streaming videofiles to tv
I try to stream videofiles to my television.

I try to do the with a Minix neo u1 player which has XBMC/Kodi software and a normal windows PC (windows 10)

I tried the following go to: video - files - add video - browse - windows network (SMB) - WORKGROUP - DESKTOP-LR0FVPN (which is name of my computer) - after selecting this is see only 2 dots

In other words i can not navigate to the videofiles. So i am kind of stuck at this moment

Does anyone may be know a solution to this problem.
try manually inputting your IP address and see if your files will display.
thanks for your tip , which i tried but still not able to see files

i did do this (written for a different player) and i am now 1 step closer to the solution

right click START ---> File Explorer ---> navigate to the folder you want to share and right click on it ---> Properties ---> Sharing (tab) ---> Share... (NOT Advanced Sharing...) ---> in the new opened window there is a large empty box with a drop down option on the right side. Click the arrow and select either Guest, Everyone or both of them ---> after each selection click Add ---> for Guest and/or Everyone set bellow Read/Write Permission Level (this is very important because WDTV needs to right some media library information inside your shared directory) ---> Share

I can now see the shared folders but not the videos that are inside those folders ?
Thanx JxPx,

Your solution worked. Ofcourse than you have to look under de path that you have created, which i didn't do. Very pleased that it is working now
(2016-08-26, 00:31)rombrero Wrote: Thanx JxPx,

Your solution worked. Ofcourse than you have to look under de path that you have created, which i didn't do. Very pleased that it is working now

Awesome. Glad it worked. Now you can go binge watch The Walking Dead!

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streaming videofiles to tv0