Req Telia Play+
How to use Telia Play+ from Kodi ? There is no plugin that I know of...Huh

// Eljono
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Please !?
Could work on a Librelec x86/x64 box with chrome addon

chrome needs to be version 46 or higher
I don't think the chrome addon can run silverlight. I tried with the danish version of Telia's internet tv and I can't open the login page that requires silverlight.
It would be amazing if it was possible to use Telia on Kodi somehow.
will lookup today when i work if we are requier silverlight or not since i dont use the service on my own but alteast i work at there so i can atleast lookup whats needed or not.
Did you get a chance to look at it?
Anything new about Telia Play+ on Kodi Huh? Would by great to have that inside Kodi Smile
Or is it possible to use DVBLink ?

// Eljono
Telia Play? Which country? I'd assume it would use wholly different IP's in case (for example) of Scandinavian Telia and Telia from Baltic states.

Afaik Telia is operating in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. At least half of them have "Telia Play" among it's offered services Wink

I've tried accessing Estonian Telia Play (subscription service) from Finnish Telia's network . Does not work, unless I connect through VPN into my home network first.
Sweden, i kinda work for Telia so if Kodi solves silverlight streams then its all good if some developer writes a addon Smile
Didn't Microsoft take Silverlight out the back with a loaded revolver and came back alone not so long ago?
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(2017-11-17, 16:53)DarrenHill Wrote: Didn't Microsoft take Silverlight out the back with a loaded revolver and came back alone not so long ago?
Yeah, Silverlight is going, going, gone:
"Microsoft believes that this is a huge benefit to both content producers and consumers, and is committed to supporting companies that make this transition."
Microsoft might have but Telia hasnt
Then they probably should do?
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(2017-12-31, 20:42)DarrenHill Wrote: Then they probably should do?
 true, but a huge corporation doesnt work that way.. everything takes time and money and im fairly sure that it will be HTML5 once everything is done but until then it will remain as silverlight.

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Telia Play+1