Slipass thanks for the info and I will look into what you have posted but I am sorry if there was a miscommunication.
I did not mean replace all xml's with SiLVO versions just the Live Backgrounds part you were talking about. All those extra options you mentioned could be the reason that you see performance issues. Aeon MadNox is a heavy skin. Even in the first post and all subsequent comments from Mike_Doc and schimi acknowledge that as being the case.
The MadNox rewrite from Mr. V is the one that will perform better on all devices. I can try to optimize but my plan is currently to only update the skin to work on new Kodi versions. I will do my best to make it perform "better" but this skin is Mike_Doc and schimi's baby so anything that might need to be removed is not something I will consider without Mike's approval or opinion on the matter.
I hope that what I am trying to do here with @
Mike_Doc, @
bsoriano, and @
meowmoo will help Mr. V with his rewrite. I will gladly help there as well if I can but currently I prefer to assist and not lead the way. I have my own skin where I am the
BOSS so I want Mike_Doc to tell me if he has any issues with any changes and Mr. V to tell me what he would like me to work on. With Aeon MadNox I am OK with working on whatever cause Mike has given me his OK to do so but with MadNox I need to know what I can do vs. what I cannot.
Personally I find it "easier" ATM to adapt current code but I can say that the most recent version of the updated MadNox is really good, no..., Like
REALLY good. Mr. V's latest update to the base skin is just phenomenal
My only "issue" is using VAR's for only two values. Due to the VAR issue in previous Kodi version. I prefer to have at least a 3 or more valued VAR, obviously there are always exception but that is my "general" rule ATM...
P.S. I do this myself in some places so it is not a complaint or anything, just an observation.
bobrap I do not see an issue at all on Leia. Do you mean the InfoPanel or something? Can you please post a screenshot and a new
debug log (wiki) with all settings enabled while entering TriPanel view where the issue is.
bobrap something appears to be wrong with your install. I recommend deleting all MadNox folders and using SmartGit to clone the repo. You can then update without having to download each time there is a skin change.
If you need help just let me know.