v17 Passthrough is broken after update from 16.2 to 17 Beta
I have an Nvidia Shield. I have been using Kodi 16 for a long time and the audio passthrough always worked great to my amplifier.
Then I decided it was time to try out the Kodi 17 Beta. So I updated and right after the update passthrough was broken. I hadn't changed any settings.
My amplifier used to have on its display "DTS" or "Dolby Digital" etc. when I played a video file. Now it just says PCM for everything

No matter what I do I cant get it working again. Is this normal for the beta? Is there an issue with passthrough?
Nope it's not normal. @Martijn just verified yesterday that all PT formats on the shied are fine.
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Aaaa, damn, so it must be something wrong with my specific setup Sad
I honestly have tried everything. Different settings, reboots, amplifier reboots, Shield settings etc. Nothing seems to work

However when I install SPMC it works like a charm. And I am pretty sure if had to install Kodi 16 again it will also work because I didnt change anyting, Just updated and it was gone
Do you have by chance "Sync Playback to Display" enabled? If yes - this will plain disable passthrough as of v17.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Yes that was it, it is working now, thank you so much!
This could potentially happen to lots of people, hopepfully they will find this thread
(2016-08-31, 14:55)fritsch Wrote: Do you have by chance "Sync Playback to Display" enabled? If yes - this will plain disable passthrough as of v17.

You might want to mention that in Kodi if you enable it, i was about to smash my computer because of that issue.
If you read it will actually tell you that at the bottom of the setting page.
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(2016-12-26, 12:29)Myl1ttlepwny Wrote: You might want to mention that in Kodi if you enable it, i was about to smash my computer because of that issue.

Reading is fundamental.

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(2016-12-27, 01:14)Tinwarble Wrote:
(2016-12-26, 12:29)Myl1ttlepwny Wrote: You might want to mention that in Kodi if you enable it, i was about to smash my computer because of that issue.

Reading is fundamental.


I had it enabled before v17, and it worked fine before.
(2016-12-27, 17:00)Myl1ttlepwny Wrote: I had it enabled before v17, and it worked fine before.

And how does that change the fact that it IS mentioned in Kodi that if you enable it pass-through will not be used? Which was your complaint.
Quote:You might want to mention that in Kodi if you enable it

Things change between versions, and v17 is a major update. So what might have worked in one version, due to hacks or some other reason, may not work in the next.
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I have a question though, will that "Adjust Display refresh rate" on Android affect Transcoding and/or passtrough?
It will break Passthrough, cause no vendor has proper support for it. We just remove the display under Audiotrack's ass and it will survive or not. In short: Don't use it - if it works - it works by accident.

Kodi does not properly support it on android and vendors (like nvidia) don't care too much (we told them).
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2016-12-28, 11:25)fritsch Wrote: Kodi does not properly support it on android and vendors (like nvidia) don't care too much (we told them).

I wouldn't go as far as say they don't care. When I spoke to them about it they did say that they were looking into adding support in a future update.

Now, that may or may not mean it will come to pass, but they were aware of it and did seem to care.
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I just mailed with the nvidia guys five days ago ... (meaning: they more care for proper controller support and the second thing was broken mediacodec in livetv). So priority that they will fix something here is towards zero - but hey - they care - so let's just wait.

Besides that the kodi implementation of refreshrate switching is "best effort" ... and before someone that wants to fix it, fixes it - we should not fingerpoint towards the vendors, that's why I have written in at first position "kodi (on android) does not properly support it".
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2016-12-28, 12:08)fritsch Wrote: I just mailed with the nvidia guys five days ago ... (meaning: they more care for proper controller support and the second thing was broken mediacodec in livetv). So priority that they will fix something here is towards zero - but hey - they care - so let's just wait.

Besides that the kodi implementation of refreshrate switching is "best effort" ... and before someone that wants to fix it, fixes it - we should not fingerpoint towards the vendors, that's why I have written in at first position "kodi (on android) does not properly support it".

Ok, then I guess it is better to disable this when testing something to make sure that it is not the actual culprit of any issue.

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Passthrough is broken after update from 16.2 to 17 Beta0