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Release Universal Movie Scraper
(2017-12-02, 02:31)jcea Wrote:
(2017-12-01, 22:11)mEDI Wrote: Hi,
i miss in the current version the correct set of movie_view.uniqueid_value  and movie_view.uniqueid_type is this a bug or a feature? Wink
version: 1.12.2017 4.0.0 kodi 17.6

I have this very same problem. UMS versión 4.0.0, Kodi 17.6. I got this upgrade ten hours ago and this missing data is breaking many of my automated scripts.

Please, bring those fields back.

Another difference is "premiere" database field. In previous version, it was the year. In 4.0.0 it is YEAR-MONTH-DAY.

I have stopped updating my library until this issue is solved.

Thanks for your time and effort!.  
This issue is also affecting the Artwork Downloader! Pulled my hair out hours trying to fix this with API keys, and then I realized it was the Universal Movie Scrapper and TMDB Scrapper causing the problem! Prior scrapped media still works great with the Artwork Downloader. It's only newly scrapped content that is broken.
Local movie certifications.
just checked and all imports sincd about 11th Nov use the US (MPAA) certificates even though i have set to use UK.
settings are for UK certification from imdb but getting US ones. If i refresh an old "uk cert 15" movie it will change it to be "cert R". Used to work fine.

anything i need to do to get this working again?

@mEDI, @jcea I've tracked down the issue with the uniqueids, absolutely my bad (again).  Expect a fix shortly.

(If anyone can quickly point me at a movie on themoviedb that doesn't have an imdb id attached, just to verify the fix works in that scenario, that would be great.)

The premiered field is now year-month-day for movies too (it already was for TV shows).  That's not going to change back.
(2017-12-02, 12:49)Nocebo Wrote: Local movie certifications.
just checked and all imports sincd about 11th Nov use the US (MPAA) certificates even though i have set to use UK.
settings are for UK certification from imdb but getting US ones. If i refresh an old "uk cert 15" movie it will change it to be "cert R". Used to work fine.

anything i need to do to get this working again?

 This is fixed by IMDb common scraper library v2.9.3
(2017-12-02, 15:17)scudlee Wrote: @mEDI, @jcea I've tracked down the issue with the uniqueids, absolutely my bad (again).  Expect a fix shortly.

(If anyone can quickly point me at a movie on themoviedb that doesn't have an imdb id attached, just to verify the fix works in that scenario, that would be great.)

The premiered field is now year-month-day for movies too (it already was for TV shows).  That's not going to change back.
I can live with the "premiere" change. Nothing I can not overcome with my postprocessing scripts :-).

UMS has a changelog file, but it is pretty outdated (last version: 2.7.3). Where could I find changelog for new releases?.

Thanks for your time and effort, @scudlee.
(2017-12-04, 01:28)jcea Wrote:
(2017-12-02, 15:17)scudlee Wrote: @mEDI, @jcea I've tracked down the issue with the uniqueids, absolutely my bad (again).  Expect a fix shortly.

(If anyone can quickly point me at a movie on themoviedb that doesn't have an imdb id attached, just to verify the fix works in that scenario, that would be great.)

The premiered field is now year-month-day for movies too (it already was for TV shows).  That's not going to change back.
I can live with the "premiere" change. Nothing I can not overcome with my postprocessing scripts :-).

UMS has a changelog file, but it is pretty outdated (last version: 2.7.3). Where could I find changelog for new releases?.

Thanks for your time and effort, @scudlee
You can check out https://github.com/xbmc/repo-scrapers/bl...ngelog.txt
Hi. when I use Universal movie scraper for movie information, everytime "Cast not available". Installation is 100% new. I configure UMS with ImdbFull for cast.
I have the same issue.
I have the same issue and the film title is stored in english, but I have "spanish" as default language. My understanding is that IMDB webpage has changed format and the scrapper needs to be upgraded to support the new version.

Regarding the issue from the removed posts from yesterday, I scraped the two movies that were mentioned. Unfortunately I have no clue what his scraper settings were so I just set everything to IMDB. As of 5 minutes ago I did not seem to have a problem scraping the two movies. See images...



And the log if you need to see it...
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I just tried to scrape E.T. and Cars 3 with all IMDB settings. Neither worked. I tried both IMDB and IMDBFull for the cast/crew info. 

Fresh install of Kodi 17.6 and fresh install of Universal Scraper direct from the Kodi Repo. 

I will be trying other movies shortly.
Interesting. I don't seem to be experiencing the issue. Double checked my settings and confirm it is all IMDB settings...

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Guys, IMDb is rolling their changes region by region (or country by country or whatever). That's why some already impacted, while others are not.

Actually I see the changes in my region already, so can confirm this. I must say the changes are quite substantial and will take quite some efforts to adopt.
...and it's Xmas season, so I can't make any commitments when this will be done. Will do my best to somehow catch up with the changes in the next few days.
The problem remain: UMS don't scrape cast (IMDB source) :-(

Hello nuovacarne

Please read the post immediately before yours.
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