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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
Dear all,
loving the great Aeon Nox Silvo mod. Mostly everything runs just fine. i am having just one small issue. To get Video Information I press the "I" key or Info on my remote. Doing this on the main screen activating the movie icon on the newly added movies widget i get the movie Information from the database (very quick). Doing this in the movies list the Information is fetched ove the Internet (and takes some time). Is there a workaroud to get Information alway from the database? Thanks in advance fred.
(2017-02-27, 13:04)Mike_Doc Wrote:
(2017-02-27, 08:44)mikeSiLVO Wrote: Seriously...

Why the hell do any of you banned addon (wiki), build making, what-u-ma-call-it users want to run this skin? All I see is shitty YouTube videos where everyone is using the List view. There is a list view in EVERY other skin in existence!

Why use this one? I don't get it...

None of those stupid videos you are watching will teach you how to skin properly or how to use skin shortcuts. When you say "I edited script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml" and it was overwritten, you seriously have no idea what you are doing or talking about so... Why bother?

I can honestly say that all those "build" posters who have a donation page that make money from this piss me off to no end.

Slapping a coat of paint on a house and claiming you built it makes you a liar... Angry

The secret to skinning is very simple. Stop being lazy and take the time to learn. I have been doing this for a couple of years and I still have many things to learn, also try giving a shit about what your providing even when you aren't paid! That is called work ethic.

Oh, I agree soooooooooooooooooo much with this Mike, sick of seeing a youtube video with some muppet thanking someone who has built a shitty build and using Madnox and hearing the muppet saying that so and so has done an amazing job with the skin, really? what did he do exactly other than take all my hard work and put it in a shitty build.

I'm seeing more and more posts from people with either shitty builds or banned add-ons and am getting real tired of it, to the point where I could quite easily just say "F**k it" and walk away.

I did love what I spent MY FREE TIME doing when skinning, but not much right now!

do you mind send me a PM with a link to one or two of this vids.

Quote:Slapping a coat of paint on a house and claiming you built it makes you a liar...
this is a good one Tongue
(2017-02-25, 22:36)9800pro Wrote: Question regarding Fanart when listening to the music.
I just want to have only one predefined image instead of Fanart when song is playing in full screen.
Tried searching but nothing i find works.
I installed Artist Slideshow, tried every option in it but background is always black.
Only thing that shows anything is CD Wall and Blurred album thumb.
How can i set only one image as default music full screen image?

This is a unique request and I do not understand wanting to display a specific fanart for all music. If the image is black then make sure your library has been tagged properly including a musicbrainz ID. If you have a properly tagged library and you still have a black screen then seek support in the artist slideshow thread.

Hey Mike, thx for answering me.
Just to make it more clear, what i need to do if i don't want any fanart on music OSD?
Just regular ordinary background. How would i disable fanart on music OSD and just use "some" background?
Hope this is clearer now. I do have my music collection tagged with mp3tag, just don't want fanart to show at all.
If that's not possible no problem.

O yea, probably stupid question and answered before but cant find it.
Where do i set default views for library, mostly for tv shows (kodi 16.1 version)?

What's the best/easiest way to update to the Feb 3rd Krypton build?

It says:-
3.The latest version can be downloaded from GitHub but DO NOT INSTALL through the addon manager. You can safely delete all other Aeon Nox SiLVO skin folders, manually extract, rename the folder skin.aeon.nox.silvo, and then place it in Kodi's addons folder (DO NOT OVERWRITE YOUR EXISTING INSTALL). Please look at the GitHub README for information on which branch matches the Kodi version you are currently using. Starting with Krypton all manually installed add-ons require Kodi to be restarted and the add-on enabled in Kodi's add-on manager (wiki). The skin will be located in My add-ons > Look and feel > Skin.

I'm on a Raspbery Pi, where are the "Aeon Nox SiLVO skin folders" to delete?
If I unzip the file does it need to be as a particular user so the rights are correct?
Where is the Kodi addons folder?
(2017-02-24, 18:59)mikeSiLVO Wrote:
(2017-02-24, 01:28)Technometry Wrote: Because I am making my own fork of your skin and when I install it, I want it to default to certain settings without having to copy the settings.xml. No big deal if you don't have time to get into it, I completely understand. I have just been tearing out all the conditionals in the Home.xml and Includes_Home.xml files that cause the skin to check the setting so that it just flat out defaults to what I want without a setting. However, I would prefer to just know where to go to change where the skin defaults to as the method I have undertaken rips out a whole lot of your customization features that you worked so hard on. Thanks in advance, whether you have any insight for me to go on or not. Regardless, thanks for all your hard work.
I do not support or condone "Builds" so I will not assist anyone who plans to distribute the skin elsewhere with banned addons (wiki) pre-installed. The problem is how do I know what you're going to do, the answer is I don't. If it seems like that is what is intended, I will air on the side of caution... I am not saying that is what you are doing but more often than not it is the case, which is why my default is to assume so.

That being said, I will say that the default is because there is no setting (empty) on new installs so that is why the default is the default.

It's not for a build, else, it wouldn't be a problem to include the Settings.xml from the addon_data folder...lol

However, I understand your stance that you cant know what my intentions are for sure. By all means, do your part to protect the Kodi brand. Figuring it out alone will only serve to strengthen my skills in the process too, so it's all good, I don't need the shortcuts. Thanks for taking time to respond, regardless.

