boot into a desktop session, ie openbox, mate, fluxbox, unity,
I've had this build for a few years now. Thanks for your guide and your help. I've got that itch again to break something.

Have you looked into building this into a 16.04 LTS base image?
I was thinking of using docker images to help clean up the process a little.

Any thoughts?
I don't think docker would be the best for a gaming system? Sorry, no interest here in dealing with all the issues that building and maintaining a distributor would entail. If a 16.04 kodibuntu I might update the guide, but even that takes up alot of time, especially as I have removed all traces of gaming from the Linux side of my htpc - gaming on Linux is 2nd rate to windows, even with all the problems that comes with windows.
Is there any way to delay how long it takes Kodi to restart after exiting BPM? I run Kodi on my 3rd screen (TV) by default in Windows 10, but have BPM set to switch my primary monitor when it starts. When I exit BPM sometimes it takes a little while to switch the primary monitor back and as a result Kodi ends up restarting on the wrong screen. I think if the delay was set just a little longer it would resolve the issue.
Create a delay via a post-steam script
I followed your steam launcher + kodibuntu guide. and when I boot my computer, it boots into Openbox, and Kodi doesn't open. I'm pretty new to Linux so I can't even figure out how to get Kodi to run again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Update: I just formatted and reinstalled Kodibuntu. Kodi and Openbox are both showing up now. I probably did something to corrupt Kodi at some point.
Another update. Got everything to work regarding openboot. My computer boots an auto-runs Kodi just fine. Problem now is, bigpicture doesn't run. I tried to run steam in Lubuntu and it works fine. But when I click big picture mode it just closes out. Any ideas?
(2016-02-03, 00:53)Zpectre87 Wrote:
(2016-01-25, 09:02)teeedubb Wrote: I don't if or how, but because OE runs on Linux, if Steam is available then the add-on will work.

It's not, actually. OpenELEC lacks some libraries Steam needs. Best bet is to just install Ubuntu or one of its variants.
OE now run Docker add-on, so it is possible to ship all the libraries Steam ever needs
Is steam running on OE?

@OldSkooRebel check the steam logs
I've followed teeedubb's guide on page 44 (Thanks!), with Pulseaudio and Openbox, but had problems with BPM crashing (ordinary Steam started but with no sound). I'm running Kodibuntu with newest stable Kodi with Ubuntu 14.04 as base and a Nvidia GT 610. I'm using HDMI to my receiver.
The problem was my .asround.rc. I had to remove these old lines that had been autogenerated by Kodi (the example in the guide didn't work either).

# pcm.!default {
#   type plug;
#   slave.pcm "hdmi:CARD=NVidia,DEV=X";      
# }
(can't remember which device was specified)

(I've had no problem with the sound both inside and outside of Kodi with these settings in the past)

And add these instead:

defaults.ctl.card 0
defaults.pcm.card 0
defaults.pcm.device 3

Then BPM started (but with no sound), and the sound still works fine inside of Kodi as well, both passthrough and non-passthrough (I'm shutting down Pulseaudio when not running Steam)

I also had to run this command (and restart BPM) to get it to output sound through HDMI:

pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:hdmi-stereo-extra1

To make this persistant I'm going to add
set-card-profile 0 output:hdmi-stereo-extra1
to /etc/pulse/default.pa.
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7