Function for profiles login window
Hello, Im looking for the correct function to open the profiles window (The one where you can choose the user). I have tried ActivateWindow(Profiles) but that just takes me to settngs profiles im looking for the one when you log in and it gives you a choice of users. Im running using 17beta....

(2016-09-14, 16:39)oxicottin Wrote: Hello, Im looking for the correct function to open the profiles window (The one where you can choose the user). I have tried ActivateWindow(Profiles) but that just takes me to settngs profiles im looking for the one when you log in and it gives you a choice of users. Im running using 17beta....


Profile Settings, enable Show login screen on startup,
It is enabled and when Kodi is started profiles window does start but with the skin im using I cant get back to my other profiles unless I exit out of Kodi. What I need is the function that will allow me to open the same window from the action path of a custom menu.

In the settings>profiles> there is a left edge slider menu for login screen (might be skin dependant).

scott s.
Park, I'm not sure what menu your talking about. What's weird is I have tried every 17 compatible skin and every "log off" crashes my Kodi (Windows 10) except for the Confluence 17.x skin it runs great. Now why does that logg off work and others crash?
The Menu function was there for T! and Confluence in, but somehow we've drifted to Krypton and crashing... and it's working? Debug log requested log (wiki)
(2016-09-15, 01:12)PatK Wrote: The Menu function was there for T! and Confluence in, but somehow we've drifted to Krypton and crashing... and it's working? Debug log requested log (wiki)

OK, give me a day or so I'm on midnight shifts Sad but I'll post one. I want to figure this out!
Ok I tried the skin again (not the Confluence one) and tried the "Log off" button and it froze Kodi as it does with every 17 compatible skin besides the Confluence 17v one and the stock one that comes with 17v.

I'm not sure where Skin Helper Service (--> Error in came in... seems to be an add-on creating some issues. Couldn't find it with my install, could have crept in with the skin? I note that some users had this issue in fullscreen (not windowed mode) and the latest nightly addresses this. You might want to try windowed mode and a quit to see if this falls into the known issue.
Let me try a fresh install with two profiles and a different skin on one and see if I get the freeze when I try and logging of one user to go to the next. Also on a side note with the gigantic fill screen I have had issues with it when sending up a new Kodi especially with the Beta. What I have to do is go to Settings/Display and click (-Use fullscreen window) and everything goes back to normal.
Ok I installed Xonflunence 17.x on a fresh install and on that skin I had to turn on the "Log Off". Well it works now so at some point something got added in by a skin I was trying like you said and most likely it was the Estuary MOD skin because that was the only two I was testing. Ill have to let them know. Thanks!

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