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Release script.skinshortcuts
(2017-02-01, 13:17)redhalo Wrote: I've figured out how to set multiple widgets with custom properties for each menu item
What did u use? additional submenus or Groups?

(2017-02-01, 13:17)redhalo Wrote: but cant for the life of me figure out how to set default widgets in overides.xml for said multiple widgets with custom properties, only just one basic widget per item. Is this a doable thing?

Did also already think about custom Multiwidgets based on the shortcut script but didnt manage to wrap my head around it so far.

guess there are two different ways to achive this:

using additional submenus or additional groups Link

i didnt try it but it may could be possible to "pregive" items via "shortcut"-Folder according the way its done for the main menu and default submenu (i.e. "mainmenu.DATA.xml")

not shure, but guess "titan" and Hitchers "ftv" skin are the only two which currently are able to manage "multicontent widgets" via shortcut script.

(i have also "multiwidgets" in the Skin im working on, but did go a different way with "hardcoded" content, (at least for the pregiven).


Not shure if it is doable with only one additional submenu (every item one path), if i would try it i guess i would try it that way.

(Guess best bet could may be to thake a look in to the ftv skin code, and see if it may is possible to pregive widgets in some way.)
(2017-02-01, 18:42)Rantanplan-1 Wrote:
(2017-02-01, 13:17)redhalo Wrote: I've figured out how to set multiple widgets with custom properties for each menu item
What did u use? additional submenus or Groups?
Neither, I think? I added additional buttons to add additional widgets to script-skinshortcuts.xml like so:

<control type="button" id="1401">
    <description>Change widget 2</description>
    <onclick>SetProperty(widgetID, 1)</onclick>
    <label>$ADDON[script.skinshortcuts 32044] 2</label>

And then added custom properties as directed here.
edit: nm
How do I create another mainmenu seperate to default home/mainmenu?

And also allow widget creation for that menu?

I've tried example here https://github.com/BigNoid/script.skinsh...submenu.md
But although I get a menu to edit, I can't choose widgets or submenus.

In skinsettings to activate editer I have:

Nor does anything get written into the shortcut-includes file when closed, even though it gets rebuilt?

To manage the shortcuts in your custom group:


To build all your groups, including mainmenu use this in your home.xml onload:

(2017-02-07, 21:16)marcelveldt Wrote: @badaas:

To manage the shortcuts in your custom group:


To build all your groups, including mainmenu use this in your home.xml onload:


Thanks again marcel, trying now..
Grrr, have done as said above, but it isn't making the menu in the 'script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml', I have 2 other menus in there from my startup line here:


mainmenu|qucknav are ok, videoinfo isn't. I can edit via RunScript(script.skinshortcuts,type=manage&amp;group=videoinfo), and have the menu data in /userdata/aoddon_data, but nothing appears in the includes file :?

If I try with the normal build line from marcel, same occurs.
Delete everything in the skin shortcuts include to force a rebuild of the menus... I have similar issues.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
Is there a way to have items action occur on focus?
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
(2017-02-09, 01:14)smitchell6879 Wrote: Delete everything in the skin shortcuts include to force a rebuild of the menus... I have similar issues.

Didn't change anything, menu still not getting built.. will continue to investigate Big Grin
On another note, can you add an option for 'visible' conditions? As the menu is now becoming global, we dont want certain items on a page that is a shortcut to the page, for example, mainmenu has a 'Home' button, but we don't want that button to show up when on 'Home', or settings button on settings page etc.

Many thanks!
If it is "main menu" some visible is wrote by default... If you want more then just use the <visble> as you normally would in your main menu.Data.xml it will should be added when you reset the menu to default.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
Does anyone know how to override the icon for an item whose label is defined in skinshortcuts' language file? For example, I'm trying to override the icon for "Default widgets" as shown in the screenshot below.

I've tried putting the following code in my overrides.xml, but that didn't work. Any ideas?

<icon labelID="$ADDON[script.skinshortcuts 32119]">special://skin/extras/icons/widget.png</icon>


(2017-02-10, 22:41)braz Wrote: Does anyone know how to override the icon for an item whose label is defined in skinshortcuts' language file? For example, I'm trying to override the icon for "Default widgets" as shown in the screenshot below.

I've tried putting the following code in my overrides.xml, but that didn't work. Any ideas?

<icon labelID="$ADDON[script.skinshortcuts 32119]">special://skin/extras/icons/widget.png</icon>



in shortcuts/overrides.xml
<icon labelID="32119">special://skin/extras/icons/wand.png</icon>

(2017-02-10, 21:33)smitchell6879 Wrote: If it is "main menu" some visible is wrote by default... If you want more then just use the <visble> as you normally would in your main menu.Data.xml it will should be added when you reset the menu to default.

I think I found it in overrides, I dont want a user to edit files outside of kodi, thanks
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