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Release Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi
(2018-04-02, 04:56)nicoosterc Wrote: Hey @tkislan ! can't wait to test your skill, can you add me please? Me email is <email>

Thanks in advance!
Hey, I've added you.
You can remove your email from here
(2018-04-02, 14:38)tkislan Wrote:
(2018-04-02, 13:00)Andycots Wrote:
(2018-03-31, 08:13)tkislan Wrote: Can you list all the steps you've done so far?  
Hi yes

Completed registration process and got my secret

Installed the latest version of Kodi connect onto my Kodi version 1.6, input my email and secret, and connected ok

Sent you my email for registration

Got email from you, clicked link and completed pairing process

Paired up to my Echo and Echo dot

Kodi showing up in my Alexa app, showing linked

Sure ive done all i had to, still not working at all.


And how does Alexa reply, when you request to play some movie? 
When on home page she says "getting movie from fire tv", and when in Kodi she just says the same and closes Kodi
Hey, @tkislan  I sent you a PM on reddit as I don't have enough posts on here to send you a PM. I'd love to test this skill out!! thanks in advance.
Here's my latest log on a fresh install of Leia nightlies.  Kodi still locks up on exit.

@tkislan Sent you a PM on Reddit Smile Would love access to beta
(2018-04-04, 20:16)bobrap Wrote: Here's my latest log on a fresh install of Leia nightlies.  Kodi still locks up on exit.

Did you enable debug logging? Because I can't see any KodiConnect logs there
(2018-04-05, 07:05)tkislan Wrote:
(2018-04-04, 20:16)bobrap Wrote: Here's my latest log on a fresh install of Leia nightlies.  Kodi still locks up on exit.

Did you enable debug logging? Because I can't see any KodiConnect logs there  
Sorry about that.  Need to leave debug on all the time. Smile  Here's my latest log, but, now , again, Alexa says playing "show" on kodi video and nothing plays.  However, I can now exit out of Kodi without any problems. 
(2018-01-25, 08:05)tkislan Wrote:
(2018-01-25, 02:47)cabbresson Wrote: I can't seem to find it in the skills page.
Since it's still in beta, I have to manually add peoples Alexa connected emails for them to see the skill.   
I tried to PM you but cant seem to do so .. will PM on reddit
will PM on reddit
tkislan, PM'd you my alexa email on reddit (couldnt PM here). thanks a lot for the hookup.
(2018-03-20, 21:56)tkislan Wrote:
(2018-03-20, 16:15)Jaggl Wrote: is it also possible to change the channels on a PVR like Hauppauge?!
It should be fairly easy. I just don't have much time for this currently. But will hopefully find some. 
hi tkislan > any news on this?
nevermind. connects fine after what i thought was a sue 0 turned out to be O in the secret Smile now just waiting to be added to the skill list. thanks tkislan
thanks a lot tkislan for hooking me up as well. btw, does this skill work on Sonos Play One as well? (i suspect not but would be thrilled to hear otherwise). also, while i am building my kodi audio library, was wondering how Alexa knows when to use this skill since there is no code word needed? i have some music in my amazon library (and prime) and wonder how to point Alexa to kodi library?
(2018-04-06, 21:57)deshwasi Wrote: thanks a lot tkislan for hooking me up as well. btw, does this skill work on Sonos Play One as well? (i suspect not but would be thrilled to hear otherwise). also, while i am building my kodi audio library, was wondering how Alexa knows when to use this skill since there is no code word needed? i have some music in my amazon library (and prime) and wonder how to point Alexa to kodi library?
This is solely a Video Skill .. so it will unfortunately won't be able to play music from Kodi.
And Alexa knows (most of the time) what you want to play, if it's either Music or Video, and forwards request to the appropriate skill
aw shucks. my main purpose was my personal music library on echo. oh well, good to have kodi automated as well, if nothing else, to impress guests Smile

 i am trying the Plex skill now.. works good so far.
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Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi8