Note, I added this as a comment to an issue on github - also posting here in case anyone without github access has relevant feedback:
Spotify addon 1.1.56 fresh install from
marcelveldt's repository. Win 7x64 with Kodi 17.6
The add-on within Kodi is working, music is playing, I can browse and search etc. - its fantastic. But very frequently, spotty.exe crashes and the windows dialogue box notifying me of such minimizes Kodi. Music continues to play, I can click ok on the notification box and go back into my minimized Kodi, no problem.
Generally when listening to music, I shut off my screen, so its not a huge deal breaker currently, but the crashing and notifications within windows keep from leaving Kodi on screen and enjoying visualizations etc.Not sure what logs to provide, let me know, I'm happy to help participate in troubleshooting. Note, on another PC I can't use the add-on, as spotty.exe is constantly flagged by my A/V (Sophos home). I'm running a different a/v on the machine with the frequent spotty.exe crashes above, so I will test disabling a/v to see if it has a positive impact on the issue.