2017-03-17, 14:07
(2017-03-11, 05:56)JayG30 Wrote: I feel like I'm missing something simple.
If someone wants to use RetroPlayer on v17, running on Windows, what are the full steps necessary?
What I tried to do;
- download latest Krypton nightly from http://mirrors.kodi.tv/nightlies/win32/Krypton/
- Extracted using 7zip and copied all folders containing "game.[something]" from the addons folder. Used the latest build from the beginning of this thread (file/versions all appear to be the same as in v18).
- Place those folders in C:/Program Files (x86)/Kodi/addons
- Add the posted <gamesgeneral><enable>true</enable></gamesgeneral> to advancedsettings.xml in your %appdata% folder. Or use konami code (up up down down left right left right B A)
I'm not getting a game section in the Estuary skin. I see the addons listed when I look through installed addons and I can enable the various cores. But without the game section I'm not sure how to add rom locations and run them. I also tried replacing kodi.game since I noticed the one in the Krypton nightly was "1.0.14" and the one in yours and v18 was "1.0.28". Didn't help.
v18 works, but took me all of 5 minutes to run into bugs.
Did you try the Konami code to Enable game addon section? UP,UP,DOWN,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT,RIGHT,B,A ?