How to enable LONG PRESS in OSMC/OpenElec/LibreElec?
I'm configuring and addon that records IPTV. The addon creates FLV videos but without the context menu, I can't delete the videos that the addon records. Someone can say me how to enable the long press in OSMC or OpenElec or LibreElec? I need that pressing "OK" button in a file, a video file for example, I need to appear context menu to delete that file. I need to work with the remote of TV, I know that with the app KORE in android, I can use context menu but it has to be with the remote of TV.

Someone can help me?
How is TV remote connected? If through CEC then long presses are not supported.
If you have an LIRC receiver then it may be possible.
(2017-03-26, 20:46)popcornmix Wrote: How is TV remote connected? If through CEC then long presses are not supported.
If you have an LIRC receiver then it may be possible.

THe remote is through CEC. So, it's impossible long press with HDMI-CEC remote?
Quote:If through CEC then long presses are not supported.

Sounded pretty clear there...
Ok. And it's possible to auto delete the files that the addon created, for example, 30 days since the file was created? That will be a solution.

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How to enable LONG PRESS in OSMC/OpenElec/LibreElec?0