focus on the last selected item after stopping a movie
is it possible to modify the estuary/kodi behavior, so kodi will not always jump to the top of my InfoWall after stopping a movie or a tvshow?
I want kodi to return with the recently played movie selected, so i can go on with my search for a good movie, at the point were the focus was before i played a movie.
i thing this was the case in the older confluence default skin.

It is still the case with Estuary. Do you perhaps have "Select first unwatched TV show" enabled?
sorry for the extreme late reply.
no i do not have "Select first unwatched TV show" enabled
but if i select a movie, play it, and than press stop or exit, the selection always jumps to the top.

i made a short video of it, hope you can tell if it is the normal behaviour
Disable "Play next video automatically" and see if that changes something.
(2018-05-29, 13:39)DaVu Wrote: Disable "Play next video automatically" and see if that changes something.

Wow, that did the trick
Thanks a lot!!
I was searching for this a long time.

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