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Release CinemaVision: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home
(2017-05-28, 05:52)Ragnarok Wrote: We just moved servers and are working on reapplying our certificate. It should be fixed soon!

Sent from my LG-H820 (typie typie)

Is the server move still in progress? I'm unable to connect to cinemavision.tv and www.cinemavision.tv
It's working fine here for me now. Perhaps you need to clear something in the browser?
THEATER: 11.1.10 Atmos, Epson 3100 3D Projector, DaLite 92" screen, Mixed Dialog Lift  - PSB Speakers; Sources: PS4, LG UP875 UHD, Nvidia Shield (KODI), ATV4K, Zidoo X9S (ZDMC), LD, GameCube
Is anyone still having trouble with the site? We think we've got everything resolved.
Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home
Trivia Slides, Video Bumpers, Ratings Bumpers, Audio Format Bumpers and more...

CinemaVision | CinemaVision Launcher | CinemaVision Service | CinemaVision Content
Updates to the latest release and still having the same issue setting any custom folder for a module. Can't access shared drives. Can't access all added sources. Can only access local drives on one instance and a random assortment of drives/sources on another.

Very odd behaviour.
(2017-06-04, 00:41)Charger Hellcat Wrote: Updates to the latest release and still having the same issue setting any custom folder for a module. Can't access shared drives. Can't access all added sources. Can only access local drives on one instance and a random assortment of drives/sources on another.

Very odd behaviour.

That's a known behavior from what I recall from the CinemaVision forums where I asked something similar (i.e. I show Disney/Loony Toon cartoons with one script option and I could not add the directory to anywhere but the same drive that the CinemaVision Path was located. I believe it's been added to the list of things to fix for the next version. For now, I just put everything I use locally into that same path.
THEATER: 11.1.10 Atmos, Epson 3100 3D Projector, DaLite 92" screen, Mixed Dialog Lift  - PSB Speakers; Sources: PS4, LG UP875 UHD, Nvidia Shield (KODI), ATV4K, Zidoo X9S (ZDMC), LD, GameCube
Disappointing bug that needs to be fixed pretty quick. It's caused half of my Cinema Vision experience to now be useless.
(2017-06-04, 08:57)Charger Hellcat Wrote: Disappointing bug that needs to be fixed pretty quick. It's caused half of my Cinema Vision experience to now be useless.

Hey Charger, lets make sure that the disk(s) that you're use to store your CinemaVision content are added as a source in the Kodi File Manager. Your CinemaVision content can be stored on local disk, or on network storage. CinemaVision doesn't care as long as it can read/write to the location. You don't need to add specific directories as sources, just the root of whatever disk or share that houses your content.
  1. Open the Kodi File Manager.
  2. Select Add Source.
  3. Select Browse.
  4. Browse to the root drive or share that you wish to use to store your CinemaVision content and press OK.
  5. Name the source and press OK.
For example, on a Windows machine if your content is on your local D: drive, you'd add D: as your source. Now that we have the source added in Kodi, lets test our ability to write to that source.
  1. Open the Kodi File Manager.
  2. Select the source that you just created, which points to the root drive or share that will be used to store your CinemaVision content.
  3. Browse to the location which will contain your CinemaVision content.
  4. Create a new folder called CinemaVision.
  5. Press C on the keyboard.
  6. Choose Make new folder.
  7. Name the folder CinemaVision.
If the CinemaVision folder isn't created, you should modify the permissions on the share to allow Kodi to write to the share, or set up authentication with the correct permissions.