Anyway, I already gutted all the conditions and just moved everything where I wanted it.

Out of curiosity though, you're saying when you instantiate the variable, the first one in the list of values is automatically the default one when no other prior value has been detected? If so, that would make sense. That would be good to know if I ever want to add some options to the skin. Thanks
Me again Mike, you added a no fanart in widgets option, I've only recently got krypton and I was thinking (I don't do it often enough) it would be better on a widget by widget basis, I have no idea if it's easy enough to implement but an answer is all I'm asking for, is it possible to add the setting in the widget setup so some can have background fanart and some can be left without, ps the other point I have is the same as the user with the ahem build ie when I add a section from an addon, let's take YouTube as an example to a submenu or as a main section, when I click that shortcut, when I back out, it doesn't behave like it did on 16.1,ie backing out will take me to the main menu, instead, it backs out a level in YouTube, then I need to back out again to get back to the main menu of the skin, is there a setting to make it behave like it did in 16.1? If not I can live with it, an extra button press or two is not that much of a priblem
MikeSilvo: did you get a chance to look at manfeed's latest animation for the video lyrics ? its amazing what I will suggest to manfeed is to have an option to scrape the corresponding Music Video as fanart with artist fanart as fallback if no video found .

regards the git issue, I use mysysgit which is now git for windows, just do basic gitbash and use a .bat script to do gitpull's.

so the krypton branch is : -----> https://github.com/mikesilvo164/Aeon-Nox...ee/krypton when I use this address in the simple batch script doing a git pull command .. it does not work.
your master here -------> https://github.com/mikesilvo164/Aeon-Nox...ree/master---- Pulls fine
@ rosario : i think the addon I was thinking of was colorbox script ... http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:Colorbox_Script
As MikeSilvo has correctly advised , you do not need to get the nightly , but when you install the skin go to the credits page , all the required scripts are listed there. see if there is anyone not installed & install that & see.
@ my end everything is back working again & there is'nt any issue with managing color / themes.
hope this helps
(2017-02-14, 08:14)mikeSiLVO Wrote: Some folks seem to be having a hard time with the move of certain functions in the Main Menu customizer to the context menu so...

I don't want anybody needing to scroll but I also do not want it to be annoying so time to get some opinions here.

Leave it the way it is, work on a re-design (which I am hesitant to do), or make the buttons smaller so more of them fit on screen without having to scroll?

Smaller Buttons:
I found that the the "Super Favourites" add-on interferes with the normal functioning of the context menu. If it's disabled everything works fine for moving, disabling,renaming etc the menu items.

Edit: just updated to latest version of SF and the issue appears to be fixed.
Hello MikeSilvo and thank you for this wonderful skin Big Grin

Everything is working fine for me but i have a question for you....I already opened a thread but maybe i should have asked here from the beginning so you can see it.
Well, i would like to desaturate all of the skin (remove the blueish/green tint from all over the place and make it grey).
After editing the texture.xbt in the main folder i have managed to make most of the skin the way i want it to be...

Now the only thing i can't reskin is the color of the windows in the screenshots below(2nd-3rd and 4th image)...Can you guide me where i have to look to make the blueish/green background inside the window grey?Thanks in advance!And again THANK YOU for this awesome skin!Wink
watch gallery
MikeSILVO, first of all, I absolutely love the skin man. I am really wanting to make my own skin and I was wondering where you learn how to use skin shortcuts and do all the basics from scratch. I have been going through their documentation and going through skin files trying to figure it out but man its complicated to say the least lol. I have done lots of php coding, html, mIRC Scripts - forever ago!, some java and some visual basics but I am very new to this. I can't really find any good information on how to start it all. I'm really wanting to make one a lot like yours but with just a few different tweaks, kind of combining features from yours and konfluence. I really love how yours is set up, the ability to hide the widgets and sub menu, and I really like how on konfluence it shows the widget title in the main menu bar when the widget is highlighted, I also like how the widgets auto scroll through the list at like a 10 second delay or so and how it shows sub menu item icons. I think a mesh up of both of your skins would just be the best skin ever designed. Both of your skins are so amazing. If you could please point me in the right direction, it would mean the world to me man, thanks!
@shaktoo, you should specify the branch when you do clone a repo (and you want to clone and pull a branch instead of master), there's a tutorial for cloning skins (using mysgit and tortoisegit).
i think there is a missing screen in the skin. when you have multiple unwatched episodes of the same show and you finish one episode - there is a screen that tries to auto play the next episode with a time counter, this screen appears to be from the kodi skin and not aeon:

Edit: Nevermind. I have since installed Silvo skin onto SPMC and customizing it better than before. So much fun!

Greetings everyone!

I'm using Aeon Nox Silvo skin on my Nvidia Shield TV with Kodi. I'm thinking of switching to SPMC for the added benefits re Android. If I was to make the switch, could I just back up my current configuration and import into SPMC or will I run into problems? Thanks in advance!
I love this skin, but is there any way to increase the speed in which Titles of videos scroll from right to left? When I'm browsing YouTube videos using list, it takes a long time to be able to read the longer titles because the scroll speed is so slow. If anyone can help me increase it, I'd appreciate it a ton. Thank you guys.
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Aeon Nox: SiLVO55