Once all of that is verified and your root drives or shares are configured in the Kodi File Manager, you should be able to properly browse from within CinemaVision. CinemaVision actually uses the Kodi File Manager to browse, so if you can browse properly to the files/folders from within the Kodi File Manager, the same is true for browsing from within CinemaVision. One thing to note, once you set your Content path in CinemaVision settings, when you choose Single File or Directory when editing a Module it will default to the directory for that module. We did that to reduce configuration time so you didn't have to browse all the way up the tree to find the video you want. For example:

If you select Single File in the Video Bumper Module, when you go to choose your file, it will take you straight to the %CVROOT%\Video Bumpers\ directory. If you want to choose a different directory, you have to go up in the tree from there.
Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home
Trivia Slides, Video Bumpers, Ratings Bumpers, Audio Format Bumpers and more...

CinemaVision | CinemaVision Launcher | CinemaVision Service | CinemaVision Content
I had no issues before in creating modules based on local/network drives. Everything was accessible from within CV. I made some changes to how my directories are labelled for better organisational reasons and now CV gives me different folder options depending on what installation of Kodi I am using.

None give me clean and easy access like I had before.

Sometimes I can view any local drive, but that doesn't help when I need to access a network shared drive/folder. There is no ability to access these folders.

Other times I get a list of some Kodi sources, but not all. Adding the root drive (local or networked) still doesn't show up in CV. Adding the specific folder still doesn't show up in CV. What's there now is what will be there the next time no matter what changes I make.

Further, when I try to find a new folder to assign to a module CV, by default, changes the folder selection to a completely random folder, not based on the CV root folder system.

None of this random and limited options is how I was able to set-up CV to begin with. Before I had full access to everything. At this point I'm frustrated enough to just give up and rename my folders to the old way just so they will work again.
What I just discovered is that CinemaVision cannot see any "network" drives added in Kodi in say "Videos" with the "Browse" and then "Add Network Location". It sees NONE of these from within CinemaVision even though almost all of Kodi itself can then see those drives (from Pictures, Music, etc.).

But if I add a network location from within the "SYSTEM" sub-menu "File Manager" instead then it shows up in CinemaVision from the script timeline menus. I already had my main media drive in there from before so I didn't notice this distinct behavior, but when I tried to use a different media drive (i.e. the one I use for TV Shows) instead by creating a new CinemaVision directory then I found it didn't show up at all despite selecting that drive from the "PATH" menu in the Configure section. I also had to enable "write everyone" in Mac OS for the directory on that drive or CinemaVision couldn't write to it from Kodi (regardless if Kodi was on the same Mac or on a FireTV on the network). Now the new drive shows up alongside the old one in CinemaVision.

Since you said you you changed how your directories are labeled, I can only assume that there's an issue within Kodi with finding the new labels. Since I don't know how your drive is set up, I can't be sure what went wrong, but I'm guessing something needs changed in System/File Manager as you could easily have Kodi itself working with the new directories from any media location in Kodi (Music, Pictures, Movies, TV Shows), but CinemaVision won't see it unless there's a source added in the File Manager.

Go to System/File Manager in Kodi. If you don't see your drives you want to access in the File Manager, then you won't see them in CinemaVision either. It's easy to add them there as they get their locations from the Network manager too just like in Videos, Music, etc.
THEATER: 11.1.10 Atmos, Epson 3100 3D Projector, DaLite 92" screen, Mixed Dialog Lift  - PSB Speakers; Sources: PS4, LG UP875 UHD, Nvidia Shield (KODI), ATV4K, Zidoo X9S (ZDMC), LD, GameCube
I've added various folders through the file manager with hopes they will show up in CV. They still don't.

I'm going to fully remove CV and re-add it and see what happens.
(2017-06-05, 13:46)Charger Hellcat Wrote: I've added various folders through the file manager with hopes they will show up in CV. They still don't.

I'm going to fully remove CV and re-add it and see what happens.

If you're expecting a folder to show up in the sequence editor like "Trivia Intro" or "Feature Intro" and the like do, they won't. Those are set folders by CinemaVision as far as I can tell. But you can add a Video Bumper and select "Directory" and then from Directory select any folder you want that's in the File Manager list. I just added a sub-folder to the File Manager list and it showed right up in CV under the directory list when I selected "Directory" for a video bumper.
THEATER: 11.1.10 Atmos, Epson 3100 3D Projector, DaLite 92" screen, Mixed Dialog Lift  - PSB Speakers; Sources: PS4, LG UP875 UHD, Nvidia Shield (KODI), ATV4K, Zidoo X9S (ZDMC), LD, GameCube
(2017-06-02, 16:43)Ragnarok Wrote: Is anyone still having trouble with the site? We think we've got everything resolved.

I can now get into the site and log in, but attempting to download the trivia pack at https://cinemavision.tv/files/file/165-s...w-hope-hd/ gives me "you do not have permission to access the requested resource", even though I'm at Executive Producer level.

Mind you, the same happens with https://cinemavision.tv/files/file/304-s...w-hope-sd/ which is available to all members!

(Those security questions are a pain, BTW — 1Password doesn't fill them automatically like it does username & password. How often does it ask those?)
(2017-06-05, 13:46)Charger Hellcat Wrote: I've added various folders through the file manager with hopes they will show up in CV. They still don't.

I'm going to fully remove CV and re-add it and see what happens.

Please let me know how it goes. I think you're on the right track, there.

(2017-06-05, 14:32)VonMagnum Wrote: If you're expecting a folder to show up in the sequence editor like "Trivia Intro" or "Feature Intro" and the like do, they won't. Those are set folders by CinemaVision as far as I can tell. But you can add a Video Bumper and select "Directory" and then from Directory select any folder you want that's in the File Manager list. I just added a sub-folder to the File Manager list and it showed right up in CV under the directory list when I selected "Directory" for a video bumper.

Oddly enough, that's a feature we're going to try to add during this round of development. For now, you're absolutely correct in how you say it currently works.

(2017-06-05, 17:22)Tiny Clanger Wrote: I can now get into the site and log in, but attempting to download the trivia pack at https://cinemavision.tv/files/file/165-s...w-hope-hd/ gives me "you do not have permission to access the requested resource", even though I'm at Executive Producer level.

Mind you, the same happens with https://cinemavision.tv/files/file/304-s...w-hope-sd/ which is available to all members!

(Those security questions are a pain, BTW — 1Password doesn't fill them automatically like it does username & password. How often does it ask those?)

I think I have your account fixed. Do me a favor and clear your local cache and such as well, just to cover all bases. I logged in under your account and was able to successfully download both of the files you listed. I also made some modifications to two-factor authentication, and it should prompt members less. We set it up to protect RedCarpet Club member accounts, and I didn't realize it was annoying. Smile
Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home
Trivia Slides, Video Bumpers, Ratings Bumpers, Audio Format Bumpers and more...

CinemaVision | CinemaVision Launcher | CinemaVision Service | CinemaVision Content
I am not trying to add a CV specific folder to a custom module. Never min that I could do that anyways as I do have access to the CV root folder and sub-folders there after.

I am trying to change customer folder based modules that once worked and once were simple and easy to access to the newly named folders. I changed some file name structures around because it made the database I maintain (in several places) cleaner and easier to navigate. I simply need to change the CV modules that are already set-up to look for random files within directory d:\Movie Trailers to d:\New Movie Trailers or something similar. And that D drive is not a local drive but a networked drive and set of folders for several instances of CV.

I am not new to setting up and configuring CV. This was an issue during the initial development that was resolved and once so made using CV super easy to create multiple sequences based on many different custom folder choices. It has nothing to do with the base CV folder set. CV simply does not allow access to find local or network folders the way Kodi does, either through added sources in the file manage menu or just through CV itself.

And the incorrect behaviour is different depending on what instance of Kodi I am using even though all installed versions are the same most recent release through the depot.

This was something that was easy and simple to do before. It is now broken.
At this point I am going to manually edit the CV sequences to made the directory changes to those files. Hopefully nothing further breaks in the CV/Kodi development process.

That fixed it.
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